Consider isekai witches

Consider isekai witches.

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>Not a Mythical Mage of Great Renown
>A Coombait with a Funny Hat
>Isnt responsible for a large scale Theocratic War
>A Jobber for 127# Japanese Shota
>relegated to be just a rpg class

What is it with dragons attacking elven villages in isekai?
>Jack of all Trades
>Black Summoner
>Spearmaster & Black Cat

Did something like that happen in Lodoss or some shit? It keeps popping up too much not to be a reference.

I consider dicking them

I consider them more in bathing scenes

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Noah is an evil, crazy rapist that starts wars, drives people insane, and wants to destroy the world. You should pick a cute, compassionate, youthful and diligent Holy Goddess like Ira-sama instead, she's a much better choice than some delinquent hag that spent last 15 million years in jail.

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It would be easy to come up with justifications though.

>tfw you'll never have 7 jade beauty onee-sans

Idola has a perfect body yes.

>wanting to be the imouto to so many predators
How long would you last?

oh hey Sirius pick up this French isekai series

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but "Outlaw Players" was too short of a title for them, it's now
>超級装備(アウトロー・スキル)で無双して、異世界王に俺はなる!~OUTLAW PLAYERS~

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It wasn't enough that they wallow in their own shitty title namek, but they must bring it to others as well.

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user bloated the title quite a bit by pretending the furigana were part of it.
The title that's on MU is just

Dendro is messing me up with the 超級 because that's what the raws use to mean Superior

Always have. The bigger their hats the better.

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I wonder how much of the changes are from the ln first and how much is the manga trying to rush through things.

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It's like the typesetter hated the idea that somebody might read his work.

Sometimes I wonder if someone ever saw what anyone else ever does and notice how different it looks.

too big

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2 manga adaptations I picked up in sequence.

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It's amusing to me how many Japanese just don't seem to understand timber frame at all.

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Will blogpostfag ever find a doodle that doesn't trigger him?

I'm sure you hate discussion that is unrelated to NTR and CF betrayal. But please accept that others do have other interests as well.

I don't either

It's basically just dirt (clay, twigs, whatever) stuffed in between the wooden beams (the framework).


This series wore out its joke quickly when the Red Ranger stopped being able to just beat the shit out of everything

Why are Japanese so gay

why jap manga authors cant write fantasy for shit
it always contain jap cliche stuff on it
onsen, rice, tatamis, open baths
its fking annoying

Took me a while, but yeah. I hate how thin all their clothes are. Like, leather and armor have a certain thickness and weight to them. It's not all silk gauze that billows in the slightest wind for fucks sake.
Most of it is web novels. Literal fanfiction-tier stuff.

The strongest midget.

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Awww yiss.
I love saving people who are gonna be raped and then steal the stuff of those who tried to rape them. Because nobody will miss the guys who tried to rape people.

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gotta love gentlemen faggotry nitpicking more inane bullshit as time goes on because they keep getting btfo when they give their dumb opinions on actually relevant plot points

As you do.

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Why do you read and spam these tiny downscales though?

Shortening her name to Anise is probably for the best.

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Like clockwork, you slither out again.

>VR game that comes with brainwashing that works on minors
How long would this game remain available for sale?

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That reminds me the first volume for this one is finally out in english, I should read it

Some of that can be blamed on changes from the wn.

Damn girl if you wanted threesome ya just had to ask.

It becomes so successful it will get a graphical upgrade after 6 year after launch.

Are any of the isekai anime worth watching this season?

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Give me some recommendations, pretty please.

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you'll only have a shot if you're also a girl

What you have to do is spy on what everybody else is enjoying, and then give that a try.

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Mio looks like she's enjoying it

Really like the art but I hate everything about this series too much to ever read it, sorry.

It's like pirating pirates, pocketing contract money and then selling stolen loot. Totally legit enterprise.

this is what witches should wear

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>Her long hair fluttered in the wind, her slender waist, and her newly developed breasts bounced about.
Chinks, pls

Why aren't the shota beastmen full on furry like the rest of the villagers?

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>believing holy god propaganda about Noah

>Her hair is longer than my spear, and her boobs are bigger than my head.
Would you rather this?


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>her slender waist [] bounced about
my imagination is too shallow to picture this.

Imagine a girl made of jello.

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What if girls who wear big hats got bathing scenes with only the hat on?

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>hat so big it works as a lid for the bathtub