Stronger than Types (Nasu confirmed he could beat Arcueid in an interview)

>Stronger than Types (Nasu confirmed he could beat Arcueid in an interview)
>Has literally everything men or gods have ever had, created, or could ever dream of (confirmed in FSF)
>Has divine Authorities inside GoB (Confirmed in Case Files where Harpe is a Divine Authority of Zeus)
>This also means he has alien shit inside of GoB since the Olympian gods are alien space ships from a level 2 civilization that originated in a different universe
>Tiamat calls Gilgamesh the absolute "Perfect Vessel" in arcade, whos body is the same as a God, a level above Divine Spirits
>This is also backed up in Babylonia, where Quetzalcoatl was barely able to crack Tiamats horn while Gilgamesh destroyed her entire body.
>And when Ishtar and Ereshkigal were getting there asses beat by the Lahmu, he killed them via a casual GoB spam in the anime
>Has so much magical power they can't even read how much it is, despite them being able to read how much Goetia has

CHADmesh is the strongest character in the Nasuverse.

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If there's anything I hate about F/SN it's the fact that this guy has never won a single final fight and is only a caricature villain in every route waiting to be defeated by Shirou, which is disappointing since I liked him and was rooting for him.

He was great in Prisma

>>Stronger than Types (Nasu confirmed he could beat Arcueid in an interview)
>>Has literally everything men or gods have ever had, created, or could ever dream of (confirmed in FSF)
>Has divine Authorities inside GoB (Confirmed in Case Files where Harpe is a Divine Authority of Zeus)
he has no DC inside GOB
>>This also means he has alien shit inside of GoB since the Olympian gods are alien space ships from a level 2 civilization that originated in a different universe
headcanon fanon, he has only human made weapons this is why he as no DC
rthe other things are also wrong

Same with the villains in Tsukihime.

he's barely in it and it's just a OOC kid version of him

Wrong, secondary
Gilgamesh, King of Heroes.
Eons ago, in what was later called Mesopotamia, there reigned a great king who would become the hero of the land. During the early days of an age in which the gods still lived, and people had greater power as individuals than they do now, this hero, born of a union between man and god, ruled over the fortress-city Uruk.
He was known as both a despot who destroyed his country, and as a king who stood on the precipice of history and brought the land into a new age. Regardless of what end he met, the fact remained that Uruk flourished as a nation of magnificent splendor under the rule of Gilgamesh. His vault was said to contain all of the works of gods and men, and it was rumored that they were the original versions of all Noble Phantasms used by heroes of later ages.
>he has no DC inside GOB
He's quite literally the first person to use Harpe in the franchise, secondary
>headcanon fanon, he has only human made weapons this is why he as no DC
See the first quote, secondary

>he has no DC inside GOB

Shiki could still kill him.

Yeah but she isnt fast enough.

And yet he still jobs.

what if I just had alot of swords?

>the epic of gilgamesh.
>one of the earliest stories ever written.
>full of incredibly poignant and truly deep themes such as the true nature of women, the finality of life, exploration of the human condition, the true meaning of friendship, how to overcome nihilism and so much more.
>it easily shits on everything written in the last 100 years
>be hack japanese writer
>"hmmm what could i contribute to such masterpiece? oh i know! what if he was BIG STRONK and his number was REALLY BIG :D"
two nukes were not enough.

>full of incredibly poignant and truly deep themes
user there is a reason we read the epic of gilgamesh in middle school.

There's more to this franchise than 2 anime adaptations.

He won

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You forgot:

>so physically inept he got beaten in a swordfight with an amateur human magus

The LN literally says he was about to die if Gil hadn't been stopped from shotting the 32 NPs at him tho
It's more that his arrogance causes him to not try until it's too late. That's pretty much how he dies in all the routes, doesn't use his clairvoyance in Fate to see Avalon, doesn't even fire NPs at Shirou in UBW in the VN, and stupidly doesn't make sure he actually killed Sakura in HF.

>he has no DC inside GOB
>What are Ea and Enkidu

>Nasu confirmed he could beat Arcueid
Arcueid is not a Type, tho.
Also most of things you said are useless if you're too retarded to use that properly, Gil is the equivalent of a Blademaster refusing to use a Lightsaber because he is above that, proved by Gil actively ignoring his clairvoyance because he thinks believes that some futures where he is defeated are nonsense (like Sakura eating him in HF)

>>Tiamat calls Gilgamesh the absolute "Perfect Vessel" in arcade, whos body is the same as a God, a level above Divine Spirits
Gods and divine spirits are interchangeable. Gods are just phenomena that truly existed in physical bodies. This is especially true for Gilgamesh's body that for obvious reasons, isn't beholden to worship.
>>Has so much magical power they can't even read how much it is, despite them being able to read how much Goetia has
Magic power beyond measure is used to define divine spirit level mana. It is said for Barghest, Talos, and Beast IV (called divine spirit level) as well. Nothing to be ashamed off as some of these are equal to high-servants or divine spirits, making them cheats by heroic spirit standards. Goetia is also beyond measure. He's scaled by planetary class.
>If there's anything I hate about F/SN it's the fact that this guy has never won a single final fight
You hate a story you never read? Because I distinctly recall him beating Saber, Heracles, and off-screening Cu.

The only Divene Constructs inside GoB are Ea and Enkidu, the reason why Gil doesn't have Excalibur or Avalon inside GoB is literally because he only posses the treasures created by mankind with the exception of Ea and Enkidu


>The only Divene Constructs inside GoB are Ea and Enkidu
So there are divine constructs inside the gate of babylon. Concession accepted. You're free to believe the rest of your headcanon though. I won't infringe on that.


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Reminder that he lost to LIZ. Not just lost: ONESHOTTED by Liz.

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>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good match before Shirou and even then was carried by vastly superior Servants
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out his comfort zone even when Iskandar threw millions at him
>Main evented the lowest drawing Ufotable Adaptation
>Main evented the lowest drawing Finale
>Tanked the buyrate of UBW Season 2 so hard the Finale got postponed
>Was barely ever in the main title picture because he was never a big enough deal
>Not even the best Archer
>In the same adaptation his backstage clique Kirei was utterly BTFO by fucking Lancer and achieved nothing notable
>His King of Uruk cosplay was cringeworthy
>His Presidente cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""The King of Heroes""""""""
>Killed by a tiny snake
>Hides his shit hairline
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a win streak
>Drew so poorly in title run that JETS of all people had to take the belt off him
>spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent
>Buried Illya and ruined her potential career because he didn't allow Homunculus bitches backstage
>Buried Herakles for no reason
>Drew lower ratings in his feud with Shirou in late UBW than a Kirei vs Kiritsugu feud,
>In the same feud, lost 100+ dimes from the previous year
Fuck Gilgamesh lol

Sit down before you start bawling again

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*jobs in any media featuring him
Whats are words without feats?

How about another joke 10guy?

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Literally has more wins than losses and probably the most wins of any character in the setting. Although, he appears a lot for that to happen.

He quite literally has divine authorities and constructs in GoB, as shown by Harpe, which is a Divine Authorty of Zeus. you're headcanon has literally no basis in reality.
Also, FSF literally says he has everything that the Gods have ever had.
>Gil doesn't have Excalibur or Avalon
Both owned by a human, thus by default he has them inside of GoB.

>Both owned by a human, thus by default he has them inside of GoB.
No, Gilgamesh in Fate literally states that he doesn't have Excalibur and he don't even known about the existence of Avalon in fact he also have Vasavi Shakti or Karna NP because he literally says that he wants to have it

>Both owned by a human, thus by default he has them inside of GoB.
Literally the wiki He says he wishes to obtain Kavacha and Kundala, and he is surprised by Avalon's existence. Because the original and only Excalibur was created by the Fairies lended to Saber and returned to the Fairies can't be in GoB because belongs to the Fairies you are mistaken Caliburn with Excalibur

That's not what happened.

Gilgamesh gives Karna the option of either giving him his head or his armor due to disrespecting him, which Karna replies that he can take his head if he has the ability to since he won't hand over the armor because he needs it. Gilgamesh then says he'll be taking it from him. There's nothing implying he doesn't have the Armor (in fact, its literally stated he has better armor than what Karna is wearing inside of GoB).

The spear is the only exception that's ever been stated. You can't claim that because there's a singular exception, the rule automatically doesn't apply and thus he's missing every other NP beyond the ones we've explicitly seen by default. The automatic assumption for GoB is that Gilgamesh has the prototype and descendants for every NP (as shown by him using both the Prototype of Gram Merodach and Gram itself in the VN).

As for Excalibur, there's no reason he wouldn't have it or a prototype of it given it's ability is extremely, extremely simple and basic: all it does is amplify the mana put into it. Not to mention he never says he doesn't have it, simply that he wishes to see it clash against Ea (which it then goes on to effortlessly overpower Excalibur).

As for Avalon, he never said he didn't have it. He simply did not use his clairvoyance beyond the first time he fought saber (which is something he does all the time. Once he has an opinion on your abilities he pretty much refuses to change it. That's his downfall in multiple routes). He had no reason to think she'd somehow find/get another noble phantasm after having scanned her once, especially given he's kicked her ass a couple times by this point.

>Both owned by a human, thus by default he has them inside of GoB.
In Nasuverse only exist one Excalibur in each timeline was stored within the planet and guarded by fairies for most of the Nasuverse's timeline. It was only LENT to Arturia when she needed a replacement for Caliburn, and after Bedivere RETURNED IT TO THE LAKE it was never seen again. Since it was stored away by the planet, Gilgamesh couldn't have collected it (or Avalon, for that matter).

This Excalibur and Avalon were created by the planet before even Gilgamesh existence he can't possibily have the prototype when Excalibur doesn't even have one, Gilgamesh only have the prototypes of weapons that becoming legendary after his death but in Fate Lore Excalibur already existed and was stored away from Gilgamesh reach by the fairies, Gram lore is not same as Excalibur lore anymore

*Jobs to an autistic japanese teenager

>The Wiki
Ah, so you're a secondary. That makes sense.
The Wiki is notorious for adding literal headcanon with no backing, and the mods are notorious for deleting things that disagree with there headcanon (Arthur's profile is one of the best examples of that).
GoB's literal description says "No matter if it's a paradox, if a hero has had it its inside of GoB".
Not to mention that that's irrelevant? Like, there's only one Balmung in each timeline, there's only one Gram in each timeline, etc.
>Excalibur doesn't even have one
user, there's quite literally an Excalibur Proto

nanaya bodies him

cu with increased luck Stat solos

Attached: LancerCuChu749.png (1200x1495, 731.55K)

That's was reconnect by FGO(you're also using FGO lore) Excalibur was created by the World even before Gilgamesh existence without prototype and was stored in Faerieland(for giving it a name), only existing one Excalibur that Excalibur was lended to for a time to Artoria and returned by Bedivere. Also Avalon was a Sheath forge by the Fae with the pieces of GoB can't store things that Gilgamesh either not personally owned or where created with knowledged outside mankind
>Excalibur Proto
Excalibur Proto is only a name to make difference between Arthur and Artoria NP and the Proto is giving by the Fate/Prototype not because is a Prototype

>>Stronger than Types (Nasu confirmed he could beat Arcueid in an interview)
he can't even beat 30%aruceid fucking retard. TM is not about powerlevelshit and there are many things who even are stronger then aruceid

Literally the new Excalibur Lore created by FGO makes impossible to GoB have Excalibur
>Ah, so you're a secondary. That makes sense
Literally told by Gilgamesh to Karna in Fate/Extella LINK and Literally told by gilgamesh in Fate route when Avalon tank EA.

Doesn't matter. Lost to a japanese high schooler.

Doesn't count, simple as

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>No matter if it's a paradox, if a hero has had it its inside of GoB
Literally GoB doesn't make paradox because these weapons are technically nameless, the original Prototypes of the Noble Phantasms Excaliburn doesn't have nameless Prototype thanks to new FGO lore, Excalibur Proto is just a name gave by the Source origin Fate/Prototype not a canonical prototype. And Even if that is true Karna Vasavi Shakti contradicts that rule because Karna had Vasavi Shakti but Vasavi Shakti is not inside GoB

>Excalibur and Avalon were created by the planet before even Gilgamesh existence he can't possibily have the prototype when Excalibur doesn't even have one,
Holy shit, I can't even call you a secondary. Gate of Babylon is a paradox. It doesn't matter if an NP existed before him, he will still have it. This is stated blatantly in CCC mats.

>nasu sucks at writing so much that even the tryhard fans cant agree with gils shitty gate of boredom

>It doesn't matter if an NP existed before him, he will still have it. This is stated blatantly in CCC mats.
I have Gilgamesh matrix CCC and his skill Collector EX never states that only states "He collected and stored away a sample of all the technology that was developed during his age and sealed them.
That which Gilgamesh stored"

There's nothing all that serious about it. We know how GoB works because it's all explained in the original game
>Gilgamesh has the original noble phantasms. These were spread across the world, making him the basis of heroes
>All heroic spirits NPs are traced back to him
>Paradox is invoked because there's heroes who should exist before him chronologically, but his legend is the first so the world retroactively works to his favor
>Even if there are new heroes, the gate will still be expanded retroactively
>He also collected the crystallization of mankind's wisdom as the AoG won't be surpassed by modern day humanity
>He cannot have treasures from new breed of humans or aliens
>There may be an exception to every rule above, as is the case with all Nasu rules. But those must be stated exceptions. It does not override the rule.

>That's was reconnect by FGO(you're also using FGO lore)
Its not a retcon, Excalibur has always been called the "Sword of the Planet". All they did was give more detail to it's backstory.
>Excalibur was created by the World even before Gilgamesh existence
So was Ea
>without prototype and was stored in Faerieland(for giving it a name)
That's irrelevant. GoB retroactively adds NPs and Prototypes to itself.
>only existing one Excalibur that Excalibur was lended to for a time to Artoria and returned by Bedivere.
I... Do you somehow think there's hundreds of other Noble Phantasms in each universe? Do you think there's hundreds of Grams, Balmungs, Clarent, etc? Every noble phantasm only has one in each universe.
>Also Avalon was a Sheath forge by the Fae
>with the pieces of GoB can't store things that Gilgamesh either not personally owned or where created with knowledged outside mankind
That's incorrect. I literally posted the quote about it having everything Gods and Men have ever created or owned.
>Excalibur Proto is only a name to make difference between Arthur and Artoria NP and the Proto is giving by the Fate/Prototype not because is a Prototype
They're literally different swords, Proto comes from a pruned timeline.

Still won though.

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>the final tablet is an inconsistent mess full of plot holes almost more like a fan-fic of the previous tablets
if anything it tell me that human can't end a story

>I have Gilgamesh matrix CCC
You read a subsection of his material and completely missed it.
>The story of Gilgamesh, is who mankind's oldest hero, is copied within the mythologies of all the countries of the world. The origin of all myths, the model on which heroes are based...calling him such would not be an exaggeration. More or less, the heroes of various myths are derived from Gilgamesh's legend. As such, Gilgamesh possesses the prototypes of the Noble Phantasms that heroes carry... the original treasures from before every legend was arranged. Though it may be a paradox, unless the original, Gilgamesh, possesses it, it cannot be handed down as the Noble Phantasm possessed by the later heroes who were derived from him.

Stop speedreading and spreading incorrect information. Collector EX's text is about human invention. That's something CCC came up with. The reason Gilgamesh has noble phantasms isn't related to that, and was stated as early as FSN.

>So was Ea
Ea was personally gave to Gilgamesh, Excalibur never leaved Faireland until Sefar and Saber legend

Arcueid isn't a real Type. The Earth doesn't have a real Type.

Gilgamesh has every NP because GoB is literally just Nasu ripping off Plato's Idea of Forms and applying it to Noble Phantasms. Just like how every object has an ideal "original" form without which it cannot exist, Gilgamesh has the "original" NP for every single NP. If Gilgamesh did not have the original NP in GoB, then the NP simply wouldn't exist in the first place.

>As such, Gilgamesh possesses the prototypes of the Noble Phantasms that heroes carry... the original treasures from before every legend was arranged. Though it may be a paradox, unless the original, Gilgamesh, possesses it, it cannot be handed down as the Noble Phantasm possessed by the later heroes who were derived from him.
That literally only talks about the prototypes of the Noble Phantasms, Excalibur doesn't have a Prototype as FGO established is unique sword created by the planet and stored by the planet in Faerieland

That could be true before LB6 release but that text only speaks about the prototypes and Lb6 made clear that Excalibur doesn't have any kind prototypes

>If Gilgamesh did not have the original NP in GoB, then the NP simply wouldn't exist in the first place.
Yes my whole discussion is that was true before FGO and the LB6 where Excalibur is canonically a sword without a prototype

>You hate a story you never read?
at least i can read

No. See here All noble phantasms have prototypes. Excalibur is also one that is well known by human history, so it must have a prototype that Gilgamesh has in his possession. It doesn't have to be exactly Excalibur, but it is what served as the basis for Excalibur.
> FGO established is unique sword created by the planet
The word is unique is mentioned nowhere. It's your headcanon or inference, shot down by the fact that Galatine was also forged by the planet and is Excalibur's sister sword. Galatine explicitly has a prototype in Caladbolg.
> That special characteristic is reflected in the Noble Phantasm, which is like the rays of heat from the sun. Caladbolg is the prototype of Galatine, like a long rainbow, and cleanly sliced off the top of a hill with its full power.
This is exactly what I am talking about when I mention misinformation. You find some shiny new piece of info, infuse your own inferences then treat it as truth when a cursory glance at the actual story will tell you otherwise.