Ayaskashi Triangle

>According to leaks, "Ayakashi Triangle" by Kentaro Yabuki (To Love-Ru) will move from Weekly Shounen Jump to Shounen Jump + website.

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What does that mean for the series?

I hope this faggot mangaka add a real loli like Mikan then

it mean it can now go DARKNESS level of fanservice

And fan translation instead of VIZ's one


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Does this mean no more weekly releases? What's gonna fill in the gap then for echi manga?

Shit, I guess it would be leaving MangaPlus, wouldn't it?

Rochka could melt a bit resulting in her looking younger after

Viz threw a fit over the loli being sexualized

idk but there are some J+ series in M+ though. But you know it's VIZ, they wanted to get rid of AT

That's kind of a bummer. How does J+ work for release schedules? AT is the only weekly release I follow.

It's not supposed to(they translate a lot of the plus series too), but seeing how they already straight up removed chapters, they can use this as an excuse.

will we get better looking nipples?

There are also weekly jump+ titles

VIZ are such fags.

As for the gap filler, Miura has been gearing up for another serialization for a while now. He might be coming back.

I'd fill Matsuri's gap

Rochka isn't a real loli?

Viz lost their shit over the banned Rochka chapter.

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Viz is not the publisher anymore

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Jump cucked out, and undoubted were pressured from Viz. There will probably never be another ecchi series again. Since this series released they treated it poorly (AT is the only series not to be part of a promotion campaign, and never got an anniversary cover), despite its clear successes and being picked up for an anime.

Weekly or biweekly. And they're much more lenient with breaks than WSJ.

>There will probably never be another ecchi series again.

Suzu's already there.

Nobody gives a fuck about Viz. Yabuki probably wants to go lewder.

You've got to learn to live with the nipples ya got.

She is not even human, JS or JC1

if were going to go lewder like TLR Darkness then this is a good decision.

Attached: We need to go lewder.png (1280x720, 1.01M)

>Starting next week, the series will be transferred to (powered up) Shonen Jump+! Check page 324 for details!
>powered up
How strong will Yabuki goes?

Viz is part of M+ and you can have different companies doing the digital release and the physical release. Though I imagine M+ won't be translating the series anymore since they seem to not want to be involved with this series.

This means no more spoiler threads.

she looks looks like a loli to me.

pussy reflections on every surface

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pussy reflections, popsicle BJs, Matsuri and Sharkbro fucking during one of Suzu's nightmares.

And don't forget no cover or color page or anything for its anime announcement

You're the retard if you think AT being moved was done for any other reason than Jump being filled with cucks / Viz not wanting to translate ecchi.

How lewd did darkness went?

So when there's a new ecchi series in the next batch, what'll you say then?

He probably just wants to downright draw softcore at this point

This means Bastard is coming back to Weekly Jump by replacing Ayaskashi Triangle's spot. You guys heard it here first.

Great! I hate the Korean spoilers haha

It doesn't have loli!

user, there is no way WSJ are just going to leave the Echi slot empty. THEY WANT to appeal to the teenage demographic the most. Eroticism is one of the main draws. They are 100% gonna find someone else to fill in the hole Yabuki left. The question is: will it by a harem or love comedy?

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Tit sucking and cunnilingus every chapter

How does Jump+ website work? Is it free?

I'm gonna need some examples

For a friend?

Clams, clams everywhere.

Will Masakazu Katsura come back to Weekly Jump? He did DNA2, I''s, and Video Girl Ai in Weekly Jump.

I guess the new (last) chapter is free.

Fuck yes. Accidental lesbian cunnilingus soon. No more bellybutton teasing substitute and all that.

time for his redemption arc

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2chan's reaction


The move to j+ was probably already decided at that point, so it makes sense to not promote it in a way of a jump series when it leaves soon.

That's not real ecchi

Good riddance.


Sharkbro will go balls deep inside Matsuri.


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More fan service, probably no official translation, possible irregular schedule compared to WSJ

>Ayakashi Triangle will stop its serialization at Weekly Shonen Jump in this week's Issue #20 and transfer to Shonen Jump+ App from April 25th onward.

Is the anime still on the table?

And no spoiler threads

time to download the app

Of course. Why the fuck would they cancel an anime just because it's moving platforms?

>from famous magazine to some app
Platform is a big deal