Spy x Family

Anya and Ashe

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On my cock

>daily threads now


God, I wish that were me

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Looks like Yor doing cosplay of Anya

He's upset that the shows getting more attention because he's not a super special snowflake for knowing it's good.

Now that you mention, she does look like Shy Yor

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more like because the quality is going to absolutely bottom out and all the feel good manga threads will be filled with degenerate coomers posting the same shit every thread while making more threads about cooming

Don't open

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Mangafags are very obnoxious

Generals are against the rules.
Stop doing shit like this Anyone that isn't a brainless newfag can use the catalog.

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>Spy X family used to be comfy manga for contrarian who seek for something that isn't ecchi romcom beta MC shit
>Now everyone and their dog are talking about it including pedofags who want to lewd anya
This is why i hate normie tourist

Go back, faggot.

Looks like you were the tourist all along.

Kill yourself, crossboarder scum.


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What if Anya was also time traveler with telelathic powers. She's supposed to be Loid and Yor's REAL daughter

Why does she have pink hair then?

Nice threads Spybros.

>normie tourist
>crying about muh loli on Yea Forums out of all places
Am I the only one who sees the irony in this?

tick... tick... tick...

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Loid needs to give her a baby

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There are no rules that directly ban generals

Ignore the reddit shitposters and let's talk about how cute Anya is.

Psychic powers.

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Damn, what happened to spy threads

What did you do?

Have kids

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Replied to the wrong post.



Reddit + tiktokers trying to cancel the anime.

remember what happened to bisque and every other under the radar series this happened to?

Pretty accurate, maybe peanut will look like yor when she grows up. Maybe they have similar origin because both Anya and Yuri are Russian names

That dialogue was so insanely cringe

same dude
but still >using normies

Shit is sad man

what type of hat is Yor even wearing in pic?

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I wonder if they will ever expand on Twilight secretly being Anya's actual biodad from a previous mission but he never knew about it?
Maybe scruffy or Boss will put the pieces together.

As plural. That's what happens when you have some posters keeping a thread up at all time. It attracts the worst kind of people with no life.
Every manga should have one maybe two threads when a new chapter drops and some occasional thread if there is genuine interest for discussion.

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DON'T LEWD ANYA! but you can lewd all you want

I've wanted to fuck Becky since before you were born

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We should just make the most of it and come up a lot of random shit to fuck with the animeonlies like an explanation for why Yor walks with a slight limp

>and some occasional thread if there is genuine interest for discussion.
I keep trying to start threads on manga I like but nobody ever picks them up
I'd take 50 posts of discussion mixed into 400 bullshit Yorfagging posts over an OP and 2 pityposts

>"all out sexy"
Why do people even think looking like a complete whore looks sexy though
Yor's sweater puppies are sexier than any amount of fishnets

my feral wife yor when

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Unrelated? That was never the issue with Spy threads.

Let Anya sleep first, Yor.

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This female brat...

So you pick the one on the left.

The point is that you can still have discussion
All you need to do is ignore ritualposting and retards baiting
Spyx is more popular than a lot of shows this season but the threads are surprisingly decent because the baiters have been mostly ignored, keep it up and they'll get bored

Anyone lewding the peanut should die, but the sexy young homewrecker is fine.

Whining about it is just going to make cunnytards lewd her more, you dumb twats. Learn to filter/ignore shitposts.

nice false flag you turbofaggot!

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Rin-san not feeding Axeman his meds when

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Why does Becky want Loid's cock so much?

>jump+ literally depends on Spyx for its continued existence

There is nothing to discuss.

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The number of blogs/youtube videos/whatever that're just trannies seething is going to be off the charts when this airs

Best girl

There's probably some intern whose sole job is making sure Axeman gets his meds.

>daddy, what is this weird creature?