Dragon Ball Super

Why is our hero the best character in the franchise? How is he so inspirational?

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Vegeta is better


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Gosh...Bejita is so SEXY...

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Goku and Pan are flying off to do some training to celebrate completing their potty-training
>They stop by a river in a nice open field
"Alright Pan, this looks like a great spot to fight!"
"Great grampa, let's GO!" Pan shouts as she launches herself at Goku, preparing a kick
"Hey no fair! That was a cheap shot", he pouts and he easily deflects the attack as he chuckles. But this wasn't his usual chuckle. No. It was more sinister.
"You left yourself too wide open, you can't defend yourself from attacks like that. Like this!"
>He jabs her in her side. knocking her into the river bed.
>She begins to scream in pain but before she can even make a peep, Goku has grabbed her and dunked her head under the water, a wide smile on his face as he does.
"You didn't get your guard up fast enough. This training isn't very good, Pan. It's not very exciting"
>Pan's screaming can be heard through the water, but it only works against her as water fills her lungs.
"You know, turning super saiyan won't do much. I am still far stronger than you." Goku thought.
>He chuckled as he held her head under the water
"HEY! You should try and break out of this grip. This is getting boring for me."
>The bubbles surfacing would dwindle in number, more and more until only ripples could be seen from the surface.
>She no longer struggled.
"Given up already?! Man, I shouldn't have wasted my time training you. This wasn't worth it at all. You know I turned down training with Whis on Beerus' planet for this and you can't even put up a good fight. What a shame. Let's go back."
>He flung her limp corpse into the grass next to the river.
"Wow you must really be tuckered out. And in all honesty I can't even feel your energy anymore. Have you really become this weak? I thought Piccolo trained you all the time. Anyway, let's go home."
>He grabbed Pan's body by the hair and flew off back to Gohan's house, to drop her off.

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I hate my life. I’m so unhappy. The United States is the worst place to live.


I love my life. I'm so happy. The United States is the best place to live.