Are harems really just revenge fantasies written by nerds who got rejected and ignored too often when they were young?

Are harems really just revenge fantasies written by nerds who got rejected and ignored too often when they were young?

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it's the author's autobiography
only chads need apply

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Revenge against who? Token Comedic Relief characters who have a personality?

this has to be a bot or are "ninibros" posters really this obsessive?

Based. Reminder Yotsuba was modeled after his wife.

That supports my theory

yes, and also mentally ill.

harems are made for horny teens who didn't yet realize what meaningful relationships are and just want a set of free pussy. Nothing too deep to look into it.

It might start off like this but ultimately it turns to this

You mean it starts out like and turns into this

It’s just a zero-effort stock response to garbage threads these days (i.e. soijak shit, ANN/Twitter/whatever screencaps). I wouldn’t think anything of it.

This thread is kinda bad, but far from the worst you see around these parts. I guess it got it just because of Nino.

no /thread

>I guess it got it just because of Nino.
This show/manga literally where the whole 'ninibros' thing comes from. If there is any thread that deserves "ninbros' it is this one.

why would you put your wife into a harem manga?

Nino a shit.

The only series that tries to make a harem feel natural is Mushoku Tensei, and even still monogamy would feel better. Like said, the whole point about marriage isn't to only have sex with one person, its to form a deep emotional and spiritual connection with some person, and deepen that bond to the point where you two together are an entity far greater than the sum of your parts.

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usually the protagonist has a deep and meaningful relationship with each girl though?

But it's all really about testing them to see if they're "worthy". Then at the end you spit in their faces and tell them they're whores.

user I hate to break it to you but that's next to impossible. Most husbands come to find out their wives are annoying at best and maliciously evil at worst. These sorts of idealistic and romantic notions are incredibly unrealistic. It's better just to fuck as much prime pussy as possible before your time on this mortal coil is hastened by the threads of fate.

Mushoku Tensei does have some form of deep and meaningfully connection with the girls, but nothing close to the same connection that would come with monogamy. Rudeus LITERALLY worships Roxy, yet she still feels insecure and remains rather reserved throughout the story while Eris has zero chemistry with Rudeus, and is pretty much used for Sword + Sex right up until the end of the story. Sylphy and Rudeus are the closest to the aforementioned "deep emotional and spiritual connection" thing, but its kinda overlooked by the fact that there are two other wives.

Nino is so cute

I will never get used to Eris wearing that buttoned up diaper

>Most husbands come to find out their wives are annoying at best and maliciously evil at worst.
Well yeah that's what (modern) marriage is meant to be like, and I get that its an idealistic view with less than 10% of couples actually feeling like that. However the dysfunctions that come with harem's are faaaaar greater. If you look into polygamys in Nigeria, the Middle East and Bantu Africa, there is an insane amount of infighting between the wives. I lived in the United Arab Emirates for a couple years as a kid, and I shit you not one of my friend's parents were some oil barons or some shit with 4 wives, and one of the wives went to jail for dumping an entire kettle of boiling water on her because she was the new hot piece of ass that he brought into the family and she felt like she was being shoved out.

Nino best girl.

>revenge fantasies
I hate women so I want to be surrounded by them?
Most men want multiple girls but they can't for obvious reasons, that's all. It's a different kind of power fantasy. Stop overanalyzing escapism.


Pretty much. It's designed for failed males who can't even get the attention of one woman let alone multiple. A lot of them pity themselves for their circumstances and escape into haremshit where they gain affections with zero effort instead of just bettering themselves in real life. It's a reflection of how lazy and selfish they are.

I don't doubt that, but there are problems in monogamous marriages as well

Huh, how funny i just finished this manga, was a entertaining read. What was the reaction here when the genki girl won?
Could someone please show me the archive?
People mad because her favorite girl didn't won is always entertaining.

You sound like someone who wouls unironically use the word "incel" in real life.

Some 2fag began saying this in the last month or so. I can remember reading something along these lines in the catalog but without actually entering the threadat least two times recently.

>people mad
It was the opposite
We love Yotsuba here

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Yotsuba won. Twice.
Nino lost. Twice.
Move on.

Geez Louise that's a lot of projection*/
Both bot spam and obsession which is expected work that is par for the course for our resident anti-Nino autist.

There's plenty of nutters on those boards, nothing new. Your average kid who grew up on ToLove Ru loved it because it had cute girls and it was super interesting. Harem manga has mainstream appeal.

Who cares? I'm more interested in qt Nino.

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You sound like someone who felt personally targeted by that post. Struck a nerve?

Harems and zero agency woman were a common thing before self flagellating christians fucked everything up

What the hell ninibros? Weren't people supposed to hate Shitsuba and the ending?? Is our cope interpretation of reality not real???

Narratively it isn't. For instance, MUH YAKUSOKU should be indeed something that implies a meaningful relationship between two characters since they care enough about each other to keep and remember a promise (usually) made when they were children, but in practice it's just a narrative device and shallow trope to relate a character to another without actually developing their relationship.

lol, you can see from that link that it has become a meme used board wide.

Obligatory Yotsuba a shit.

>Continues to assume things in a anonymous forum
Did he just disagreed with you because he's a virgin? He was Bullied in his childhood? His father hates him? Come on Hannibal Lecter expose him

Rent free.

Yotsubest a cute and a bride
Ninoshit a turd and a pathetic loser

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>no u
Am I back in 2007 already? Just fuck off on twitter or reddit, they'll enjoy your deep psychological insight.

I can't find the screencap but Yotsuba's win by itself was well received. The reactions soured when the author dodged writing any further romance by filling the last volume with family drana mostly with Yotsuba and Nino and then timeskips until the wedding and honeymoon with all the sisters. Author should've committed more but it seems he was in a rush to end it.

>I hate women so I want to be surrounded by them?

Surrounded by them intentionally so you can reject all of them at the end, yea.

>I'll keep posting it until you like it
Mentally ill meme.

>replied within 2 mins
Rent-free and obsessed.

>Surrounded by them intentionally so you can reject all of them at the end, yea.
Reminds me of KamiNomi.

You people are so fucking insufferable holy shit. The most embarrassing fanbase in all of anime. Imagine thinking this garbage for a generic isekai

This is unironically true for a large portion of the harem audience as much as anons will pretend otherwise, but there are also just horny teens like someone mentioned earlier.

One or two shitposters spamming it everywhere to piss people off isn't exactly a meme.

He's right. You can see it used as a non-shitpost in CGDCT threads.

You misunderstood my point entirely and just went on some Jordan Peterson LARP rant

Look at the posting times. It's impossible for it to be one person. It's been adopted by Yea Forums already.

We hate N*no here.
Here's the archive bro enjoy it.

There's also people able to make the difference between realistic romance and fantasy romance. And those who would like to sex multiple girls, sometimes at the same time.

>not a 5toubun thread but it will become a Nino thread
We can't escape it. Everybody can't stop talking and thinking about Ninocute.

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Nino a shit.

No, harems are semi-fictionalized autobiographies written by chads with 3+ girlfriends/wives that realize it's smarter for them and better for society as a whole to share and bear the children of good men rather than settle for inferior men who enforced the standard of monogamy because they couldn't get laid. Virgins hate harems because forces them to confront this basic truth.

I see you tiebatards are still busy reaching at literally anything that remotely supports your victim complex. Basically a waifufag version of CRT bullshit. By the way your drugging bitch was worst girl by far and deserved to lose like she did.

Thanks man.


Nino pls

I've never been rejected by a women, been on plenty of dates and I still enjoy the idea of a harem. It certainly is a fantasy based on the idea of being so completely irresistible that multiple girls just can't help themselves. Which unfortunately makes it almost an unobtainable fantasy, even more so if you want all the girls to be happy with the relationship. At most they would tolerate the other girls and there would be a lot of backstabbing to be "the favorite". At worst, it would be a lot of fighting to break the harem up and be the only girl. The ultimate experience is 3 girls, all of whom love each other just as much as they love you, who want to support the entire family as a cohesive unit. It takes years of cultivation before even considering pursuing a relationship with any of the girls.

>sex multiple girls, sometimes at the same time.
This doesn't happen in a vast majority of harems

But they aren't actually about harems. They're about a guy fucking around with a bunch of girls who worship him until the very end where he finally picks one and tells the rest to fuck off.


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Read better manga.

we hate twiceNO here.

>THK's extreme obsession with Nino implodes and inverts into being some kind of fucked love-hate thing

We know, Yea Forums.