What the fuck did I just read?

What the fuck did I just read?

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Fire Punch


Pure unadulterated KINO

LIVE. user......

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I never got the "it's muh nihilism" either.
Nihilism is no good in Fire Punch, love is the strongest force in the universe

>You have to live
No you don't.

I read this in summer, and it is the most fever dream rollercoaster I read as well. Did you enjoy the ride though? that is what matters

The moment I saw That Face I realized it was totally worth my time

Kino that is superior to his other works

The Ulysses of the James Joyce of the manga industry.

Tranny punch and gender dystopia

Fucking based.

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Loses momentum in the second half


your mothers sexual history?

Kinography of the highest degree

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then off yourself faggot

something that sparks a fuckton of shitposting. If togashi or hxh truly dies, all the shitposters will just migrate over and use this instead. Otherwise, pretty good manga.

Don't feel like it. Why don't you?

>all the shitposters will just migrate over and use this instead
They already have

because I want to LIVE

I honestly never understood this opinion, the second half is the best part of the serie

Yea. But you don't HAVE to. Looks like you got my point :)


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>all the shitposters will just migrate over and use this instead.
They already moved on to CSM.

yeah, but I want so I must if I must then I have to, if I don't then I may as well just cease to exist

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You're not smart.

Filtered midwits

i forgot, was he fucking his sister or were they just cutesey "imma marry you when we grow up" kids?

Yes I filter out pro tranny manga.

>You're not smart.
user, where do you think we are?

I have the alternative version. You are welcome internet random

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where's the background with too much stuff going on? where's the reaction faces? where are the unnecessarily split panels? where is the break next week?

get outta hee with this amateur shit

Hey, not all manga need frog-faced people everywhere

Fire Punch is a trans allegory.

The endless flames tormenting Agni represent a trans person's body, a curse they're born with that torments them for every waking moment. But despite the pain, Fujimoto portrays the beauty of the path of struggle. He shows that when the world doesn't except you, even your own body doesn't except you, to still choose to LIVE is beautiful. In a sense the main theme of survival is a memento to all the trans people that could not keep up the struggle. While also showing the courage and guts of trans people who did. Thankfully Fujimoto blesses us by ending the series on a hopeful note. The final union between Agni and his sister in a sense represents the union of a trans person's body and mind. The coming to terms with your body and accepting who you are. To know the torment ends when you realize that whatever your body may be, you are, who you are.

And just to drive the point home. Fujimoto puts a literal trans character in his story who's struggles suspiciously mirror Agni's, so as to give his audience a little nudge on what he's trying to say.

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So Fire Punch is all about trans people suffering? Holy based

In a sense yes, but it also shows the beauty and the value of their struggle.

Cool headcanon.
In reality, Fujimoto added a transgender character only to break their spirit, admit they're wrong and have them commit suicide.

Should I read this?

>In reality, Fujimoto added a tranny character only to break her spirit, admit shes wrong and have her commit suicide.

star wars

Tranny punch, worse than look back + goodbye eri + chainsawman, but has the funny face in it

But they aren't beautiful and have no value?

Togota does not make it, but his struggle lives on through Agni. He's the one who pushes Agni to live. Togota is meant to represent all those trans persons that could not keep up the struggle and to let today's trans people know that they're not only fighting for themselves but their carrying the legacy of those fallen before them. Just like Agni carries Togota's.

Also I'm glad you didn't misgender Togota.

Yes. Must read. The second half is what divides the fanbase. Some love it, some hate it. I would recommend reading it all in one go though

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Togata is very beautiful though?

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Did your hand form into a clench fist, user?

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I just finished it today, 83ish chapters, I really enjoyed it. If you cannot get behind a manga getting really fucking goofy then do NOT read this

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It can only be described as a ride

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A cult classic about cults and classics

>tackling themes of misogyny
Fujimoto is fucking based.

I unironically read Fire Punch for the meme. Didn't know it would be so kino. 10/10.

Fujimoto's best work

Holy based.

Is this the book like to fellate for being le deep?

Literally /pol the character

>this reading comprehension
It's not portrayed in a positive light, user-chan.

>except you

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Fuck. Well thanks for catching it user.

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