10/10 Character designs

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At least post one.

Fun fact: you could rape her and she wouldn't remember it.

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patrician taste, Shizuku is insanely hot

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Pic unrel

Automatically worst girl, any series.

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>you could rape her
No you couldn't.
She is like a thousand times stronger than literally anyone here, she would just break your head using Deme-chan.

She's retarded, user; you could groom her.

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>even the plainest looking girl is "hot" for huntertards since 98% of hunter """girls""" look like this

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>picture unrelated

Fuck off retard.

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HxH is a sausage fest and Melody was cursed to look like a deformed molerat, but even the background nobodies look miles better than Shitzuku.

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I mean ... yeah. For what Shizuku is, the design is great. The only problem is that what Shizuku is isn't particularly interesting in the first place. As others have stated already, HxH has much better characters (female and male) to offer.

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I like Shizuku's design but Pitou is still the best by far

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If it's a cute guy, she would probably allow herself to be raped and then guilttrip the guy into dating her

I was posting about the MHA girl, not Shizuku.
Shizuku is probably lesbian if anything, knowing Togashi

>I was posting about the MHA girl, not Shizuku.
Right... I sort of assumed the post was about Shizuku since she was in the OP and she is very forgetful so it didn't occur to me that you were talking about the frog from MHA who I know nothing about.

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>t. plebs

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Its just a girl with a vacuum how is this 10/10

She would be 1000 times cuter with long hair.

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What are series with generally top-notch character designs?

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simply one of the coolest villains ever

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*rumbling of scientific triumph*

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I love this design, probably the best one so far

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I can say the same for all the chiefs in Mato

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Literally K I N O

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Miss Ketchum

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The real answer.

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Not even the best character design in her show.

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Disagree, but I can see where you’re coming from.

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>I am forgotten

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Seishi can make so many cool design. Dude is underrated.

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cute filler version kabuto only

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The greatest siluette in manga

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Whatever you say, huntroon

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>wouldn't remember
how, she's not the dimwit of the group like mina and doesn't have memory loss or anything

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>redhead in formal uniform
this is my fetish

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based beyond all belief