Date A Live

>you will never accompany your imouto to the toilet on her birthday
>your imouto will never ask you to accompany her to the toilet because she's scared
>your imouto will never ask you to be inside the bathroom while she goes
>your imouto will never ask you to cover your ears before she uses the toilet
>you will never be in the same room as your imouto while she uses the toilet on her birthday
Why even live?

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i hope i get to see know origami today

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Paper > Clock

Bunny and Paper (short hair) for me

World's greatest imouto

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paper > clock

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Kotori is a miracle of the universe and is cute even in her most private moments.

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Shidou seems to be the most rational and down to earth guy among all the harem mains

He has cute imoutos (both blood related and non-blood related)

Was the guy who was going to back up the Comics Anthology to MEGA able to do so?

I want to make Tohka a mother

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She makes paper wet if you know what I mean

Would Origami be a good imouto?

She is paper. He makes her wet.

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She makes me wet, if you know what I mean

Anime Nia is so cute Bros, like in the LN Tsunako designed her rather hot than cute, but Geektoys really polished that Gap Moe and she looks really cute in their style.

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The art is meant to be cuter but not everyone benefits from it, especially characters that are not supposed to look cute.

Yeah you have a point there, Shido is not supposed to be looking that cute either.

Just bought a BD and glad to see they're thriving on amiami

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Please buy the Blu-ray so Nia's dress will be properly see-through like it was intended. Chink laws are too strong

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If I had money

Can spirits be impregnated?

Thread is a bit too early.

What's the context of the OP pic? What is Kotori doing?

Origami bros...

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Fucking Based, Origami a shit.

Aren't 3 hours quite normal? Or how many hours actually? Also why are the threads so dead, I miss the older days

The QUALITY of S3 killed much of the hype

Look at the time when the thread first was created.

Based clockfags saving the franchise again. Can't wait for volume 16/17 where they will pump the numbers again

Clockfags only buy Kurumi merch, they don't want anything else from the series.

Won't they buy the BD when the episodes are mostly about her

Only people who like the series would buy the BDs, clockfags are known for not liking the series.

What's the new episode going to adapt?

>>you will never accompany your imouto to the toilet
I do that every day.

Tell us more


Should have been Miku instead

i think it should have been tohka or kurumi

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>We are sleeping
>She shakes my shoulder to wake me up
>I get up, and pick her up
>I princess carry her sleepy ass to the toilet
>I place her on the toilet, and sit down in the chair we have in the bathroom (in front of the sink)
>I browse Yea Forums, and she does her thing
>Then I pick her up and put her in the chair
>I take a quick leak, wash my hands, and pick her up again
>I carry her back to bed, and we go back to sleep

Kotori is mine.

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Lickity lick her pretty pits.

I'm not that guy but I also have it downloaded, so I'll upload it.

Was it a #1 or a #2?

I hope you do it soon. I'm scared of losing my files and I'd really want that to have independent backups in case my computer or hard drive go dead.

Probably after watching the episode, so in like 2 hours or so.

Thanks. Make sure you link it here when you're done.

Just over an hour to go

So... Who's gonna dump the episode?


more clock this episode?

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Yes, this episode will have more Clock.


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Thread so dead nobody is going to dump the episode? How low the mighty has fallen...

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