If you still can't tell them apart, you didn't read the manga.
If you still can't tell them apart, you didn't read the manga
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>you didn't read the manga.
You're absolutely right, I don't read garbage.
They should have had all the same hair color and voice actress.
bro that would make the show (even more) unwatchable
My wife!
Yotsuba Nino Ichika Miku Itsuki
They have the same hair color and voice actress in the manga (black and none), and it was readable
I don't see why not
God my wife Nino is so cute when she fucks real men
>voice actress
>in manga
They have different hair colors to the readers but in universe they have the same color. It helps readers distinguish the girls so the anime also does the same..
it just doesnt work in anime format my dud, try to imagine all the conversations between them, how much work a single voice actress would have to do, etc. Its just easier to digest if you can clearly tell them apart
Yotsubest in the middle.
It doesn't matter. They're all my bitches
arr rook same
He's joking.
I stopped reading at Scrambled Eggs. It was obvious the author was done with meaningful character development at this point and it was becoming generic waifuwar shit.
>Scrambled Eggs
What is it about this arc that filters so many.
Should i read it?
2, 4, 5, 1, 3
No, or maybe read it and stop after the vacation part with the bell
Nino, Nino, Nino, Nino, Nino
Yes. Read all of it + the character books.
They all dyed their hair to look different from each other.
Only if you can withstand disappointment since most of the manga is very good but the last third of the story is terrible.
Ichika Nino Itsuki Miku Yotsuba
You can tell easily by their arm gestures and facial expressions.
We hate Two Times NO here.
lazy character design
Worked for Negi
Worked for Fujimoto
Clearly lazy character designing isn't a bad thing.
When you want to make a harem but you're too lazy to design more than one girl
Huh, how funny i just finished this manga, was a entertaining read. What was the reaction here when the genki girl won?
Could someone please show me the archive?
People mad because her favorite girl didn't won is always entertaining.
Yotsuba is so fucking bland I thought she was Itsuki.
No romcom is worth reading.
It was entertaining, most people were happy tough.
Nino Itsuki Yotsuba Miku Ichika
I know for a fact that
Nino is second from left,
Miku is second from right,
The rest is complete guessing from me.
So it goes Itsuki, Nino, Ichika, Miku, Yotsuba.
Holy shit you retards ITT
Actually you are right.
Itsuki Nino Ichika Miku Yotsuba is my final answer.
They had different color hair even on the manga covers. Although in the manga itself, all it usually takes is a ponytail for him to mix them up.
ITT speedreaders.
Then what's the answer, you retard? You say wrong to every combination.
Actually, make that Miku THEN Ichika on the right
There are 120 combinations.
Fuck you, yes it is.
>Looking up answer
You DIDN'T read it.
Blame the guy who said "wrong" to the one who got it right.
Correct. Why would I read a harem manga where all the girls look exactly the same?
Yes, because I only can consider itsuki
2, 4, 3, 1
The answer is always zero