Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi

why is this anime so funny?

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You Yea Forumsedditors are the worst thing to ever happen to Yea Forums, spamming nonsense just because you want to be in on the joke.

user Im just horny as fuck I want an LG gf (in minecraft)


loli butt

shit artist

shit taste

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Do you think you can beat her in a fight?

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So abstract...

rectangle and circle... erotic...

No because i'd be too busy beating other things like my dick


kys momop

the fuck is a momop

How can a show this beautiful exist in 2022?!

I thought society was collapsing.

I just have one question to the artist of this picture since I know they're here:
Are you an ironic lolicon or an unironic one?


Attached: [SubsPlease] Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi - 01 (1080p) [50D4ACB5].mkv_snapshot_22.40_[2022.04.09_15.32.19].jpg (1920x1080, 518.85K)

It's foot and cunny

how to make it more simple?

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You need the tweet format desu.

then I would ged rid off of the name part

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That works.

But that artist has your nickname on Yea Forums (Anonymous)

No, I'll die from endless ejaculations

i'm gonna have rewatch every episode in slow motion everytime they release a new one

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>has sasuke's fire ball jutsu
>can footjob me into submission
i would lose in a second

Why is she so obsessed with ojisan cock?

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little girls

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Horny barefoot ninja little girls...


UUUUOHHHH ToT aside this show is pretty good.

Benis in Benis :DDD


Uhmmm.... I dont think they're lolis bros

She's at that age.

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For an actually substantial post.
Hinagiku thighs

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Are they gambling? That's not what young girls should be doing.

My first thought was that Hinagiku is trying to do a magic trick of some sorts.

Says gambling in moonrunes. Makes sense, the stigma on gambling is not that big in Japan.

I guess kunoichi must also familiarize themselves with how the mafia works.

Let me guess: Sensei is keeping her students away from men because she was wronged by them. Is that it?

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Its more then that. They've probably been training female ninja in that village going back generations. I'd say "All female Ninja clans" are a celebrated anime concept at this point.

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———-( ) ( ) ( )

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The villages used to interact together but every time they did some fall in love, pair off and run away to presumably go nuts fucking each other and starting families which isn't good for being ninjas. Look at how curious and horny Tsubaki gets just thinking about it, the villages would get depopulated so fast.

Like pencils.

Ensemble cast of humorous characters.

Could it be that the Olympics thing wasn't a meme?

What percentage of lolicons on Yea Forums consume junior idol content on a regular basis?

I never really realized how lewd Mokuren's outfit is until Yea Forums pointed it out.

He asked about the artist, not Yea Forums. The artist has drawn Roll, which is a legal loli. The artist is an ironic.

>The artist has drawn Roll, which is a legal loli
Which Roll? Mega Man Roll? I thought robots didn't have age.
>The artist is an ironic
Drawing legal lolis doesn't make you ironic. Disliking 3D lolis does.

I would never consume 3d content of any kind.

Do you see any 3D lolis on his twitter account?
> robots didn't have age.
>Drawing legal lolis doesn't make you ironic.
It does. Haven't you payed attention? Dumb ironic.

It doesn't. At best, preferring legal lolis over true lolis is a sign someone is an ironic lolicon, but the only deciding factors whether someone is an ironic lolicon or not are the following:
1. denial of being a pedophile/hebephile
2. denial of being attracted to real children

Even sensei had a crush on a guy but decided to stay.

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Love it