UN Strikes Again - Tawawa Edition

I saw Tawawa is trending on Japanese Twitter and I saw this article.

Are these 3d women actually offended by 2d breasts in a newspaper?


DeepL Translated some parts of the article:
>The UN Women agency protested against the full-page advertisement of "Monday's Tawa. Japan office director says, "Be aware of what the outside world sees."

>The headquarters of UN Women (UN Women) in New York sent a letter of protest to the Nikkei Newspaper, calling the full-page advertisement "unacceptable.

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Other urls found in this thread:


News flash /pol/tard, soccer moms exist in Japan too.

>Russians raping Ukraine women
Who cares.
>Cartoon titties on a newspaper
Sasuga UN

I don't visit that cesspool. I just use twitter to follow artists.
>soccer moms exist in Japan too.
It was actually UN Women in New York who sent the letter. At least read the translated posts user, I already did that for you.

yeah that sounds unacceptable
>meanwhile at UN

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>Russians raping Ukraine women
Poles and niggers raping them along with mongoloid russians. It's only natural for Ukrainian woman to be raped.

God I fucking hate Americans so much.

>UN Women in NY
Cultural imperialism rearing its head, I'm hoping nips do as they usually do to the UN and give them the fucking finger.

Americans just have to stick their dirty little fingers into every little crack on this planet.


It's unfortunately THE biggest news media in Japan.

>UN women
>in new york
>japanese soccer mums

>muh /pol/tard
kys american cancer
nuke yourself.

who cares

At least post source.

It always hilarious when you see how American always feel so ashame about the depiction of sex

yet in real life they're the most perverted beings on earth. just look how they dress outside. they're almost naked and act slutty all the time.

Complaining about crimes against 2D people to try and distract sounds right up the UN's alley. What are they trying to hide this time?

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What is the point of this thread? Mods?

this is the picture they're bitching about by the way

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PSA that Japan is still being culturally invaded and bombarded by imperialistic american menace.

>who cares
Japan care
After they lost the WWII follow their quitting of League of Nations, most in Japan think such international opinion must be accepted.

Out of all images people buttblasted about and this is what they came up with kek

Feminists are very sensitive aren't they?

You serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
This is so tame. Americans are a GLOBAL AND CULTURAL CANCER

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>Americans forcing their will on the rest of the world once again

Why are you posting this stupid shit here? Not anime or manga.

americans are mentally ill.

thats very modestly dressed for anime women

user look at the bottom left

The last time the UN tried this exact same thing, a ton of Japanese publicly blasted the UN as hypocrites who should care more about the suffering of women in their own countries instead of crying about what Japanese mangaka enjoy drawing.

I want all Americans to get exterminated.

Still stands though.

Huh, I saw a thread on Futaba yesterday saying "feminism? what's that? some kind of food?" with a tawawa image, guess this is what it was about

oh, they finally admitted Nanking happened?

>UN Women
So the same cunts that invited Anita nad Zoe to talk about sexism and emberassed the UN so much with it that the UN just tried to sweep it under the rug. Why should I care about them again?

What are they mad about? She's not even a loli or showing her tits. Does the UN just hate animu and mango?


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Now Akamatsu can show what he's really made off and shit on them publicly.

I don't know why it's not related to manga. It's related to an ad for a manga.
Whatever mods. Give me a 3 day ban so I can be productive for 3 days.

Funny how people who insult America never state which country they themselves live.


At least learn to sanitize your fucking URLs when you share them elsewhere

They despise how anime depicts girls as girls.

Do you really need a survey for that?

And uk too.

you can SEE her LEGS

>Are these 3d women actually offended by 2d breasts in a newspaper?
Is this user really surprised by this?

This is just an outrage thread. Threads like these ruined Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

If Akamatsu is doing what I think he's trying to do, someone needs to communicate to him that this is foreign influence trying to censor a domestic product under the lens of an American values and sensibilities

No, people like you trying to run from politics reducing the power of pushback ruined comics and videogames

Hell if it was just you running from politics it wouldn't be so bad, but you insist on browbeating everybody else into doing the same

no u

Blue Boobs

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Ignore the falseflaggers. They are just here for (You)s.
On the other hand, there is really nothing we could do. Write to UN? Get elected into the UN Women office?

BTW, Nikkei is one of the most popular economical newspaper amongst business men in Japan. Either way this ad isn’t fit for readers needs.

So reading the article, they seem to be accusing Tawawa of not following pic related.
Is it just me or is that bullshit? I feel like Tawawa checks many of the boxes.

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well just don't get browbeaten you pussy

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Don’t look at me. I miss my youth when sexy women were liberally used in marketing

keep creating threads on Yea Forums, eventually somebody important will notice and fix it for you

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Probably something like showing women in school uniforms, sexualizing underages etc

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Who would that be?

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>showing women in school uniforms
What's wrong with that? Is the UN run by islamists that think girls don't belong in schools, so you shouldn't show them in school uniforms?

Well if that's the case I won't mind if this thread is deleted.
>anons becoming trannies just for the sake of infiltrating UN Women in New York to stop this nonsense
kek that's sounds funny

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Please tell me how complaining on 4channel will save anime.

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Donald Trump

The UN is a mistake, and a NY city branch? Fucking hell. What is the general reaction to this dumb shit? Are the nips aware of the sheer disrespect to Japan's sovereignty in having them uphold American cultural values? And are there attempts to communicate the clear cultural overreach going on here?

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You're all fucking retarded.
That little part in the corner is what they're bitching about. If you had eyes and 2 brain cells you would have realized that immediately since it's the only part that emphasizes big tits.

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Fucking lol. Every single fucking time. Whenever someone bitches about cartoons and drawings they're either rapists and diddling children on the side and have to misdirect attention.

just jealous they'll never beat 2d booba

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>I saw Tawawa is trending on Japanese Twitter and I saw this article.

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No that's unrelated. The article hadn't even been published yet. But there have been multiple incidents over feminists complaining about Tawawa in the past few weeks

Here's the thread about this particular topic: may.2chan.net/b/res/958951180.htm

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Tawawa is shitty and full of fat people.

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Unlike the west, in Japan Twitter isn't just for literal whos to voice their meaningless opinions, it's the de facto news outlet that everyone uses for everything. There's lots of important shit there.

Then which media is acceptable for general to publish such ads in your cunt?

I love bloobs.

That is all.

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The ad was published on April 4 and there were already some domestic backlashes against this continuing

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Big or small, I love them all.

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they\re called 教育ママ

>people in NY complaining about drawings in a foreign country

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>UN Women is concerned that such adverts may reinforce the stereotype that underage women in school uniforms are overly sexualised, and risk encouraging men to sexually exploit underage women. It is opposed to.
For many men, JKs are attractive

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