Rosen Garten Saga

Raws for chapter 22 are out
No sex scene with Fem Ali and Aladdin unfortunately, but we do have new characters to introduce.
Firstly, Hagen titty.

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The teams.

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How did they even decide who qualify? didn't EVERYONE get disqualified?

Here's the rival team for our mains.

Attached: 7.png (1440x2048, 2.45M)

>Gawain and Orochi waving to each other.

How cute.

>he fucked the brown titty

As long as one member got qualified, the team can advance.

Nah, Aladdin and the gang got Brunhild to simp hard and got all their money and stuff back.
Speaking of, they got her wearing a blindfold now.

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Femnir is on their team too.

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First of the new batch of characters

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>jobber looking team

Country of Bern

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More knights
>Percival on base
>Galahad on vocals
>Bors on keyboard

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My new mummy but also
>Pirate captain Awilda

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>First 3 is trap
>Second 3 is boob
Don't tell me the next one is lolis

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Galahad >>>>>>>> Percival > Bors

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And here we have

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This giga nigga is Bodhidharma from the Song Kingdom (Song Liu, south China)

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Giga Nigga!? Masaka-

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Simps one and all

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And fin

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okay guys

rank the teams

Arab > The Idols > Lynn > Japs > Norses

ah shit forgot the chinks

Arab > The Idols > Lynn > Japs > Norses > chinks

brown > the rest

She's even saying
>Love u~ (in engrish)
It is cute

Attached: FHc9uRFaQAMWCBj (1).jpg (847x1200, 263.62K)

He was the one who created the foundation for the whole Shaolin martial arts. Rumored he is from India so yes, a bit black.

From the artist's twitter

Attached: FPuNqvyVUAA2y9B.jpg (1080x1920, 117.95K)

guys, tell me, how are the sales..

>not actually traps

Is there any real way for us to find out beyond it topping Amazon charts?

With all these names, is this series like fate but more lighthearted (as in more towards comedy), ecchi for both sides and good action?


Sell me on this

fate with alot of sex comedy

kek, ok this one's good.

>no self insert that needs to provide hot girls with his "mana"
Yeah I don't see it.


I like her.

Does the artist done hentais?

Did not walk into this series expecting such a cute couple but I'm glad for them.

Seriously, best masochist is like the pillar of the team.

Goddam, Bors is the right combination of tall, bangs, and boobs.

>She's even saying [FANFICTION]