Casual pantyshots are better than in-your-face pantyshots

Casual pantyshots are better than in-your-face pantyshots.

Attached: [polished]Uta-Kata 01 [DVD][42609020] - 00_08_39.185.jpg (720x544, 74.18K)

Attached: [polished]Uta-Kata 01 [DVD][42609020] - 00_09_31.279.jpg (720x544, 71.61K)

Attached: [polished]Uta-Kata 01 [DVD][42609020] - 00_13_39.944.jpg (720x544, 57.04K)

Yeah, but what're you gonna do?

Attached: Barefoot Kata.webm (720x544, 920.66K)

Post more examples from other shows

>clearly the focus of the shot, but only visible for one (1) frame
Is it casual?

Attached: [Fete Rider] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha - 09 [BD 1080p][28C458E4] - 00_04_58.673.jpg (1424x1070, 256.57K)


Attached: 1636870645739.jpg (1920x919, 412.5K)

I want them in my face

Attached: a7c260e77565cfba7f53cfb40d79d163.jpg (2739x1600, 1.05M)

Attached: 1642081109437.jpg (1920x2241, 263.36K)

Attached: 01 Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p] [Hi10P AC3 dual-audio] [kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_04.03_[2020.02.13_01.20.04].png (720x480, 548.52K)

Attached: 1645206206766.jpg (1920x1080, 193.62K)

Attached: 1640877266656.png (500x373, 181.68K)

where from user?

Attached: 1564418056268.jpg (1280x720, 96.59K)

You are completely and 100% correct.

Attached: [UCCUSS] Alice in Deadly School アリスインデッドリースクール OVA (BD 1920x1080p AVC FLAC)-00:20:07.248.jpg (1920x1080, 351.05K)

Is this the anime about the girl that gets raped and has to deal with it? She has the power of friendship to help her getting over it or some shit like that

>cameltoe shadow
this is anything but casual

Attached: Venus_059.jpg (1369x2000, 941.11K)

Attached: 1631809208353.jpg (1280x720, 386.07K)

Attached: 1645953736450.jpg (2560x1440, 287.63K)

Attached: HG_081.jpg (2663x3800, 1.58M)

press X to doubt

Attached: Highschool_of_the_Dead_-_Undressing.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)


Cute, downloading this.

Attached: [AsukaSubs] Chocotto Sister - 13 (848x480 DVD h264 AAC)[273ASBBF].mkv_snapshot_12.02_[2021.09.23_20.09.12].jpg (848x480, 277.24K)

>mc is disabled

Is it casual if you have pantyshots every other episode?

Attached: [mottoj] Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan!! - 11 (BDRip 1280x720 x264 Hi10p FLAC).mkv_snapshot_07.38_[2021.11.25_11.45.24].jpg (1280x720, 559.51K)

Attached: [MD] Robot Girls Z - 03 (1920x1080 Blu-ray AAC) [14BEC06F].mkv_snapshot_07.08_[2019.03.16_20.44.40].jpg (1920x1080, 596.83K)

The fuck you on about?

Yeah, a seondary chara suffered delicious loli rape.


Attached: 7efb972ce7017d6b75b39886627dfce3fe582adb.jpg (1020x1209, 247.58K)

I'd say the best is natural panty shots, the worst is gravity defying skirts and the like. I don't particularly like it either when its magical panty shots.

I like it when you get rewarded for paying attention.

Attached: 1552177644967.jpg (2454x3500, 885.57K)

Attached: kotoha.png (1919x1079, 2.55M)


Attached: 1648897276632.jpg (1920x1080, 305.52K)

Attached: 1638211141424.png (1436x1047, 912.43K)


Attached: almost.webm (1920x1080, 1.37M)

Attached: [FFF] Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo - 04 [BD][720p-AAC][73162D30].mkv_snapshot_14.23.615.jpg (1280x720, 351.4K)

Attached: 1639212194550.jpg (1242x790, 638.37K)

It is my tradition to fap to this scene every December 1st

Pretty sure that's a skirt slip and not pantsu.

But we had pantyshots in anime just this season and last season too.

Attached: 1618354162128.jpg (1918x2196, 439.51K)

I prefer casually in my face panty shots

Attached: [Glitch] Ikkitousen Extravaganza Epoch - 01 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_05.24_[2015.08.22_23.24.05].jpg (1280x720, 73.98K)

The most subtle panty shot

Attached: [SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku - 01 (1080p) [39A4B80A].mkv_snapshot_08.38.676.jpg (1920x1080, 275.65K)

what is this? The Wallflower?

Attached: 1643129805072.jpg (1910x2499, 559.16K)

any pantsu shot is a good shot t.b.h.

>tfw they just removed the pantsu shot in the Chrono Cross "remaster"
Fuck em

The fact that a human being drew that triangle with, colored it white, then drew a line down it. Means it most certainly isn't 'Casual' as you say. Therefore any panty shot in anime is not casual in the least because all anime is manufactured on purpose, unlike IRL. Which makes it all the better.

Attached: 1620562380685.jpg (1920x1080, 750.54K)

Attached: 1533036330712.jpg (1926x2739, 447.33K)

The most casual pantyshot.

Attached: [Fete Rider] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 2nd A's [BD 1080p][6C680ACC] - 00_40_31.012.jpg (1916x1076, 180.28K)

who is she

based chad, not getting distracted by 3DPD on a bed

Hey I remember this show.
The tomboy had it hard.

user that is not a casual pantie shot.
the girl isn't doing anything that would warrant her panties showing, you can only see them because of the fan service low-angle.
first thing that comes to mind for a natural-looking pantie shot is something like this:

Attached: file.png (1033x571, 616.43K)

Women glancing over their shoulder at me with a disgusted look on their face sure is nostalgic.

Attached: smug loli spots pantie midflight.png (847x1200, 319.93K)

Post some rare non-plain white pantsu.

Attached: 1628681272253.jpg (839x720, 135.06K)

Attached: [Chihiro]_Sora_no_Woto_-_09_[1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC][429D69E3] - 00_07_55.725.jpg (1280x720, 109.93K)

Nice to see an Uta Kata appreciator

Attached: Yozakura Quartet - Hana No Uta - 01 [Bd] 1080p x265 Flac.mkv_snapshot_00.24.670.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Attached: Yozakura Quartet - Hana No Uta - 01 [Bd] 1080p x265 Flac.mkv_snapshot_17.31.553.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

Attached: Yozakura Quartet - Hana No Uta - 01 [Bd] 1080p x265 Flac.mkv_snapshot_17.57.663.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

I liked how all among all the girls in this show the cute and funny girl got the best shots.

Attached: Yozakura Quartet - Hana No Uta - 01 [Bd] 1080p x265 Flac.mkv_snapshot_20.29.514.png (1920x1080, 1.35M)

is this show any good

Attached: Yozakura Quartet - Hana No Uta - 01 [Bd] 1080p x265 Flac.mkv_snapshot_20.29.764.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

Attached: Yozakura Quartet - Hana No Uta - 01 [Bd] 1080p x265 Flac.mkv_snapshot_20.30.230.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Attached: Yozakura Quartet - Hana No Uta - 01 [Bd] 1080p x265 Flac.mkv_snapshot_20.30.313.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

Attached: Yozakura Quartet - Hana No Uta - 01 [Bd] 1080p x265 Flac.mkv_snapshot_20.35.628.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)