The continous decline in animation quality is the best arguement for piracy. The industry makes more money than ever and yet that doesn't seem to reflect positively on the quality of the product then what reason is there to support this industry?
The continous decline in animation quality is the best arguement for piracy...
Kill yourself nigger
Pic unrelated? Right looks a million times better.
Those are still frames by the way, I don't see any animation in that picture.
Kill youruuself, old good new bad spammer.
right looks sterile, there are less details, and the colors aren't anywhere near as good
>judging animation on still shots
So you can only come up with empty meme words huh. Better luck next thread.
Stop replying to Mauritanian threads.
Why is right so flat and sterile?
Seriously, what's his end game?
I am sick of people over-glorifying OVAs. OVA is literally is the same thing as straight-to-video. These aren't good or interesting, they're lowbrow trash that no one cares about. The random tapes that they watch on RedLetterMedia from the 80s and 90s is about the same quality as the average OVA, because they are the same type of market: straight-to-video junk. There's probably about 1 or 2 OVAs that are actually worth watching in the grand scheme of things.
Making us all leave Yea Forums and stop watching anime altogether.
Suicide by stalker.
Oh no!
Why do the janitors refuse to deal with these threads? Anybody have any idea? I've even seen them completely ignore election tourist spam like "tranny tranny tranny reeeeee" in them, even when they're deleting other threads and posts on the board.
Ah 4 dimensional geometry!!
More controversy = more (You)s = more ad impressions. That's why every other platform tolerates spam and trolling until bad publicity forces their hand, so I assume Hiro has a similar policy.
less is more
I would kill for something half as good as 90s JoJo ova
And here's another thing the janitors refuse to deal with, spammed crossboarder buzzwords like "kino". They are letting Yea Forums die.
Kill yourself, underage tourist.
>underage tourist
Crossboarder lingo, kill yourself.
an anime's quality is proportional to the width of its shoulder armour
>when there's so little manly new anime you have to use the same series 3 or 4 times and have to include 90s and 80s franchises.
Kino post.
Isn't that Fate? Isn't Fate supposed to look good? Why is it getting mogged by a random 90s ova?
A couple OVAs versus a 48 episode season. We should be a bit more realistic as to what to expect from an animation studio on a tight schedule versus being more flexible on producing a single film.
>Despite an abundance of natural resources, including iron ore and petroleum, Mauritania remains poor; its economy is based primarily on agriculture, livestock, and fishing.
Grand order stuff doesn't look particularly good. Heavens feel get all the budget
Can you blame him? He has to shitpost somehow.
Moeshit killed anime
You can't spell trolling without ROLLING
At least post the good chart that has good anime and not this ironic weeb moeshit garbage
No one's stopping you.
>Homosexuality is illegal and is a capital offence in Mauritania.