Spy x Family

Anya grew up to be so bad ass in the latest chapters

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If you lewd Anya, you deserve to die.

Threadly reminder.

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Anya sex.

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pick your Anya!

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>The left is Yor fake daughter
>The right is Yor real daughter

How do Anya's parents feel about her boyfriend?

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can't wait for anya's real parents to suddenly show up and abduct her

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better audio in the b-global version

The duality of man.

I came to laugh and mock kaguyashitters

Yor thinks everything Anya and her little friends does is cute. Loid probably approves of Anya getting closer to the target making things easier for him.

How do you pronounce Spy_Family?
Is it Spy Underscore Family?

....You guys don't use piratebay?


The bay has been compromised already.


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Not sure if boomer or underage.

Enough adult Anya. Let's discuss high school Yor.

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The fuck did I miss (different boomer)

lol even

When autism meets autism.

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when deaf meets psychic

What is the grown up Anya from?

This kinda breaks my heart that at such a young age she got into assassin shit just so her brother can live a normal life.

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latest manga chapters

Just Google it, tl;dr: the canary died a long time ago

>just pierce things at subatomical level lol
Ousama flop.

Rengoku no Ashe, oneshot SxF author made about 8 years ago.

so what's the substitute now?

Fake and gay

>zero guilt over murdering presumably multiple people and getting covered in their blood
I wonder how young she was when she started and whether she was always this remorseless.


It's easier to brainwash the younger they are. Just tell them the person they are killing are bad people who want to cause harm and that is all the rationalization they need.

That's the lucky ones user. There is probably a notKrokodil drug that needs dealing and consumption

Netflix, HuluPlus, HBOMax, maybe Disney+, 2-3 services will cover 90% of entertainment

>the canary died a long time ago
It wasn't that long ago.

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nyaa.si for anime
rargb or 1337x for movies

just lurk, you'll find people showing different services that fit what you need

kek, fuck you

based user

what should I be mocking here?

>whether she was always this remorseless.
She was brainwashed into thinking that her victims are trash that need to be removed in order to make a better world.

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>SnK and Kaguya have less downloads

This pic gives me Akame vibe

but the user categorized by seeders though


Why is there so much rape in SxF anyway? Wasn't this a family friendly series?

>Leechers are trash humans that shouldn't be counted as living people

>24/7 daily threads
we didn't even get full threads for every chapter. Such is the power of anime

I don't remember any rape scene in SxF.

What does sex with Anya feels like?

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>Such is the curse of anime

That post is bait, just like all the
>evil Anya from the future
>random retards on tiktok/twitter will cancel this show
>pedo pedo pedo you're a pedo this show is pedo

>he missed the "just wait for the anime" posts.
This was foretold. The last manga thread goodbyes was peak meta-wholesome.
As long as Storytime carries over I don't mind the 24/7

>Such is the power of anime

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I'm hitting and dumping user.

She's too tight.

Last thread before the anime was shit on by retards who kept drawing parallels to Ukraine.

>Strix is just a retirement plan
You forgot one.

The romance is kinda slow.
We need jealous Roid or Yor.

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Anyal sex.

It's sad, but every time people see adult male with young child it will bring out the Usagi Drop freaks. These threads only prove how degenerate people are.

what about the fiona shitposts?

Portable loli.

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There is nothing wrong with bringing up Facts

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That's too innocuous to be considered bait.

There will always be retarded contrarians no matter how hard the manga BTFO them.

More like you're gonna get a hit on you and dumped where no one will find the body

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>look up the last thread
>64 results for the word "pedo"

Imagine drop kicking that creature

The Kongming thread is a few posts down user

Nothing you can do about that.

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It was the reddit discord trannies.

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*hits pipe*

Do you think axeman will have significant time progression in the manga or will the cast stay roughly their same ages for the whole duration of the plot?

I like Franky, and i don't mind Nightfall but this ""pairing"" feels as forced as endgame shounen pairings. No chemistry whatsoever, pairing only for the sake of pairing.

I would prefer Franky finding a cute, girl-next-door type, normal girl over this tbqhwy.

Imagine marrying Chino

>grow up
Fucking dropped

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Thank god for seeders?
For anime? No, I did use it recently for the hills have eyes and demolition man.

The manga has too many threads at the moment so it does feel lacking in some of them. It's not lacking per say but it's more of wanting more and having to wait 2 weeks for each hit.
>Anya and Damian shenanigans
>Strix development
>Weiss/Garden development
>Loid adventure
>Yor adventure
>Loid Franky bros moment
The fact it takes 2 weeks to only scratch 1 itch is horrible, made worse by filler chapters

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I hate anime fags

they should remain roughly the same with the story just taking place in a year or two. Maybe a timeskip for the final chapter resolution

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I disagree, the fact that user hijacked an OP for his nonsense is quite triggering

Sex with Anya.

I love it when my wife Chino looks at me with contempt and disgust.

She's 4yo dude.

sex with grown up anya