Will we ever get another chapter or is the horse pussy parade the impromptu finale?
Monster Musume
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fun fact, the bigger the ears the dumber the horse
I don't think that's true.
Did you miss the new chapter like a month ago?
Apparently so.
centaurs are the worst kind of monster girl
Wrong and bad opinion.
her upper half is great, best boobs ever, but the horse part is just disgusting
Yet another bad and wrong opinion.
There might be some worse, but being mostly horse has to put them among the worst.
They aren't the best, but definitely aren't the worst
Imagine the smell.
those are some pretty big ears and she's not the sharpest
Where's the horsecock???
Girls don't have cocks user.
I guess my waifu isn't a girl then.
Checked and sexed.
What is the worst Monstergirl then?
>What is the worst Monstergirl then?
I wonder how size correlates with total number of times they've been visible or averaged based on chapters with each in it.
most of the measurements seem to be based off of the little stats pages the girls have
Damn Cerea still has 7cm to go to catch up to mom.
Okay Yea Forums, pick 2 girls to give you double paizuri
I'd choose Miia and Polt
Lala and Kinu. Blue and red working toward white
you wouldn't fuck a spider would you
A slime girl made out of shit.
You only say that because you're weak and afraid of gaining an actual horse pussy fetish.
Man the fuck up.
Cathyl deserved a permanent harem member slot after the fucking slog that was the farm arc.
We were robbed.
I certainly would.
You take that back, laisu is smart!
Rachnee is the most wife musu.
Big girls need big ______.
But they will have to do with my face anyhow.
Horses are not real! I should know, I lived near a horse farm for over 20 years!
Because you made them whorses
I will find where you live
Want big brown cow please
>Cathyl and Tio
The geometry doesn't work out well, so they just rub up and down all of me. Kinda a catch all, works great in imo.
Though...I did have to train them in infant CPR.
I can only suffocate and withstand my ribs being crack only so many times.
Big girls
While I would be happy to have her join, I feel this way more about Merino.
Think she would be a better fit among the girls.
Already have enough 'comedic' violence to the MC, and I feel like thats how Crab would continue to write Cathyl's interactions with him and the others.
That said, a new member that stimulates more interactions will create more things to put in chapters.
As much as I love Merino, I think she would be come another Mero/Lala within the house.
>Polt and Merino double fluff paizuri
4 u
>No huge cow gf, whos weight of her own gigantic breasts forces her to dribble milk, angrily demanding you milk her
I just want the bottom left corner.
Why is that too much to ask? ;_;
Su>blue berry>bird brain> snek> drago> spider> stupid sexy doggo>mount fuji
I don't even recognize like 80% of it
Tofu shop lady is a monster by her own.
She's fucking huge
Based on the dreams I've had, yes. I would.