Does fat Anko bother you?
Naruto as a whole bothers me since it's such shit.
How did they get away with this?
She's cute
Every fat girl does.
Doesn't bother me but i didn't expect her to hit the wall that hard after having a kid.
>Does fat Anko bother you?
No. If anything, she turns me on even more.
Based barf elf-kun
I'll be honest, yes it bothers me a lot.
Where's that from?
Malcom in the middle
If anything I wish she was fatter.
Less than the fact that she was never knocked up, meaning we’ve been denied future Ancunny.
checked. shipfaggotry. in the full panel she describes boruto as a "piece of work", and with that grin on her face, she clearly wasn't mad at him for fucking up their mission, even though she is clearly the most ambitious of the three, and it also possibly signifies that she was thinking about him in a more than friendly way.
also, the last chapter they got away with molestation for the same reason, so there you have it
I want to lick her sweaty armpits.
How can we as a society move towards fat acceptance again like the medieval times?
Oy men available were Kakashi (volcel, protected by fujos), Gai (ugly, youthsexual), Iruka (protected by fujos), Ebisu, Gemma, that one jonin with scars in his face, Ibiki, her kabuto look-alike teammate and Tokuma.
Notice how most of those are characters that never appeared in Boruto.
>'re unfit to be a ninja
Fucking KILL Ikemoto
I said a few threads ago that Buntan was less feminine in the new arc and the latest episode explains it.
Kiss Ikemoto.
Thank Ikemoto.
Worship Ikemoto.
Get me a man like this.
No, because I pretent it doesn't exist.
>Does fat Anko bother you?
Not as much as small chested and short haired Hinata.
Is this you?
I like chubby older ladies but Kishimoto ruined the hottest chick in Naruto by doing this shit to Anko.
Was Hal always a feeder/FA or did Lois gaining weight with pregnancy in the show awaken the Architect within him?
She is very cute and capable.
Pedomoto-dono...I weep
>fat acceptance like in medieval times
Fuck off with your fatfag propaganda. Evidence doesn't support the claim that fat was the beauty standard in the middle ages at all.
this is kishi's work, user
lel, legendary picture
what do you mean "cringe"???
you no rike jihadi hinata shipbait even though we're dead set on borusara since chapter 700? you no rike that braindead self-inserters have embraced it? you no rear fan dattebayo
dubs confirm
Back to drawing the new chapter you wristlet lolicon.
I can't tell if the artist is mocking the characters or not.
So you think Buntan is less feminine after Shizuma betrayed her?
Because that's how we get to know BoruSara is endgame.
>>Black eyes
Never ever
How many days until the new chapter?
>haven't looked at Boruto in months
>anime is still in the middle of some stupid filler arc
See you guys in another 3 months
What about this? I can't decide which BoruSara pic looks better myself
I just realized that Hebiichigo's leggings are wrapped around her high heels
Wow! Who cares!
Yes. Your job is to be a fucking ninja, this is the equivalent of showing up to work drunk.
And Saluto?
You were right the first time, Namikaze genes lose to Uchiha
I think that’s very interesting anonymous!
salute to whichever ESLchad drew this dude, he looks awesome
>It's starting
He was blonde with black eyes but I edited it.
I think if bsa ever happens, their kid will have Boruto's eyes considering how much Sarada likes them