Logically, how do crossdressing female rulers work in isekai?
There are too many anatomy difference between men and women for people around to not notice, also the royal palace is usually full of spies from many factions, so it's hard to keep such a big secret.
Beside, it doesn't look that necessary in the first place, since as a ruler, competency is what gains you respect, not your gender anyway (Victoria, Catherine, Hatshepsut , Theodora, Wu Zetian, etc...)
Logically, how do crossdressing female rulers work in isekai?
Women shouldn't rule over men, it's illogical and unnatural since it goes against the rules of nature.
Is she a love interest in the series?
>it goes against the rules of nature.
Say who?
Looks like that. Every attractive girls is a love interest.
All women are love interests in the series.
No one is safe from MC-kun
It's just doodle, don't think to hard and just enjoy the chinese cartoon.
>Is she a love interest in the series?
Still not thus far.
>also the royal palace is usually full of spies from many factions, so it's hard to keep such a big secret.
Remember how FDR had managed to keep it secret from everybody that he was disabled? Man had enemies both inside his country and outside, yet that major "flaw" of his remained a secret from the world.
I choose this bread. I already see enough /pol/ at home and work.
It's much easier to hide that you don't have a peepee and bleed from your crotch monthly.
Problem is, famous female rulers are usually known for their cruelty, to gain respect, they did many things men didn't dare to. So it makes sense for girls who want to rule but don't want to become butchers, to hide their gender.
>Remember how FDR had managed to keep it secret from everybody that he was disabled?
Huh, really?
So they are two characters now?
How should we deal with fat kots?
I fucking knew it.
Women live longer than men and are more resistant to illnesses.
It's bizarre how convoluted things are just to make this a kicked from X story
>Networking specialist
>didn't network with king because of bad rep
>still strike deal with king because hero party honor good
>Well my party members don't really care about that honor shit but I'll take it anyway
>Oh no the bad rep king betray
Uh huh....
>Cheat is literally Personal Relations
What the hell? With a skill like that, the only solution that makes sense to solve the war is to broker a ceasefire and peace deal between the humans and the demons, not to prolong the war.
How did people first make yeast?
history is full of them but it's secret and part of this weird cult
Literally sourdoughs.
>history is full of them but it's secret and part of this weird cult
I knew it, king Arthur was a female all along.
Because they are the illness.
>history is full of them
Like who?
before instant yeast packets they used the yeast "cake" or barm left over from fermentation
The most famous is that egyptian pharoh with the fix on beard
>Victoria, Catherine, Hatshepsut , Theodora, Wu Zetian
Those were known for their wickedness, not competency.
>Hmanga artist is isekai'd
>For some reason the king of the land sees his H work as salvation to his kingdom
>Puts MC in charge of doing more H stuff which have garnered so much attention that it has basically become religion
>Has a man sized flytrap given to him that can devour and turn digested stuff to ink
>Guy barges in and mad that MC stopped work on one specific character
>Threatens MC to finish work on that characters series and let's himself into the flytrap telling MC to finish said work or he will become ink.
What? No.
Okay, Procopius, calm down.
>Beside, it doesn't look that necessary in the first place, since as a ruler, competency is what gains you respect, not your gender anyway
Wrong, it's bloodline that gave you legitimacy in feudalism.
Most mammals live in matriarchal communities.
The top panel pose reminds me of something from FMA.
It's what we in the industry call a 'reference'.
>What? No.
Say that to people on the lands they conquered, who were brutalized by their armies.
I love this manga. The author sounds like one of us.
Who killed her husband and his unborn child again?
Humans make their own rules.
A woman can easily come into power if, for instance, bloodline is the most important element of legitimacy.
A lot of it is stuff the translators added.
An accusation you could level at pretty much every ruler of a great power throughout history, and also completely irrelevant to what we're talking about. There's a reason Catherine earned her epithet and is considered one of Russia's greatest Tsars (right up there with Peter), there's a reason British society molded itself around Victoria for the better part of a century, and we can't ignore the fact that both of them were in charge during what could be accurately described as golden ages for Russia and Britain. They were very well thought of by their own people.
A rare success
you will never be a woman
You can't fault them for what committed by nameless goons they didn't even know about. Most great rulers only expanded their land due to the necessity of their people and country, since it's foolish to do so without the support of their own populaces.
A man genuinely trying to sell out his country to a foreign power, and there's zero proof Catherine killed him.
>Unborn child
She had two miscarriages.
>imperial britain
>golden age
>because of victoria
there's that public school education rolling in again.
How does it make any sense for a pathetic weakling to rule over burly muscular men who can snap her in half with one of their arms?
The argument is that Victoria was known for her 'wickedness' instead of her competency, which is retarded.
I think the reason England was historically so comfortable with queens was because they didn't want a monarch with actual pretensions of ruling anything.
So the leader is blameless for atrocities their men do, I see. I am sure the ICC would accept that defense too.
Think of it this way, if a child can be king, so can a woman.
Just because England didn't have absolute monarchs didn't mean they had no power, just look at Elizabeth I (good example) or Mary (bad example).
I don't know user. You should go ask those retarded Hapsburgs how they managed to be literal genetic cancer and still rule the world for centuries.
>A man genuinely trying to sell out his country to a foreign power, and there's zero proof Catherine killed him.
Sure, he only accidentally died shortly after she dethroned him.
>She had two miscarriages.
I talked about his child with his mistress.
They could have power, as long as they didn't challenge the parliament.
No child should be king. There is a reason why the minimum age to run for president is 35. Anytime a child was a king, he was just a puppet used by someone else.
You know what's the King's most important job?
Avoiding civil war. And the purpose of strict succession laws is to avoid exactly that. It's better to have a child or woman on the throne than have everyone kill each other to decide.