Ousama Ranking

I just finished this anime. It started out so strong but the quality dropped off the cliff harder than Bojji did.

I missed the threads while the anime was still airing, what did Yea Forums think of it?

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I loved it all the way through but Miranjo and Bosse were too much of a focus in the second half and I don't care for them. I've been thinking about Apeas. I feel sorry for him. He was such a disappointment of a character. I wish he could've been trained by Despa instead of being stuck with Miranjo. Him skewering those hellhounds, fighting with the rest of the Big Four, and choosing to side with Bojji were nice moments, though. Too bad he'll probably never get a chance to really redeem himself but I don't think I want the story to go back to Bosse's kingdom anyway.

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It was probably one of my favorite shows in a while. Even if the second half wasnt as solid, it was still really good. I just hope the second arc gets fully translated at some point because it looks really good.
I do hope we get to see Bosse kingdom in the future, even if just to see how everyone's doing.

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>what did Yea Forums think of it?
You just missed a long thread that was 50% shitposts and 50% devotees. There's never a consensus. Personally, I've really enjoyed the series overall.
>the quality dropped off the cliff harder than Bojji did
I'd love to see Desha fall off a cliff in a potential S2.

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>I'd love to see Desha fall off a cliff in a potential S2.
Poor Desha. I hope his mind gets unfucked.

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it definitely dipped in the middle but the last few episodes saved it again for me

>I do hope we get to see Bosse kingdom in the future, even if just to see how everyone's doing.
I wouldn't mind that. It would be nice to see them. I just wouldn't want the story to linger there for long.

I'd would make for a nice extra chapter. I wanna see how Hokuro and Doumas are doing. I didnt think I'd care for them at first but they really grew on me.

I ended up liking them a lot, too. I wonder if they'll join Bojji's kingdom when he finally establishes it. I could see that happening.

I want an Extra about how Hoboha lost his clothes.

I could definitely see Hokuro joining him in a heartbeat. He's been wanting that for years.
I'd love to see what happened too him immediately after making the wish. I suppose the mindrape happens pretty quickly so I wonder what he was up to while wandering around.

I can't wait to see Bojji's and Kage's reactions when they realize it's Desha they've been seeing around. Should've realized already.

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>doesnt watch anime when it is airing
>doesnt know we were discussing the anime every episode
>asks what people think of the anime
I fucking hate bingewatchers

The fact that Bojji is refusing to believe it by this point makes me wonder if the essence of a king that was taken from Desha is playing a part in making him unrecognizable. It's possible that Bojji is just being childlishly retarded, but it still feels weird that Desha's lack of a crown is the deciding factor for him.

Why though? Nice animations aside, I thought the last few episodes were the worst part of the show.

>constant flashbacks or cutaways that ruin the pacing of the story
>almost every fight is just someone losing, then someone shows up
>Miranjo's plan to ruin Bosse's Kingdom makes no sense if her whole motivation was to basically continue being with Bosse
>Daida's feelings for Miranjo were underdeveloped
>Daida's wish for Miranjo to be brought back alive seemingly came with no downside
>Bingo showing up, cutting off Ouken's head and throws it away to let a fish swallow feels like a big FUCK YOU since it added nothing to the finale except ruining Despa's efforts in securing his brother's body

There are other gripes I have with the whole final act, but those are pretty minor nitpicking.

Lel. I thought the Kingbo scene was going to be cut due to the total lack of follow-up for it, but I guess they left it in as a teaser for the remainder of the story. You could write the boys leaving the Kingdom as an open end, but the shit with Ouken losing his head has no conclusiveness to it whatsoever.

Miranjo wanted to take out everyone close to Bosse because she wanted things to go back to when it was just her and Bosse adventuring together, no kingdom or family holding him down. Those last two points end up being a part of the second arc, so it's not entirely pointless. I will say the flashbacks did get a tad old and Daida's relationship was the main thing I didnt really like.

>Daida's wish for Miranjo to be brought back alive seemingly came with no downside
The explaination for this is that the "payment" was the demon's head. It's unspoken, but I think the fact that Miranjo's soul and body were already on-hand, intact, also played a part in how easily the wish was granted (because Bosse couldn't acquire strength from nothing, but in Miranjo's case there was no need to make something from scratch).

retard here, where can i read the manga?

If you want to read it in JP, your only option is the physical volumes, which aren't even caught up to the webcomic (serialized on Mangahack, where chapters are taken down after a certain amount of time). Online, there are Korean and Chinese scans that are almost up-to-date. There is no English release that's even close to being complete.

i'm glad i'm not the only who thought miranda ruined the whole thing
the first half was a 10/10 too... ahh

>Miranjo wanted to take out everyone close to Bosse because she wanted things to go back to when it was just her and Bosse adventuring together, no kingdom or family holding him down
But she didn't exactly have a problem with Bosse acquiring and governed a Kingdom before so why did she go to such extreme after Bosse's death? Also, if it's Miranjo's motivation is just to let her and Bosse be together again, then I could see Bosse not having it in his heart to tell her to knock it off, but I really can't see Bosse not objecting to Miranjo's plan to ruin the whole kingdom.

>Daida's wish for Miranjo to be brought back alive seemingly came with no downside
There wasn't a downside because Despa was using the demon's head to trade for that wish. Unless you're talking about the other characters forgiving and accepting her so easily. If that's it, I didn't like that either.
>Bingo showing up, cutting off Ouken's head and throws it away to let a fish swallow feels like a big FUCK YOU since it added nothing to the finale except ruining Despa's efforts in securing his brother's body
This was just a setup for what's coming in the post-anime chapters in the manga. If Despa could've made his wish, nothing would've happened to Desha and the Underworld brothers' story would be over.

even the first half which seemed fine back than was retroactively ruined by the shit second part when you realize the author had no clue where he was going with any of it.


Miranjo honestly set herself up for failure. She's the entire reason Bosse had 2 wives and wanted to stay in his kingdom. She attacked the kingdom before and ended up killing Bojji's mom and got herself put in the mirror after getting arrowed. The reason she went into overdrive after his death was because she could finally put his soul into a younger, not dying body. Bosse was just thrown into her mess this time without warning and wanted to keep his friends and family safe, but he also couldn't tell his precious daughterfu to fuck off because of their relationship.

>but I really can't see Bosse not objecting to Miranjo's plan to ruin the whole kingdom
Except he LITERALLY does abide by everything she suggests doing. He thwarts her behind her back when he feels guilty for stealing Daida's body, but he never once objects to her upfront or even allows her to feel bad about doing bad things.

hating cour 2 is what you get for letting people on social media decide your opinions on shows for you

>didn't say anything when told to get a second wife
>didn't say anything when your first wife is killed
>proceeded to not say anything when your entire Kingdom is on its way to get fucked
Well, when you put it that way...

Yeah, now that I actually think about it, Bosse was actually more of a bitch than I gave him credits for

This. If she hadn't told him about the demon in the first place, his life wouldn't have been cut short for that wish. Although he might have just gotten himself killed in some fight. If he hadn't and didn't make the wish, they could've just lived together for the rest of their lives.

So what happens in the manga after all this?

I lost most of my interest in this, it all got very awkward and messy, but I'm still curious about where the hell it goes from here.

thats how u know she sucks, i couldnt even remember her name

Everything involving Miranjo was fucking terribly done

The reason she took him to the demon in the first place was because he got fucked up when he tried to fight that god. He definitely would've died trying. Honestly if Bosse just gave up his murder hobo ways and just settled down somewhere with Miranjo, she could've grown up to be a relatively normal girl and not end up a clingy psycho bitch with daddy issues.

It just shows that you're a retarded speedwatcher.

Don't get the hate at all.
Shake off the power that comes from malice.

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Bojji's kingdom will be the world
>what did Yea Forums think of it?
AOTY so far. And I really dig its characters enough to draw which only happens like once every five years or something.

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>because he got fucked up when he tried to fight that god. He definitely would've died trying. Honestly if Bosse just gave up his murder hobo ways
Actually, Bosse is ready to give up after Chabi BTFOs him, but he's so dejected about it that it makes Miranjo desperate to make him happy and restore his dream. She feels guilty about taking away his dream in the first place, then she tries to support his dream which leads to him getting hurt and sad, which fires up her guilt again. She puts herself in a terrible position of wanting to serve the person who should be taking care of her instead, while Bosse happily goes along with it.

Underworld architecture is so cool.

Ahh my bad. That's the one episode I didnt end up rewatching so my memory of it is kind of hazy.

>Underworld architecture is so cool.
Underworld harmony will soon be over because there is no king anymore to lead them. Desha has been WISH'D, Ouken is gone to find Desha, and Despa admits he isn't suited for the job.

I like how Despa has a random skull above his front door.

>She puts herself in a terrible position of wanting to serve the person who should be taking care of her instead, while Bosse happily goes along with it.
It's amazing how quickly she turns around when not constantly in Bosse's company. In a way Miranjo is pitiable because it's like she had no real chance to be normal.

Desha's design used to include a skull like that on his cape clasp, but it disappeared as the character designs were refined. I guess it was a symbol of the Underworld in the early drafts.

the second half really didn't live up to that godly op

>it's like she had no real chance to be normal.
She certainly didn't. The characters even say this, although it gets glossed over. Bosse admits that he's the one who prevented her from being able to heal and grow up normally.

Interesting. Should've kept that on his cape. Would've been cool.

>Miranjo is pitiable because it's like she had no real chance to be normal.
This rings very true when Despa is speaking to her at the end. He tells her that she must make it her mission to bring happiness to others while she seeks happiness of her own (which is distinctly different from living for the sake of Bosse's happiness).
It's Despa's willingness to empathize with Miranjo sincerely that really sells me on her long-term suffering.

Early Desha is so strange to look at now. Reminds me of Ichiban's early design vs his later one in Yakuza 7.

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I think keeping a skull as a symbol became less tasteful for the author as he developed the Underworld's dark history.
That, or it was just too much of a bother to draw, like Bojji's hastily discarded scabbard hangers.

>Reminds me of Ichiban's early design vs his later one in Yakuza 7
I'd been hoping to purge protoIchiban from my memory.
Alongside Desha, almost everything in the first few volumes of Ousama Ranking looks wrong now.

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>I'm a sick fuck

Shit pleb, it was 10/10.

Did user ever get around to translating the rest of chapter 165?

I did not. If you want to just glance at the pages, the whole scenario is incredibly simple to understand.
Bojji and Kage are eating in a restaurant. Kage is feeling very fluffed up about being useful to Bojji so he keeps excitedly giving Bojji things to eat. Then, some thugs start making a ruckus. They accuse the owner of serving them food with a whole mouse in it, which the terrified owner denies. Cue the cliche "are you callin' me a liar?!" line that confirms they're just trying to pull a scam. Kage gets Bojji ready to help out, when someone off-screen calls for the thugs to stop. End of chapter.

I always kind of liked how Kage looked in the first few pages. His mouth almost looks like a weird beak.

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An user is posting TLs here but by now it's maybe more convenient that you wait till we get quality scans so that they it can be posted on some manga reader sites.

user's TLs are better quality than what either Home Hero or the official translators put out

>I'd would make for a nice extra chapter.
Didn't think of this yet but this would be a good opportunity to bring them in without adding any unneeded subplots of the main story. Poise got a chapter too and she is nowhere to be seen in the main plot yet. Maybe next volume.

Are you currently translating it user?

Fucking kek

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Sorry, but I'm not the translator user. I just found that page on youtube of all places. youtube.com/watch?v=zDd76LaUS48

A shit show overrated by sakugatards which is ironic because the animation was not even good

Nice, thanks user. Turns out the video has a google drive link to the translated chapters from 120 onwards

Bojji can Kage adventures, they travel through the world, eventually end up visiting another kingdom and get involved in political intrigues and currently they are leaving it again to head for Kage's original kingdom.
Meanwhile Ouken adventures and heavy worldbuilding related to him, the vault, the gods and some other mysteries we cannot really categorize yet.
And we see the current situation in Kage's "kingdom", or rather the former kingdom of "Bo". After its king went crazy and his son was imprisoned Lord Gerslan (blonde guy who was hunting Kage in episode 2) took over as the new king. Bojji and Kage might face him soon, together with a possible traitor that accompanies them.

I always thought the thing in Desha's left hand was a mace but it's flowers.

I thought it started off decent but imploded somewhere around the time Miranjo brought half a dozen new characters to attack just about everyone else. I gave up after "Apeas helps the MCs, but then continues helping Miranjo, but then the brothers betray him, but then he beats them up, but then the bandit guy betrays him too, yadayada."

Thanks for saying that. I didn't even look down there.

This translation is fuckawful.

Please do yourself a favor and put it through a machine translation yourself. It will be less confusing.

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It might have been too stereotypical so the mangaka changed it. Or the brothers were simply meant to be much more intimidating and less relevant for character development before the author thought things through and got more attached to them.

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>This translation is fuckawful.
It really is but I couldn't find that chapter anywhere when I was looking for it.

What ever do you mean user? Seems fine to me.

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I liked it but have my criticisms. It does not deserve more than 24 episodes, this season had way too much shit that just didn't matter.

Also, yea I know it's not a show to take super seriously but what the fuck. The whole mystery and plot of the show gets summed up to
>yea Bosse and Miranjo were gonna start a coup for uh....basically no reason, they just wanted to hang out some more.
>after doing some fucked up shit they realize they were being pretty mean, so they say sorry and are good now
like there's no way for this to feel satisfying.

Literally DUWANG tier

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Please do not spread that link around. The unfathomable retard who wasted their time typesetting this trash has no fucking clue what the hell they've read or written. This person erased actual words and replaced them with gibberish.

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