The Nika thing detracts from everything around it. Everything could have happened the same way with the Gomu Gomu no Mi without robbing Luffy of any agency. Now Luffy can only beat Kaido because he ate the right fruit. He can only be Joy Boy because he ate the right fruit. He be seen as a threat by the World Government because he ate the right fruit. Luffy outshines the other people who awakened their fruits and took out a Yonkou in the raid, because he ate the right fruit. Because of Nika, we have to believe Luffy couldn’t have been Pirate King with the Gomu Gomu No Mi. But it’s powers are still what we expected from the awakened Gomu Gomu No Mi, so Nika ultimately adds nothing we couldn’t have had anyway, while taking away Luffy’s agency in the reveal. And it is stronger than a normal fruit now, because the Gorosei insist it is.
Roger didn't need the best fruit to be the best. That, and this fanbase is large enough that any criticism gets drowned out by equally angry but much stupider shit. And no one seems to hear it. Call Nika an asspull and people will point you to Skypiea for vague symbolism, as if it ever hints that Luffy's devil fruit was anything but the Gomu Gomu no Mi. People don't get what "agency" means here because they think it's destiny. But it's just Luffy's ability to beat Kaido.
I'm pretty sure anyone with a working brain hates it. I can understand guys like who just turn off their brains and enjoy it without taking it seriously, regardless of how bad it is. It's the idiots that STILL treat one piece as some kind of literary masterpiece that need to wake up
Isaac Clark
This critique is dishonest. No one predicted that Luffy's awakening would be like it is because paramecia awakenings don't work like that. If the Nika reveal hadn't happened, you would be posting threads asking why Luffy's hair was on fire and why he had toon force powers. Luffy's fruit being the Hito Hito no mi, Model: Nika explains all of that, plus everything before makes more sense, not less. It explains Luffy's fire and lightning attacks, and why he can do things that rubber can't.
I don't see how the fruit robs Luffy of agency. He just ate a strong devil fruit that the guy who failed to stop the WG 800 years ago also ate. Law's fruit is arguably even more broken. Does Law lack agency because his OP fruit let him join the Shichibukai, help defeat Doflamingo, and defeat Big Mom?
Cameron Clark
The awakening of the fruit and what it does is great. How we got there was really bad though. If you don't give a shit about the narrative and are only looking for wacky cartoon violence, you'll probably love it.
Jace Powell
I've been reading One Piece since 2003. Didn't like the fruit reveal, awakening, and change in the fight. Nothing new to add to the discussion that hasn't been brought up before. But I hear you, OP.
Nicholas Perez
Im addicted to odas dick. No matter what ill suck it.
Bentley Wilson
Wait till the reveal that the will of D is just a big toothy smile, like " :D "
Adrian Wilson
>D means :D Kino
William Bell
Wanpisdfag are single digit people
Wyatt Ross
Brody Morris
Owen Perez
Pretty much this There's arguments to be had on both sides in the end, it's really just up to perspective All I can really say is enjoyers will remain happy and seethers will remain seething I guess
Jose Martinez
Truly kino
Colton Butler
the toon toon fruit was perfect this way he doesnt draw muscles that stress oda also he is leaving muscles to hirokoshi
Kevin Foster
I always thought his fruit was going to be special and felt the a Zoan was fitting for Luffy so doesn't really matter to me.
Andrew Hill
At this point it is an "us vs them" Personal taste and criticism doesn't matter anymore. One sides shits on every new chapter and the other is obliged to love it.
Owen Hernandez
I think the fruit was retroactively changed so that all the inconsistencies with it "just" being a rubber fruit could be explained.
Austin Brown
I believe it.
Carter Torres
>f the Nika reveal hadn't happened, you would be posting threads asking why Luffy's hair was on fire and why he had toon force powers. If we just toy with the thought that Luffy unlocked a regular awakening/gear and Nika isn't a thing, why would we be hung up about the fucking fire hair? Obviously Oda could have just not given him fire hair. >Nika explains all of that Too bad it fails to explain the 25 foregoing years where Luffy's fruit could do literally nothing, and I mean literally fucking nothing, but give Luffy rubber-like abilities. It's a blatant afterthought to make his DF only work "as intended" after awakening it.
It just sucks that he has to be basically a god to find the One Piece anyway. It's against everything people pretended to like about One PIece.
That's what happens when people get caught up in the climate of opinion and don't even say what they really believe but instead some exaggerated form of that and whatever it takes to move the needle on a topic. You can blame the internet. Of course this affects me too. I actually kinda like Luffy's new abilities and love how unique and anti-anime all of this is. I still don't think it gets enough criticism, though.
Bentley Rogers
>muh bunch of bullshit didn't ask, also you're gay
60% of devil fruits couldn't have an interesting awakening or something that makes sense. Wouldn't surprise me if we just skip Kaido's awakening entirely or if he gets some super special treatment shit
Nolan Gonzalez
>No one predicted that Luffy's awakening would be like it is After witnessing Flamingo fruit's awakening, anyone could.
Gabriel Martin
It's pretty sweet and although I thought it should have been a monkey god, this loki-esque thing going on is pretty sweet too.
Ian Rogers
Awakened zoans are just an incarnation of the spirit of the thing they are. so for chopper, he's an incarnation of an abomidable snowman, and way stronger. The awakened zoans in impel down were stuck in that shape and kinda braindead like they were maybe awakened zoans implanted in dumb animals. It would seem to me that Sengoku had just eaten some regular buddha fruit (lol regular mythical zoan) and when it's awakened he turns into the giant gold statue.
We have no reason to believe that Kaido's dragon zoan isn't awakened when he's in his biggest form, but who the fuck knows. Maybe that's the next twist is Kaido launching his awakened mode and then passing the fuck out.
Carter Parker
This argument falls flat once you realize there's no difference between the Gomu Gomu and the Nika fruits. They're both the same fruit. >adds nothing >it's a broken fruit >takes away Luffy's agency >he ate the right OP fruit If you apply those criticisms to 'the Gomu Gomu as we knew it a couple of months back' and they sound ridiculous, it's because they are.
Adrian Lewis
I think Oda will want to shock us once or twice in this arc and Kaido's awakening will be revealed at the worst possible time. Him turning surroundings into dragons sounds ridiculous but it's not completely off the table since Luffy can now turn his surroundings into rubber which also happens to be his flesh.
Ethan Rogers
I feel like it's a missed opportunity we don't really see "true' zoan awakening from one of Kaido's officers. I had hoped King or Queen would have it.
Dylan Lewis
Most overpowered fruit is obviously paw-paw. Expel damage, teleportation, long distance travel, ability to block everything.
Or lightning being able to extend observation haki for miles and miles and grant instant reflexes, and be generally super destructive at high range.
Luffy's is decent I guess.
The real question is - what is Blackbeard's darkness fruit? It's not a Logia - but it's probably a misattributed Zoan.
Headcanon says it would have to either be a Zoan or a Logia because he got the paramecia earthquake fruit from Whitebeard and that takes up the paramecia slot. But hey, this means that Luffy has a free paramecia slot to take on something like the noro noro no mi which is obviously the strongest power in their universe, or the bara bara no mi which would supplement his only vulnerability around being cut.
Austin Rivera
One Piece is shit for 5 years now desu
Noah Gray
this but unironically
Adrian Ramirez
if you don't like it then just stop reading why do you keep spamming your garbage threads?
Christian Rivera
Yeah if I had a normal rubber body I would be able to use my legs to pump my blood at a really high pressure turning me into a hydraulically actuated system that I could control at will. Because that's the kind of body control a purely rubber body should be able to have. But letting me control rubber even better and adjust my body at will with some damage and fatigue ignore at the same time, with my heart beating like a sort of deathly dance music? Why, that's just absurd.
Carson Powell
Luffy won't be able to have several DF. Blackbeard can only do it because as several characters that knew him pointed out (he has a weird body). I think Yami Yami no mi is actually the Davy Jones mythical zoan. Legend goes everything that sinks to the bottom of the sea goes to the Davy Jones locker. So I think Davy Jones is a personification of greed which is to slavers what liberty is to slaves and so it works with the themes. His darkness is actually a very specific type of dark, it's the dark of the ocean's abyss also known as Davy Jones locker. That's why his darkness is so good at consuming entire towns, and even pain, it's pure dark greed of Davy Jones locker. And this is why it negates DF as well, it has the same energy as the bottom of the ocean.
Kevin Smith
i liked it. i like the simplicity it gives off gear 2 vibes while also clearly being way above it with the flames and color pallet. i had to deal with bound man for years this shit is fine he looks cool atleast. ive always been a gagpiece chad so the toon powers dont bother me at all.
Asher Murphy
>Yeah if I had a normal rubber body I would be able to use my legs to pump my blood at a really high pressure turning me into a hydraulically actuated system that I could control at will. Because that's the kind of body control a purely rubber body should be able to have. In a manga, yes. It made sense, surely enough for no one to complain about how weird it is. Kinda dishonest of you to pretend it was too unrealisitc for a rubber fruit after 20 years of no complaints about it ever.
Ryan Torres
Reminder that if Luffy beats Kaido he claims his title as being the strongest creature.
If Gear 2 was supposed to involve reality bending shit Oda would have build up on it with 3 and 4 but 3 is literally just Luffy expanding and 4 is Luffy being bouncy/flexible
Mason Sanchez
Have Oda fanboys finally started to admit he's starting to make up shit as he writes because no series of 1000+ chapters avoids such issues or are they still pretending he's the master architect who planned it all 20 years ago
Jordan Stewart
>It explains Luffy's fire Sanji and Kinemon can also manipulate fire without using devil fruit powers. In fact, the Nika fruit revelation doesn't explain the Red Hawk attack at all and lightning attacks What lightning attacks?
Jose Perry
>shitposter makes the same thread again. Keeps you niggers out of the real One Piece threads.
>All the gomu gomu attacks are invalid now because it wasn't actually gomu gomu Damn
Lucas Thompson
Of course he planned some things 25 years ago, you can't start writing a story not knowing where it's going to end. He's probably simultanously writing synopsis both from the end backwards and chronologically.
Landon Barnes
This isn't criticism is just insisting its bad by leaping to conclusions.
Jeremiah Campbell
Nika changes nothing. Gomu Gomu was already a top tier fruit granting you immunity to all electric attacks, absorbing physical blows and bullet damage, giving CQC attacks very long range. And don't get me started on the insane shit like Luffy blowing up his arms to give himself the power of a giant, pumping his heart several times faster to accelerate his body and that shit not exploding. Very few DFs grant you so much bullshit, weak power my ass.
Christian Johnson
>why he can do things that rubber can't such as?
Gabriel Davis
The quality of REAL One Piece threads is barely above your average Dragon Ball circle jerk thread.
Jayden Moore
I love seeing you faggots seethe lol
Andrew Perez
>>it's a broken fruit It is, its awakening completely restored Luffy's stamina and increased Luffy's physical stats so much he can now use Kaido as a jump rope and tank his attacks like they are nothing. Not to mention muh toonforce >>takes away Luffy's agency Implied by the Gorosei when they stated zoans have a will of their own and that the Nika fruit user is supposed to spread freedom and smiles wherever they go. >>he ate the right OP fruit Yes, he ate the exact fruit that makes him Joyboy and that helps him to fulfill the prophecy
>If you apply those criticisms to 'the Gomu Gomu as we knew it a couple of months back' and they sound ridiculous, it's because they are wow It's almost as if Oda had completely changed the fruit and added a bunch of new bullshit or something
Caleb Allen
Yes, this. The magic rubber man not behaving exactly like rubber was a real plot hole in this manga.
Tyler Phillips
Well he didn't.
Noah Young
Luffy was acknowledged by Kaido as an equal even before he awakened his fruit. The Gomu Gomu showed no signs of increasing his endurance or his attack power before his awakening. Luffy was already considered the 5th Emperor after WCI. Also, you act like Kid and Law didn't eat the right fruit. Law's Devil Fruit is considered to be the ultimate DF and Kid's powers are extremely broken.
Considering the fact that Luffy has only been a pirate for 2 years, he could've easily became PK with just a bit more training. Luffy's awakening is the only awakening that can affect other people. Also, he wouldn't've literally died if it wasn't for his fruit being special.
Roger had 35+ years of experience as a pirate and a supreme grade sword. The Nika fruit was only referred to as the most ridiculous ability, which contradicts nothing about what Oda said. Your argument for why it wasn't foreshadowed is "I-it doesn't count!".
>It is, its awakening completely restored Luffy's stamina and increased Luffy's physical stats so much he can now use Kaido as a jump rope and tank his attacks like they are nothing. Not to mention muh toonforce Retard. Luffy is very clearly tired and what happened was completely in line of what Zoan awakenings can do. Given the fact that there are special paramecias, there's a chance that there are special Zoans or special Logias. He has demonstrated nothing that can be read as muh toonforce you disingenuous cunt. >Implied by the Gorosei when they stated zoans have a will of their own and that the Nika fruit user is supposed to spread freedom and smiles wherever they go. The FRUIT was avoiding the Gorosei. The fruit that embodies freedom didn't want to be captured. Also, Luffy wanted to be a pirate before he ate the fruit. >Yes, he ate the exact fruit that makes him Joyboy and that helps him to fulfill the prophecy A prophecy he doesn't know about. >wow It's almost as if Oda had completely changed the fruit and added a bunch of new bullshit or something The only thing that doesn't make sense is the fact that he can affect other people. His strength and durability boost is the result of a Zoan awakening and his ability to turn shit into rubber is the result of a Paramecia awakening.
Carson Collins
Pretty much, also explains luffy's high stamina and his higher recovery, Zoro struggled entire arcs sometimes due to his extreme wounds, Luffy eats some meat and is practically fully recovered.
Grayson Sullivan
>nobody accuses sengoku of being a literal reincarnation of buddha with no personal agency in his own actions, despite having the hito hito no mi: model daibutsu >people accuse luffy of being a literal reincarnation of nika with no personal agency in his own actions because he has the hito hito no mi: model nika
>It is, its awakening completely restored Luffy's stamina No, it didn't. He's literally killing himself. >Implied by the Gorosei when they stated zoans have a will of their own By that logic, Lucci and Kaido have no agency either, since they also ate Zoans, that's not how it works. At most it has slight influences on mood like how carnivorous zoans are said to be more aggressive. > he ate the exact fruit that makes him Joyboy Joyboy failed to fulfill himself and Luffy is the only one that has managed to awaken the fruit in 800 years. Just because you ate the fruit doesn't mean you'll be able to awaken it.
People have been complaining about luffy's abilities not being entirely like rubber since Enel because his rubber body should have melted due to the high temperates of Enel lightning like he did with gold in that arc.
Jayden Torres
Daibutsu = Statue of Buddha, not literally Buddha you retards.
Owen Jenkins
So he shouldn't even be allowed to move? Since statues don't move you know. This is how retarded you sound.
Wyatt Ward
>No one predicted that Luffy's awakening would be like it is Toon force was literally predicted by many anons, check the archives
Adam Thompson
The goofy shit is pointless and makes retards think Luffy has reality warping powers while all he can do is control his rubebr body to its utmost flexibility and turn other people and his surroundings to rubber, he can still get hurt by Kaido and he is easier to hit too as he doesnt dodge attacks nearly as much.