What are some Emperor's New Clothes anime...

What are some Emperor's New Clothes anime? People say it's great and that you are stupid if you don't get it so everyone starts saying it's great in fear of being called plebs when in reality there's nothing to get and it's just bad.

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I haven't watched it, but I think the legend of the galactic whatever fits here

Who the fuck actually thinks like this? If your enjoyment (or lack of) is affected by others opinions than you don't actually like anime.

Peer pressure is a very real thing user

>hasn't watched the bets anime ever
>still dares to call it pretentious
You're a retard

Lain, Evangelion, Tatami Galaxy

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Emperors new groove was fun

Evangelion is probably the only one that fits the description

I hate Code Geass with a burning passion. Same with Gurren Lagann its so boring.

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Anything Ikuhara if you want pretentious. Darling in the franxx if you want an average show people praise.


Good to watch when I can't sleep. So boring I don't last 5 minutes.

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ITS___ __E __V___ __A___

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Literally 2deep4u. How do you get filtered so hard by children's' cartoons?

Anything Fujimoto does.

The symbolism in Ikuhara anime, at least the older ones, has a purpose and meaning and it's not random bullshit like the "symbolism" in Madoka Magica and Tokyo Ghoul.

You will never be a woman.

Legend of galactic heroes for sure
It's endless hours of pseudo-intellectual drivel by some asshurt monarchist shitting on democracy

>I didn't like an anime so better embarass everyone who likes it

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It has the most basic bitch commentary about the internet that is literally common sense in 2022 and there are people who will argue until they're blue in the face about how amazing it is.

What's wrong with Ping Pong? You don't get why people call it great and have to pretend to "get it"? Because it was a superpower shounen bullshit like Kuroko but focused on the mentality of the players and the theme of talent vs hard work. Ffs why is Yea Forums filtered so easily?

>it's just bad
But pingpong is just good. The artstyle is weird but it's a very solid anime by any technical metric. I don't think it's particularly deep but it's fun and the characters are engaging. What the fuck more do you want from it?

shut up evateen

Lolis probably.

>Not liking something means you were filtered
I watched it when I was 12 and it was just ok. It matches what OP is saying.

>What the fuck more do you want from it?
A violent tsundere.

It actually explores the good and bad of both systems. It's great because of the scale and characters, not the politics.

the idea of lain being some reddit-groupthink show is extremely zoomer though. lain people barely had the internet.


>I watched it when I was 12 and it was just ok. It matches what OP is saying
This graph is so accurate it's unreal.

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No it doesn't. It inflates the flaws of democracies to comical levels while all the problems of a dictatorship are glossed over because his magic mary sue solves them all with zero problems.

>is literally common sense in 2022
And the anime came out in 98 when all of that was new and scary.
>has the most basic bitch commentary about the internet
It explored way more themes than that, but even if it was just that show me an anime that did it better. I'll wait for an eternity most likely.

This is what you don't get. People will say X is deep. Then contrarians like yourself will watch X and say "akshually it's not that deep". Of course, it's a fucking anime not literature but it's still way deeper and more complex than your full of plotholes average shallow shounen shit you dickride while saying "hehe it's fun duuude".

nah there's one major problem with the dictatorship and that's succession. covered pretty well.

>basic bitch commentary about the internet that is literally common sense in 2022
It came out in fucking 1998, only a few years after commercial internet became a thing. Making sweeping predictions about how new technology will be used and being mostly right 20+ years later is pretty fucking amazing.

There's countless flaws with dictatorships, from braindrain to the relationship between the dictator and his army, none of which are adressed

>when in reality there's nothing to get and it's just bad
This is what OP said. If you don't like Lain or Eva or Tatami Galaxy or whatever, that's totally fine. But saying there's nothing in them and are just bad, yes it basically makes you look like a retard.

Maybe at first, but he does the same symbolism over and over and so it feels meaningless. he knows he has fags like you who will defend anything with "muh symbolism".

Turn it upside down and yeah, you'd be right. low IQ don't like Evangelion because they find it boring, high IQ don't like it much because they know anno is an idiot, midwits think it's deep.

Not really, the whole point is that it shows the worst of democracy under Truniht and the best of autocracy under Reinhardt. Democracy by default is the better position, and all the horros of autocracy are shown with Rudolf's reign so they don't need much focus, democracy's failures are more interesting to show since it is taken for granted that it is the better system.

>People who likes thing that I don't like are just pretending.

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I like Lain and Tatami, I was talking about Eva, which does seem like a lot of people like just for the sake of liking it because it's "essential" anime or whatever.

The people who like it for the waifus do come off as genuine though, as bad as their taste in waifus may be.

>What are some Emperor's New Clothes anime?
The most recent example that comes to mind is Sonny Boy. But to be honest, even on Yea Forums it's only popular with literal NPCs who think the likes of One Piece and Kimetsu are masterpieces of anime because they are popular.

Neon Genesis Evangelion

I don't force-like any anime just because someone said it's good. I like Eva because it's one of the greatest psychological anime (no other anime gave such depth and psychoanalyzed its characters like Eva did) and for the themes it explored.

Cowboy bebop

>Evacuck trying to sneak himself in with Lain

The fucking hack director himself has EXPLICITLY stated (in the 90s, before he sold out to market his shitty redo's) that there is no depth to NGE. You are such a pathetic little worm, just admit that the only reason you like that overrated shit is because you jerk off to Rei or Misato.

The ending was meh but episode 10 of Ping Pong is pure KINO

Attached: [Commie] Ping Pong - 10 [BD 720p AAC] [13248491].mkv_snapshot_21.13_[2015.02.26_23.09.48].jpg (1280x720, 90.48K)

>Who the fuck actually thinks like this?
You must be actually underage if you have to ask this question. Literally over 90% of people who "enjoy" some work do it because they're told it's popular.

i could have done without the blood song but i love the epilogue

>no other anime gave such depth and psychoanalyzed its characters like Eva did
What? even the anime from OPs pic has better character writing and psychology, Shinji is the only one that's decently explored.

Yeah I only didn’t like the song but otherwise the animation and epilogue were kino

All of them

*told it's good (but popular is basically the same as good; it has to be a popular opinion within their social circle that something is good)

If you get filtered by Evangelion then I would suggest checking out your IQ

take your meds

>He thinks anything anno makes requires more than a single digit IQ
>If you don't think show I like is the best thing since sliced bread, you were filtered

Tatami Galaxy, for sure.

pingpongtards wouldn't touch sports anime with a ten-foot pole if it wasn't for their precious meme director
replace director with writer and it's madoka all over again
most of them also think it's an anime original somehow and praise it for things that were already there while conceding that it looks like shit, which is just about the only noteworthy thing about it

Lol what are you on about

Lain didn't predict shit, all of that was already common back then. Fucking Gen Z I swear.

I like sports anime and think Ping Pong is one of the best. It looks good too. Matsumoto's manga is also good, but the anime adaptation elevates it

Misato and Asuka were also explore in depth. Also setting and context plays a role as well. I have mental issues because I was abandoned by my parents and I'm forced to fight monsters in a post-apocalyptic setting > boohoo I can't win at ping pong no matter how much I try.