Why do boys magically turned into girls make the best girls?

Why do boys magically turned into girls make the best girls?

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because they know what guys like

The girl is only on the outside.

boku girl anime when?

As opposed to how boys that non-magically turn into girls make the worst girls.

It is magic as you said, it ain't explain shit.

Just the way the universe works.

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Their discomfort with a new body makes them fun to tease.

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easily flustered
semi male thought pattern (if a girl thinks like a guy she's less annoying)
gap moe
experience of being a former boy thus if fucked will know the right spots
This all implies total XY to XX biological gender bender and not traps or something of course.

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How did a guy get hired to be magical girl?

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shrinking workforce
please understand

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Because you are gay

taking a boy-turned-into-a-girl to his first bra-fitting

You just never had a best friend you got along with extremely well to the point of wishing he was a girl so you could get a little closer.

having their personality molded over time to fit their new female brain

The most manliest thing is dominion over other men, and fucking gender bent guys is taking that to another level

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Because they are the only ones able to properly defeat the cock

You can lie to yourself all you want, but I know you self insert as the girl.

You're gay.

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not that user but whenever reading manga with a trap or a genderbent character i self insert as the guy who ends up with them

i wanna put him in a bridal gown

kampfer was a fun show

She's(he) very fun, i love spamming the homing spear with my friends


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I just eventually gave up and prone boned him.

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Mai's shit, though
>Spam heavy autocombo to win
>All her(male) victory quotes are about being confused and vaguely aware of the rest of the cast "OH HEY YOU SEEM JUST LIKE THIS PERSON I REMEMBER COULD YOU BE RELATED TO IRON TAGER?"

It was shit in a fun way.

the girls were nice too

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The best doujin is ironically the rape one

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she won in the manga version of the story


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Because is gay.

Because you're a closet homosexual.

The female mind is inherently terrible, genderbent guys don't have this issue.

their mind would eventually become female due to the influence of hormones of the female body

Then how would you explain tomboys?

So if I also get magically turned into a girl, would that make me straight?

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The whole show was worth it for that one shot.

tomboys still think like girls
they just have boyish interests
while a genderbent guy might become a tomboy later on, at first their mind/thought pattern would still be that of a man

Hormones affect the brain, I was talking about the mind.

where do you think the mind is

What Is Consciousness?

something that stems from the brain

the existential crisis

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A lot of stuff gets baked in during early development. There are hormone differences by sex between fetuses, and behavioral sex differences are observable before babies start talking. Even transsexuals who start hormone replacement therapy before puberty never become mentally typical examples of the opposite sex.

Most tomboys aren't anything like male minds in female bodies. They're more of a cultural phenomenon than a biological one: the restrictive cultural norms of female behavior are too confining for the full natural range of female personalities, especially before puberty. Most tomboys grow up into fairly normal women.

Normal sex differences can break down to an arbitrary degree in individuals due to genetic variation, though. There are women with high testosterone and masculinized bodies and minds.

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They know what's up.

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tomboys are just with undeveloped cocks


That's a pretty funny H-manga. I'm just going to say that because I don't want to spoil the joke.

>A lot of stuff gets baked in during early development. There are hormone differences by sex between fetuses, and behavioral sex differences are observable before babies start talking. Even transsexuals who start hormone replacement therapy before puberty never become mentally typical examples of the opposite sex.
All of this is from the context of men and women being different and chromosome-deep transformations being impossible. If a man turned into an actual biological XX chromosome woman there certainly would be changes stemming from hormonal changes. After a while, from a biological standpoint it would be the same as if the person had those hormones from the time they were a fetus and any behaviour that wouldn't be typical of the post-genderbender sex would come from a leftover habit from a pre-genderbender time and wouldn't have strictly hormonal causes.

yeah i know the pic i'm posting isn't from a strict magical gender bender but from a in-universe condition but this already turned into a general gb discussion

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Mai Natsume is literally the cancer that killed Blazblue. This fucking book should've been disassembled years ago, but Mori's dick overrides his brain.

>for once the obnossius "childhood crush" and the bipolar idiot lost
Based and redpilled

retard, Mai and her huge cock are the peak of BlazBlue

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>>Spam heavy autocombo to win

Found the casual.

>>All her(male) victory quotes are about being confused and vaguely aware of the rest of the cast


Blazblue's popularity peaked around CS. Mai was the most popular female character from CP and CF, so the idea she's to blame for the franchise's decline is utterly absurd.

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It's not just hormonal changes. The brain is sexually dimorphic, so a genderbent character would end up with a different brain. Which is why it makes perfect sense for genderbent characters to have major changes such as a reversal of their sexual orientation.

The self rape one?

Mai is so cute and sexy...

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