How did Aka ruin this character so fucking hard? Only thing that can be worse is if she's legit gay

How did Aka ruin this character so fucking hard? Only thing that can be worse is if she's legit gay.

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What's wrong with homosexuality?

She's not gay, dummy.
She's bi.

First worlders detected

The only shit character is Miko

Fuck off thai fags.
Fujiwara was ruined in one chapter. She was slowly getting worse but she became full shit.

He did it on purpose because her fans are fucking annoying.

Yuri is kino.

She can get in a relationship with a girl and that still doesn't mean she's gay

Mikodogs are even more annoying


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I dropped this shit. What happened this time?

Being a jap girl basically demands you be bi because the men are so effeminate

But isn't she legit gay?


It's ok as long as she takes dick

She wasn't ruined at all.
Nothing. Straights are just oversensitive, also nice dubs.

seethe, being bi is the best thing ever.
t. bi male.


You're the fence sitters of fucking.

Yes, third-worlders and first world poorfags are homophobic.

Yeah, and?

>devoid of any character development
>becomes irrelevant in later chapters
>only times she shows up are for shallow yuri pandering

Why do western trannies lover her so much? Is it the pink hair? Is it the obnoxious femininity? Is it the fake air-headedness?

What faggotry is the worst fanbase on Yea Forums seething about now?

Author all but removed her plotlines and just ships her with Hayasaka at every posibility. She hasn't done anything in like 50 chapters at this point.

Remember when she was Kaguya's best friend? When's the last time they had a conversation?

Kaguya always treated her like little more than an unruly pet.

How did she get ruined exactly? (she wasn't)
How would you fix her? (you can't)

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Yes. Always has been. Just now her target is Hayasaka instead of Kaguya.

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He's trying to burn down this manga with no survivors.
Even the spin-off is getting affected by it.
In the last chapter of the spin-off, the author opted to use a very old chapter of the main manga to make this week's chapter.

When is the maki episode? I need it now, have to have something to look forward to besides the 4koma now that the manga has gone to shit.

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She's bi and you'd better start preparing yourself for it now, lest you BTFO yourself.

>In the last chapter of the spin-off, the author opted to use a very old chapter of the main manga to make this week's chapter.
The spinoff has always been like 100 chapters behind user

>IQ of 3

She's so dumb you could literally trick her into sex. Why isn't she the school bicycle?

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Hot damn, look at those titties.

Wasn't that good or original to begin with, the most static among the cast.

She is not that dumb contrary to belief. She knows boys trying to hit on her and gives them riddles that makes them soul search along the way.

I think you should try a pussy at least once, user

He tried to make her something more than comic relief. Fujiwara has zero personality outside being the quirky meme girl, she's the perfect target for saying whatever the hell Aka wants to in order to imprss whatever Vtuber or twitter feminist he fancies now.

I only "know" of this character because i briefly watched a video of what looks like an ending credit of this character dancing but the motion was clearly traced and it gave me so much second-hand embarrassment that i noped the fuck out of that video.

oh and i think i saw a real-life person mimicking that dance and i couldn't dare click that shit. so fucking cringe.

Tell you what, first develop your economy and then we can talk.

honestly w2hat im thinking

how was she "ruined?" like the manga clearly went down a darker path but the comedy is still there and chika still delivers

She stopped a bad guy with a "grrl power" speech and by threatening to cancel him online.

user, if I was a girl, I'd be gay for Hayasaka too.

Mangafags are so annoying. What, do you read that shit in class or something

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Chika is the same lovable dork she has always been. By far she is the most consistent character. I can understand people bitching about other characters being ruined, but Fuji has stayed the same which is probably for the best considering Aka's character development is so hit or miss (mostly miss).

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I'm glad Fujiwara was never "developed" with a bullshit hackneyed drama arc because she's the sole reminder of when this manga was fun

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SEX Chika

Homosexuality isn’t right.

Shes hot you faggot

She's hot!

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Easy, she never had a long character moment or arc like everyone else. If anyone, for a comedy manga that slowly worked relationship stuff in, she would have been the best choice.

Did a non orange, at least 720p, version ever come out?

What the fuck were the translators thinking?!

zoomer detected

Do you use that excuse when you suck dick?

Why it's okay when gochiusa does this?

What's RIGHT with homosexuality?