Dragon Ball Super:

Imagine a villain like Gorr The God Butcher but incorporated into the canon Janemba.

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But Gorr is fucking terrible.

But Goku is fucking terrible

Wrong board.

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Who the fuck is "Gorr the kek butcher", a literal who

Bardock saves Toyo's manga sales. Volume 18 had excellent sales in it's first week. More sales than previous volume had in 3 weeks. One of the better selling volumes overall.

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Do NOT Open

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The SHITvie? cancelled and forgotten
THE CHADnga? selling like hotcakes, a massive success
SHIToei? Lost
GODtaro? WON

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We like bejita, right?


>Imagine a villain like edge The edgelord

>no sales unless he's leeching off a beloved figure from times long past
The CHADvie? Our only hope for salvation.
The SHITnga? Filler trash that cannot stand on its own two legs.
GODei? Barely held back by a high-profile hack attack.
Tracertaco? Will continue to abuse old characters so his fan comic gets ANY attention.

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This guy >(1.18327173*2)*10^8 definitely likes Bejita.

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I'm starting to miss the doorbro. Us Tenchads haven't really had a challenge from anyone else who would oppose us.

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The SHIT cat lost

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Do we need more canon movie characters?

Don't let the jirenbros see this

I BURIED that poster slandering OUR role model.

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Im a catholic who usually hates atheistwank but i love gorr. He hates gods, but unlike other self inserts is not completely justified in doing so. Its not a full comic of a fedora trying to explain his ever so unique world view to you. Gorr's arc is a genuinely look at faith and the complexities of polytheism

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What’s Goku’s stupidest moment?

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Yeah, the idea is nonsense, but it was funny at least. It's funny, ridiculous banter arguing about whether or not Ten and Krillin can break down a door. Honestly, doorposting was the best thing to ever happen to humanbros. There hasn't been anything funnier. Both sides made funny edits and it was all good, lighthearted fun. I'm glad we were able to engage in such an amusing discussion while Gokufags and Bejitafags continued to throw cuckposts at each other in the background.

Did not read

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Sparing the worthless midget known as Bejita.

>Did not read
I KNOW little BITCH.

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Imagine if Goku would stop shitting himself.

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What can Gorr do and how would he be compared to Janemba?

There are none. Our HERO is a tactical GENIUS. >B-But SHITper
Non-canon fan fiction made to sell toys. Next.

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I'm in the same boat as a Christian, but I think that theocide is probably the best thing to do in a polytheistic setting, where all the gods are assholes. I dislike the introduction of the GoDs and Zeno in DBS for similar reasons, and I think the only way they can salvage it is to have the Z-Fighters kill them.

Boring thread.

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I'll challenge you.
Turles? 1
Tien? 0
The score? 1-0
Is that good enough for you?

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I agree!

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How should we make it more... interesting?

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Whoops, wrong image. Gokubro btw.

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Super Saiyan Goku > Super Saiyan Vegeta > Mecha Frieza > Final Form Frieza > Piccolo > Gero
There's no way Piccolo could have surpassed Super Saiyan in just a few years.

Angels? Defeated
Gods? Surpassed
Everyone else? Fodder before him
Yeah, I'm thinking he's the strongest

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There’s only one of you, samefagging doesn’t mean there’s multiple of you.

Yup. Maybe a little falseflag could spice things up...

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This post? 100% based and correct.

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>He RAN after I WON
SS Bejita>Piccolo>SIck Goku>Tenshinhan>Gero>Gohan, Yamcha, and Krillin>Mecha Freeza.

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>Jirenchads aren't around
>There's already moeshit

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Best Genshinboy, don't @ me. Fucking his hole senseless.

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Please stop mocking my childhood hero, or else I'll be forced to leave these threads forever.


>Ten jobbed in one of the Z movies where he and Yamcha always job
Yeah... it's not doing it for me. I guess you could talk about the implementation of the side characters in the films. I wasn't a fan of how they had every Z-fighter, even Piccolo, job to Turles's minions. In fact, Piccolo is a pretty big problem. He gets this big cool entrance and a new remix of his theme in every movie but he never does anything of significance, besides maybe saving Gohan.
Yamcha and Tenshinhan are in a similar boat, sans the saving Gohan part. It's like Toei forgot about them or something.
Ten had a decent fight with Trunks in Bojack Unbound, I guess. Not a HUGE fan of how Trunks instantly rings Ten out when he goes Super Saiyan, but it is what it is. Power-scaling doesn't really exist in the movies, anyway. The fight is pretty cool overall and it's between two characters which never really interact. In fact, Future Trunks hasn't interacted with most of the cast. So a little moment between Trunks and Ten was nice.

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I miss Moro

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Krillin is surprised by the power, but is aware it still doesn't match a Super Saiyan which is why he says he's not even a Super Saiyan. Piccolo is Mecha Frieza power at best.

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Whoops, wrong image. Gokubro btw.

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Majin Piccolo would be stronger than Majin Vegeta

Why do you think "Super Saiyan" is a static number or something? A Super Saiyan form can develop along with the user.

Piccolo is confident in fighting Androids who would easily kill Super Saiyans from 3 years ago. And then we have the Krillin comment stop denying what is presented on screen.

I want to see Recoome taking Venti, like the old Romans used to.

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I said don't @ me, Tardkubitch. Venti is still best boyo.

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Red dress Ranchi is hot

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There is simply NO excuse for the state this thread is in.
And the only course of action is ENTER THE REN.
And Renji smirks "Nay."

The ground starts to tremble and the earth starts to quake.
And even space-time begins to quiver and shake.
With only one flex of the power within
ENCHAD THE JI proves that he'll always win.

The GoDs, the angels, and Zeno alike
Can't help but kneel in the face of his might.
Their puny, weakling faces are contorting with fright.
ENJI decides who is wrong and who is right.

"ENTER THE REN" is the cry that is heard
Just before evil is trounced with a word.
The camels sob insults and threats from their knees.
With a smirk, Renji whispers "IESLB".


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What the fuck?

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CHADro arc? Lots of fun, and the BEST arc in Super.
SHITnolah? Boring theme city.

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You have zero humanity if you enjoy watching Moeshitter shows. For most of human history, the stories passed down for generations have largely been epics in the form of religious prose, poetry, or song. This is because people enjoy hearing a good story of heroes and warriors triumphing over evil, getting past obstacles and going on a long journey like the Odyssey or the Epic of Gilgamesh. From these old stories came derivations which birthed genres like comedy, tragedy, satire, romance etc. These ancient stories have persevered in the modern era and has given forth new stories in the anime industry. Shonen as a genre is as big as it is because it has the same themes that make it comparable to an ancient epic. Romance and comedy come after because they too share these characteristics. But with Moetrash, you don't get any of that historical tradition. You have a group of cute girls doing nothing for as many chapters as possible. They do normal life activities like school or hanging out but contextualized with terrible satirical writing from a 40 year old otaku mangaka who never had a social life and thus can only guess how a young Japanese girl would act. You as a reader are only observing boring and ordinary people and come away with no sense of awe or wonder. Really, you just consume a fictional character's life like a mindless normalfaggot browsing their favourite celebrity on IG. And while every reader has vicariously lived through the characters they enjoy, what does the moeshitter worship? A hero? A villain? A tragic character? No one. Just a retarded 14 year old chuuni girl written as a terrible overused trope.
I will never watch a single episode of moeshit ever in my entire life.

You are literally, objectively, unironically, not human.

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Why does Cell look like that?

He absorbed a goat.

Yes, but Piccolo did not surpass Super Saiyan on Namek.
We don't get an exact time for when Vegeta went Super Saiyan, but he was most likely less experienced than Goku and he destroyed 19 easily.


This post is stupid and wrong.

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>I am going to post a copypasta
>I will then reply to myself
What drives a man to do this?

Based WARDENku.


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>Piccolo did not surpass Super Saiyan on Namek
>We don't get an exact time for when Vegeta went Super Saiyan,
Why does that matter?
>but he was most likely less experienced than Goku

You, yeah YOU, behind the computer. You're pretty strong...

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But after a second round with Bejita.


>SS1 Gohan fighting on equal terms with SSB Goku who is supposedly thousands of times more powerful
Powerscalingbros, WHAT is this? Grr! I'm going to write about this on mi BLOG!

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Less time to train for one. Vegeta is also the type to go out to a fight after gaining new power without testing that new power out first.


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Xenoverse 2 was lots of fun. Too bad the DLC is beyond lazy and is usually something modders have already made years prior.

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Why do some posters attempt to constantly undermine the abilities of the non-Saiyan characters? What does it accomplish? Are they trying to maintain the dignity of the Super Saiyan form, or is it just contrarianism?

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>Less time to train for one
They had 3 whole years.
>Vegeta is also the type to go out to a fight after gaining new power without testing that new power out first.
No, Bejita is a smart fighter when his ego is not getting the best of him, he knows what he is doing.

Get the FUCK OFF ME, you CREEP!

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Too old.

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