Shield Bro

Tortoise mommy today guys.

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The more you can self insert the better?

last week's episode looked like shit
surely it gets better from here, right?

Cute turtle MILF.

Probably not because they outsourced some secondary animations to some no name korean company to save shekels.
I will watch anyway because of Raphtalia

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Cute milf irl too

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If first episode looked bad, than it propably will stay bad.

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>I'm ovulating right now
>No way fag

I want to scream. They made us wait 3 years for THIS? The animation took a huge hit in quality and the pacing is horrific.

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fuck off

>"can i eat the tortoise?"

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>tortoise gets human familiars
I like the role reversal

>get as intimate as possible with him, that's how i seduced many royals that way

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>she still want bowfags dick
Will naofumi steal her for real?

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Will Naofumi make the Tortoise his pet?

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Attached: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - S02E02 - 1080p WEB x264 -NanDesuKa (CR).webm (1920x1080, 2.18M)

Can't help but worry they're blazing through the source material. Kinda wish they took more time setting up for the tortoise but we'll be seeing that next episode huh.

The screwed up the entire show. I'm 100% seething that this is what we get after 3 years.

>bababooey bababooey bababooey

so the comfy tortoise novel chapters was the ultimate filler for the novel series, or they just want to get over with this shield hero story asap so they can release their gacha game?
my cope is that at least we get shit adapted as anime

damn brat needs shield correction

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To be fair vol 6 and 7 are too much to unpack. I thought they would give each at least half a cour but since they're doing 3 vols this season we'll have to see how that goes.

maybe its to introduce new heroes like the 7 others

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This is like really bad wtf bros

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n-not like this bro

Ah the saving grace of the entire show. Sadly focus won't be on her this season

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Isn't it too early to reveal Kyo?

>just suck his dick

Why do you like her so much?

I haven't watched Ep 1 yet but wasn't he revealed in that episode?

Kyo becomes relevent in the second half of spirit turtle arc. and htan is the big villain of other world arc. Him being revealed this early makes me worried that s2 will cover both of those arcs in just 1 cour.

I am caught up on the manga. So while I am not as knowledgeable as people who have read the LN I know of his relevance. I am just asking wasn't he already revealed in Episode 1. Allegedly there is a season 3 already being worked on.

>season 3
Indeed it is.
As to me I only watched the OP (I'll wait with watching until all episodes are out)
But the OP not only shows fight against Kyo already it also teases the next arc Kizuna, asian style buildings whic is why I'm concerned it will be rushed, and that S3 will adapt even later volumes
