Is Shigaraki really a victim at this point? If he received decay from AfO, I really can't blame him for his actions, AfO fucked up his mind.
Boku no Hero Academia
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First for vanilla.
Even if he was born with Decay, he’s a victim. Not a single person helped him as a kid. Even if he never met AFO, he’d still be a villain.
He never was.
His flashback was supposed to show causation for why he is the way he is, not justification. His father's treatment was excessive but so was his reaction. He was already warped the moment he desired to kill.
That being said he wasn't exactly in an environment where his desires could be positively nurtured/reinforced so he continued to be warped, especially thanks to AfO's grooming. But even without it, Shiggy would have probably still ended up as some sort of small time villain at the very least.
Plus Quirks seem to compel ones will to some extent so he may have just been fucked the moment he awoke his.
user, he may or may not have always desired to kill, but he only acted on it once his father hit him with a weed whacker. Retaliating was justified, in my opinion.
>Is Shigaraki really a victim at this point?
he's barely a character let alone a victim
even deku is unaware of his "sad" backstory but is simping for him like a faggot
It's arguably just as fucked up if he was born with decay, shows how much it would suck to really live in a world of superpowers. Just think, how many kids out there in the MHA world accidentally murked someone before they even turn 5?
Choose wisely.
The one at the bottom
Spoilers tonight?
I want deku
How the fuck do people unironically find cowtit art hot?
The last great chapter of My Hero Academia
Was Chapter 350
Definitely Kyoka!
Why settle for only one?
Boobs are hot. More bigger boobs equals more hotter. Small tibbies are hot too but less so. This is an indisputable ironclad law of the universe.
Which MHA girl would be the best at facesitting?
Now that we're almost at the end, what do you wish Hori would've done differently?
Sexualize the girls more often
class 1b
Written a good story
Based. Yea Forums is a Kyoka board.
Ochunko no doubt
That looks like heaven
No one should feel bad for this faggot he is absolutely irredeemable. his family kinda sucked but Hori tries to play it off like "see they weren't as nice as you thought so you can feel slightly better about them being killed."
How do people find boyish flatties hot? How do people find anything hot? Their brain breaks in the specific way that they find it hot.
Shigaraki couldve been improved if they basically gave the crow dudes motivation to him instead.
>Cursed with decay
>Keep the sad backstory but have his decay power evolve to the power where hes able to rob people of their powers if he touches them instead
>His idea of a utopia is the destruction of the hero society
>To do that he wants to get rid of all powers permanently
>Cut out all the AFO mastermind shit and just let it be a parellel story between him and deku
Whose better, Hex or Glowing Donut?
Man, I'm so anxious for the end of Vigs. What the fuck are they gonna have to do to Koichi to justify him not showing up in the main storyline?
Didn't GD post here once?
More tournaments and fights with actual stakes, real DC and Marvel cameos/references
What is interesting is Dabi never said anything to him, even though he knew what AFO was planning on doing.
He suffered a fate worse than death
he got a job
fuuuck thats a hard one, but I'm leaning on GD since he covers vigs
Well duh he never cared if the other members got fucked
is it just me or is bakuck spammer pissed after being sent on a vacation for 6 days
Yeah, before he could defend his garbage by saying “not spam, I’m just based :P”, but now he can’t. He knows it’s just a matter of time before his next ban, now.