Paripi Koumei

You ARE watching the wacky adventures of Eiko and her weird chinese uncle this season, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I am now

eiko says trans rights!

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that's hungarian flag
kill yourself troon

When is best girl coming back?

Attached: [SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei - 02 (1080p) [166C03F8].mkv_snapshot_09.41_[2022.04.07_16.51.18].png (1920x1080, 1.13M)

Is this cute little lesbian going to get a gf?

Why does she dress like a slut?

Will they show up again?

Attached: [SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei - 03 (1080p) [0D8DDA26].mkv_snapshot_20.13.930.jpg (1920x1080, 155.57K)

idols need to be erotic



Do you think this ever happened before? Maybe not with Kongming from the three kingdoms, but with a person from centuries ago getting isekai'd into our world?

in celebration of the op cover, i wonder

Did Kongming really decapitate niggas like it was nothing?

Attached: smooth.png (1525x861, 2.15M)

yeah pretty sure we have a few cavemen around

Bro, this is just like my chinese historical novels.

Attached: [ASW] Paripi Koumei - 02 [1080p HEVC][98DC1AC3].mkv_snapshot_04.38_[2022.04.10_01.01.09].jpg (1920x1080, 163.46K)

Grug think it possible

I wanna marry Koumei

That's how things were back then. Cut off heads and hang them up high as an example and message.

He's only into ugly chicks.

HEY DJ pongale la música

Fact: Three Kingdoms otaku are the strongest race in the world

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How soft do you think her butt is?

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This is what Kongming's counterpart from the Water Margin would have done

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>chinese warlord is an idolfag

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I personally know a guy who claims to be from the Victorian era.

She's a regular singer, not an idol. They are different things.


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Is this available in China, or did the government block it for dishonoring their past?

It's on Billibilli for the time being.

I hope so, I want to see Sima Yi and Zhou Yu make trouble and make it double for Trollming
(I know they don't show up in the manga though. Missed opportunity)

Attached: dudu vs smug country bumpkin.jpg (222x308, 25.19K)

> I see you are a man of culture as well

Attached: [SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei - 03 (1080p) [0D8DDA26]-00h20m03s828t.jpg (1920x1080, 131.89K)

we know Liu Bei

Someone post all the new meme faces of Zhuge Liang from this episode.

This isn't going to end up like Hikaru no Go where he ends up leaving forever, right?

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>give semen to your enemies

Let me handle this battle

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Heres Ojama Bluuuue

Attached: chazz battle.png (804x1000, 416.85K)

>Be one of CaoWei Crips
>Lost in 85 Cadillac Deville in West China.
> Zhuge Liang pulls out a G18 from his 36 Stratagem waistband
>Get lit up like Battle of Red Cliff
Fucking Shu peasants

Attached: [SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei - 02 (1080p) [166C03F8]-00h01m01s228t.jpg (1920x1080, 168.99K)

After seeing that OP, I'm 100% in.

Don't you remember? Jesus and Buddha were chilling in some Japanese apartment for years.

Old Chinese secret.

What if CaoCao gets isekai'ed and rape Eiko?

i wish i knew more about the three kingdoms so i could meme like this

Go watch the 2010 series on youtube.

Attached: Zhuge Liang.jpg (970x398, 243.62K)

ayo why dis bitch be cappin to ma boy kongming fr? BRUH!!! everyone must have an idol NO CAP!!!

Kill yourself

based fr

Start reading/watching/playing. There's probably a new wave of 3 Kingdom enthusiasts with Paripi Koumei

Attached: [SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei - 03 (1080p) [0D8DDA26]-00h15m15s290t.jpg (1920x1080, 327.88K)

i fucking literally will

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Picking Kazuma to voice the owner was a good choice.

Attached: mfw three kingdoms shit.webm (1128x530, 317.27K)

>96 episodes 45 minutes each
I don't have the time

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Is it just me, or are the Japanese getting better at English?

Play Dynasty Warriors 7 then.

You're just turning into a bigger weeaboo.

>familiar cunny detected

Attached: [SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei - 03 (1080p) [0D8DDA26].mkv_snapshot_04.53.140.jpg (1920x1080, 212.55K)


The singers usually spend a couple years in the US before returning.

qipao/cheongsams weren't invented until a millennium+ after Zhuge Liang died . He probably went on the boorus to learn what it is

Attached: [SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei - 03 (1080p) [0D8DDA26]-00h17m56s075t.jpg (1920x1080, 144.01K)

are you chiki chiki ban ban???

Chan x Chan; Ai!! Chiki chiki ban ban
Ai?! Chiki chiki chan chan
Aa! Chiki chiki ban ban
Ai!! Chuki chuki chuki ban ban
High chiki chiki ban ban
Ai?! Chiki chiki chan chan
Aa! Chiki chiki ban ban
Ai!! Chuki chuki

do you hear it

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Attached: 1622851566921.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

Vibing with Qigong

Attached: Zhuge Liang vibing.gif (262x318, 3.87M)

Attached: 1638898945826.webm (1280x720, 1.45M)

I hope she is in every episode

>Tfw no Cao Cao Mengde anime

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Why do chinks all know about the Three Kingdoms (the embellished version) and take it as fact when the majority of stuff told in it are boldfaced bullshit that anyone can see through? The actual Three Kingdoms is boring as shit.

Cao Cao only cares if he's sleeping with another mans woman, Eiko is to pure

>Why do chinks all know about the Three Kingdoms (the embellished version) and take it as fact
literal propaganda, they're just brainwashed and believe whatever they're told otherwise they get sent off to reeducation camps

Because you touch yourself at night.

Zhuge Liang vs Wang Lang rap battle episode when

t. slant eye

It's fun.

The same reason why we some idiots believe in jesus and king arthur

Even Zhuge Liang stated that history has been exaggerated to Boss-kun

Attached: [SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei - 03 (1080p) [0D8DDA26]-00h16m09s135t.jpg (1920x1080, 198.12K)

>Liu Bei pointing at EIKO
What did he mean by this?

That's their national epic user

she's trying really hard to become an idol

Yea Forums, per usual, is full of white retards who know nothing about Chinese history. Go figure.

You forgot pic user.

Toned Slender legs belong to the commonfolk!

Attached: Paripi Koumei Zhuge Liang Komei isekai time travel Lu Bu PROTEC THOSE LEGS.jpg (3462x1080, 466.57K)

You really think Bongs don't have exaggerated stories about King Arthur or Frogs don't have exaggerated stories about Jeanne?
George Washington cutting down the Cherry Tree?
Every nation has similar stuff that is exaggerated or wholesale made up but is still a cultural touchstone.

chinese history? what history? eating dogs, melting farm equipment and starving yourself killing millions?

Yeah, who'd have thought a website for westerners that like Japanese otaku culture wouldn't care about what a dog eating bugman's history is.