What are your thoughts on assertive female characters in anime/manga?

What are your thoughts on assertive female characters in anime/manga?

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Femdom is one step up from cuckshit but it's pretty close. Men should never let a woman lead them.


Ironically, you sound like a total bitch.

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If you can only boss around a weak cuck then are you really assertive?

In order to understand this series, you just have to realize they wrote a normal romance series and switched the genders. MC is the girl, and she's the guy. Its not complicated

nothing makes my dick softer

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I can't watch rom coms where the male lead is a blank insert, just can't do it. Girl in this show seems cute but she falls in love with a beta for some reason

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Is this bitch somehow magically responsible for MCs bad luck?
End of first episode implied some weird thing she didn’t want him to piece together

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Literally created for NTR material

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>beta beta beta
>cuck cuck cuck
I want /pol/turds to leave.

>they wrote a normal romance series and switched the genders
no they did not. a guy acting like she does would be a pushy creep.

I like them.

For me it's not so much the actual domination that appeals to me as the bindings on a woman, what does that say about me?

As someone in some other thread a few years ago or something said before, Tsunderes only work if both of the parties hate each other's guts. Having a one-sided hatred where one of them (usually the guy) is a wimp being confused as fuck, while the other is acting all so bossy and pretending to hate the one they're in love with is becoming tiring in the long run in every other show.

You sound like you're in denial. You want to be dominated by a woman.

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what the fuck kind of mental gymnastics is this shit

>Tsunderes only work if both of the parties hate each other's guts
A shame that shit is rare, I think I only encountered one or two manga with this type of relationship.

>Tsunderes only work if both of the parties hate each other's guts
Then how did Chizuru get so popular?

Read literally any shoujo manga then come back and apologize

Not every romcom is Toradora.

I think the guy who wrote it is really ashamed of his fetish and spent a really long time trying to justify it but ended up sounding like a schizo. there was a similar pasta for scat.

And this is why Kurisu and Okabe's relationship is so good.

The virgin pink hair nobody
The gigastacy Legs16

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>izumi is literally me
>tfw no shikimori gf

>Assertive female
only good for domination loss, but sadly that's a rarity in anime

Shikimori is a fake switch. You can defeat her by gentle holding her hand and giving her eskimo kisses.

Is this the actual line?

Is this just hentai?


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>scenes men will never understand

Yea Forums IS /pol/

I agree but when it comes to anime I could care less what that shit, it all depends on how its framed and if said anime is interesting.

except Yea Forums

Best girl won? Holy shit I should've read this years ago.


It's fine if it's all just a setup for the eventual domination loss
But by itself it's garbage


Built for rape


I'm a femdom fag so i love it

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We'd actually have a plot then
can't have that


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>personality is assertive but still caring
good shit
>physically violent or sadistic torturing
complete garbage

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where do you find these pictures, lol
i save them when other anons post them

>personality is assertive but still caring
good shit
>physically violent or sadistic torturing

What a dull imagination you have.

How assertive?

True, but how do you cure the result of having low testosterone with a need to be always in control?

A product of our times. This is the only way the majority of men can imagine a relation now.

The girl in the OP likes to protect the guy but she falls over quick whenever he makes a move. I hate you faggots so much.

t. Kissless virgin

>This is the only way the majority of men can imagine a relation now.
sure but not for the reasons you mean. i dont think the core drives for this stuff really have anything to do w dominance/submission per se. rather the base fantasy here is one of legibility, of being able to tell a woman wants to fuck you without having to parse more subtle social cues than kabedon. which ties into why its so big with post-autism-epidemic guys specifically maybe, but either way it doesnt have to be this exact scenario, just something where intent is communicated clearly. you could have something where a woman is groveling before a beautiful griffith-like man begging him to let her fuck and it would strike a similar chord, is my guess


It can be good.

unironically this
jew nigger

They always need to turn the male character into a beta cuck for it to work

>I like femdom...
>But not pegging

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Best when paired with a guy that isn't a limp wristed faggot

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Esdeath is the perfect counterpoint to "don't stick your dick in crazy".

You don't just "stick" your dick in crazy.
You ram your dick in it like you're trying to split her in half.

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Ah, so she's too exhausted/overcome with joy to kill you later. Sound logic.

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Pussy smoothbrain omega male logic.

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You think is good letting a woman control you because there isn't a woman controlling you right now

I miss witch craft works

>girl is manipulative and abusive in her dominance
I sleep.

>girl is a sweet and affectionate, but takes charge in a loving and assertive way
My dick is now diamonds.

>A product of our times.
pro-tip: every degenerate sex act you can possibly think of was already invented by horny people thousands of years ago.

Basically 3D vs 2D

What about manipulative, assertive, and dominant in public, sweet and affectionate and loving behind closed doors because she completely trusts you?