Where are the spoilers?
Golden Kamuy
Oooh shit, nispa, here we fucking go. Please dump, user.
>The stray boy will be the one to beat you
No, but really. What was his basis for saying that? meta commentary?
Uh. Shouldn't it do more damage at that range?
how many times has this dunce had his bolt swiped from him?
What the fuck is he doing
>Scat king not written out of the climax
>and your other gun
I’m surprised he didn’t have spaghetti fell out of his pockets moment when he’s wrestling with cat
Kek. The little bitch...
Don't tell me he's gonna use that to distract Tsurumi
Fucking dumb
Last one nispas. Damn, I really wanted Tsurumi to win.
This is so retarded I love it
>in the end I am finally become Golden Kamui
See, you’re blinded by the cursed gold while the real gold is the friends we made along the way
Thank you, user.
>Damn, I really wanted Tsurumi to win.
Me too, it sucks. He actually had basis and conviction for what he was doing and he had the upper hand in everything. It's pure bullshit he lost.
I like this. It's poetic. Of course, there are still two chapters to go.
Sugimoto is such a bullshit character. When he's fighting there's no tension or anything since he can tank literally anything. It's just "here we go again".
How the fuck is Sugimoto gonna die NOW?!?!
a lot of the last few deaths have pretty much been done solely for the sake of being like super poetic
i'm not sure how i feel about it but it's pretty cool...kinda. it was really good for cat though
What the fuck was that
Surely he earned his nickname by dying a lot right?
>I am Sugimoto the mortal!
I feel like you’d have to throw pocket gold harder than this in order to blind someone? It looks like he just flung it here, it should’ve been more like a pitcher throw. Any realismfags want to do the science
Thanks, user. Can't fucking believe we're only 36 pages away from the ending now.
Isn't the last chapter going to be longer though?
Reminder that Sa Ichi Shi (314 but also Saichi Death) means that Sugimoto will die in the last chapter
It is. 314 will have extra pages.
Oh yeah? That's great to hear.
So what happens after Tsurumi dies?
What’s the chance of Tsurumi accidentally shooting Asirpa here
Wait, retard here, did they blow apart the well or something? If it was raining gold specks out there, there's no way they can leave the treasure concealed, right?
Well the manga actually lasted more than enough, last bunch of chapters felt it was just pointlessly delaying the unavoidable with all that kidnapping back and forth. I was actually really missing the times the group was wandering meeting new people every chapter and cooking new foods while teaching Inui culture
I thought that they were trying to pull out a bag but then it opened and it started raining down on them in the well. Idk, my mind might be making shit up.
Nah, nah, you're completely right. I entirely forgot about that scene. Thought he was standing in a field, but it's clearly the bottom of the well. Makes sense, then.
The manga's lasted more than enough, I agree. Just wanted to see some SoL shit with the cooking again before it's over. Hopefully there's still a little room for that.
Well its all deliberately blurred. For all we know he just knocked out the headplate.
>sugimoto knocks off the head plate
>asirpa shoots an arrow into tsurumi’s brain
Best FAT Cow is coming
Old Age with his Ainu wife
Useless fat Matagi, only good for sex appeal!
In old age surrounded by his Ainu-Polish-Japanese children and grandchildren.
Did Sugimoto drop the knife here? None of his fingers are gripping it now. Also, Tsurumi's bullet went through his little box on his back.
it would be a great payoff if Tsurumi survives because of his skull plate
the porcelain will save tsurumi, sugi is fucking dead
some obvious parallels between Sugimoto and Hijikata in this finale, so here's one thing I've been thinking about. Hijikata was a man who didn't die when he should have, and in Nagakura's words he was searching for a place to die. For Sugimoto, this is his place to die. What's left for him after this? I think that the series will end on this note, with him succumbing to his wounds, recognizing that his time has come and he's helped Asirpa enough. If he lived beyond this, he would just keep searching for another place to die.
Nigga sight skill immature!