Spy x Family

>age gap feMC
>no grooming
how is this possible?

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season 2 when?

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Because FINALLY we have a decent wholesome series where the characters are both likable, interesting, and the father/daughter bond REMAINS father/daughter instead of turning full on degenerate and having the girl end up with the older person.
FUCK this trope and FUCK whoever's broken inside enough to like it or get off to it. You are all scum of the earth, no more than murk on the bottom of the sea.
A guy adopting a tiny female child should always stay in the realms of platonic bond, and never ever turn sexual. This is what wholesomeness is all about.

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you are overthinking it, it's because the author is male this time instead of female

f*males are mentally ill

It's fucking trash and characters are generic and boring

what's even funnier is that the authors actually make fun of that trope later on in the manga with the blackbell girl. so pretty based.

Apparently he finds a wife, lame

Kill yourself, tourist.


who's going to cosplay as Anya?

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you are, user
lets see it

ok so here's a quick review of the series
>inb4 no one asked
>inb4 cringe

I liked the first episode. It was pretty good. Usually when I watch anime I feel like I'm getting scammed because it feels more like a slideshow with occasional mouth moving than actual animation but I felt this one is good.

I sped through the manga last night. I like the premise of a group of outcasts bonding together and I like the whole spy dynamic to the family (ie nobody is whom they seem to be). I like how the agency functions a bit like a corporation so they're short staffed and twilight has to steal plans while he's out with his family kinda funny. Anya is a pretty cool character. Yor best girl. There are some pretty cool side characters like headmaster, daybreak, franky and director.

OK but now onto the stuff that I didn't like. The cruise arc was cringe, as was the tennis game. I don't think it was necessary to introduce "female competition". I also find the whole premise that Anya isn't doing well at school unconvincing. I understand that Loid is out of touch as is his wife, and that Anya hates studying because she has like PTSD from her days as a lab rat. The agency is damn near all powerful, and it's not like Loid is operating on a shoe string budget. They rented out a castle for the night so Anya could play pretend. They probably have access to retired Eden professors or just state of the art tutors so training Anya to do well in school seems rather trivial given the amount of resources they have. Not to mention the fact that Loid could literally infiltrate the school and get the midterms and solve them and just teach Anya how to parrot it/memorize it to ensure she would become an imperial scholar. I get that it's a top school and it's supa hawd but ffs Loid is foiling assassination plots it would be trivially easy to train Anya into becoming top notch. 1/2

wmaf x family

>I sped through the manga last night
why would you spoil yourself like this???

Blame yourself for men not wanting to write stories like this.
>story about adopted child by a women = degen
>story about adopted child by man = wholesome

Though, you seem like the trash to bitch about fanservice, or characters under 18 being sexualized.

manga is better than anime, you have to read the source so you can complain about the changes they made.

Also while he's at it, he could steal the questions that the teachers would be asking in class the next day.

TL;DR Anya could become an imperial scholar very fast, agency just needs to hire a good tutor and that's it.

overall, I like the series but I just hope they'll speed it along a little. I think the authors are making the mistake of thinking that "oooh the family will last as long as the mission" but once Anya becomes an imperial scholar, it's not gonna end there. Loid still has to infiltrate the inner circle and learn their moves so it's likely he's gonna be there for a long fucking time. He'd become extremely valuable as an asset and his identity would hinge on his family so they aren't going anywhere.

Point is, overall good series, liked the humour, interesting characters but the manga makes some dumb mistakes which I hope the anime can fix.

quick disclaimer I'm not a fan of anime in general. I find it annoying and I can't stand dubbed (no exceptions). The list for manga and anime i've read/seen is quite short (excluding hentais): parazyte, death note, spy family, sword art online, my lesbian experience, kiss x sis and highschool DxD.

at least wait till the anime is finished before reading it, i couldn't enjoy this anime because i read the manga first

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I read the manga when I saw the PV, still loved the first episode and can't wait for next week
Fun things are fun

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wdym? I needed my fix now. My go to move is to just read the wikipedia synopsis if I find the series boring
.also this. Once the studio inevitably slips up and makes a minor change, I'll know exactly what to point out in my thread.
I don't understand how reading the source material could hinder your experience. They've only made one episode anyways.

so hawt

Please praise the power couple

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but where did the pink come from? NTR?


they adopted her from some 3rd world Pink country

I’ve been rereading the early chapters. I like axeman’s comments in the volume extras. He’s cheeky

meh im just not feeling it. they do nothing for me unlike yorloid and damianya

there is no war and it's all an elaborate plan for Twilight's friends to set him up with a family since he's stuck an autist he'd never get one otherwise

Why is this popular now?

anime is out

Have you been living under a rock or something?

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Both are white


>Though, you seem like the trash to bitch about fanservice, or characters under 18 being sexualized
No, I really dont care about that.

wtf i love SxF now

Why is this so uncanny valley?

Main wife soon

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I went all in shipping her with Yuri and now I'm broken, what do?

too much filters

laugh at homewreckers getting what they deserve

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It can stay non-romantic; Nightfall being too autistic for Frankie is good enough comedy material. Nightfall and Yuri will surely be in the cards anyway.

Such as?

nope ur cringe.
ah dont worry, the fanart is coming soon.

it was more comedic honestly

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Honestly cant wait until those two meet and try to break up the family

Right? That's a lot more interesting than throwing breadcrumbs at Frankie.

>ah dont worry, the fanart is coming soon.
Maybe if they like Yor

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when will the homewreckers ever learn?

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You now remember Kotoura san

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What exactly am I looking at here?

family love!

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I just watched it last week, that's not a big hassle to do. I was utterly disappointed they dropped the heart-wrenching despair after a only few episodes.

A boy and his peanut

based poster
man I wish I could draw anime stuff
loid's face is too small 0/10

future damian and his cute peanut gf

An adult wearing stupid cones on her head.

You're just a cuck. You either fuck your daughters, or they're fucked by someone else - probably Tyrone.

timeskip on episode 3

>mutt's law

You just know.


Anyone interested SpyxFamily BDs ranking 156 at Amazon right now.
>Pleas support and buy their BDs

1 *** 7th / *** 5th LoveLive! Nijisaki Gakuen Gakuen Idol Club Phase S2 BD1
3 * 156nd / * 172th Spy x Family BD1
4 * 234th / * 335th Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san BD1
5 * 357th / * 551th Date A Live 4th BD All Limited Edition
6 * 392th / * 722nd The Rising of the hero, the second season BD1
7 * 398th / 12170th A Couple of Cuckoo BD1 Limited Edition
10 * 560th / * 682th Kaguya-sama: Love Is War S3 BD1
11 * 583th / 2016th Ascendance of a Book 3rd BDBOX
12 * 640th / 1154th Skeleton Knight going out to the parallel universe BDBOX

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I hope Yor dies and Loid marries Fiona

I'm gonna find you, behead you, and then mount your head on my wall as a trophy for a good hunt.

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shoo shoo homewrecker

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ur cringe. Homwreckers will never defeat Yor

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Who is the more appealing self-insert for women?

based wholesome Yea Forumsnime enjoyer

This is probably the case where the merch sells more than the BD. Hopefully it isn't since merch is selling hot for these can't get one

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Probably Yor. Have you seen the amount of shit they draw with Yor trying to rape Loid.

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why are oriental girls like this

Didn't Sono Bisque's V1 sell 10k in a week

Wholesome is good
Degenerate is good

holy shit I love fujo artists now

rate the ED

>*hits pipe*
>i cannot think...

And you can tell its fujos because of the big ass hands

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no one asked

its better than the op

I think its bready gud. although I dont have much to compare it against. Sounds like a low fi rap

Should I watch the anime or read the manga?