RPG Fudousan

Why doesn't this dragon help the MC of Dragon, Ie o Kau find a house?

Attached: [ASW] RPG Fudousan - 01 [1080p HEVC][6E419AC1].mkv_snapshot_06.34_[2022.04.07_11.11.45].jpg (1280x720, 433.9K)

Should I watch this moeblob anime

So far I'd say if you are into feet.

I liked the first episode a lot. Seems like it's kind of going under the radar due to a packed season though.

Attached: RPG Fudousan - 01.mkv_snapshot_21.12.521_[2022.04.12_00.28.06].jpg (1920x1080, 374.1K)

Cute Not!Shark.

Attached: 1629277786566.jpg (1920x1080, 325.39K)

This anime would be better if it was RPG Fundoshi

RPG Fujoshi

Is the 4koma not popular?

booba time

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Attached: FQOWp8FVUAEPmCz.jpg (1920x1080, 893.6K)