Yea Forums soundthread for sunday

sund/a/y soundthread: surprised to not see one up by now
To make new sound files, you will need:
>Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey (anons have stated violentmonkey works best)
>Yea Forums Sounds Player: Forums-sounds-player

Attached: End Of JoJo[].jpg (1280x720, 152.43K)

Attached: vib [].gif (129x183, 16.02K)

Attached: A70 [].jpg (1441x2048, 1.2M)


Attached: lovelier girl [].jpg (1696x1200, 935.9K)


Attached: kekkonshiyouyo [].jpg (252x384, 56.59K)

i'll just post a bunch of manga ones i guess
nothing new, i'm lazy

Attached: idgaf [].png (149x345, 74.4K)

Attached: touryase [].png (598x910, 736.08K)

Attached: おはよう![].jpg (1083x1600, 449.92K)

Attached: 21st Century Man [].jpg (1234x1016, 463.8K)

Attached: truly [].png (917x570, 864.67K)

Attached: dorf [].png (207x162, 21.11K)

Attached: fishsticks-oof [].png (412x559, 27.55K)

Attached: pretty good [].png (426x373, 43.34K)

Attached: red-shootout [].jpg (1690x1200, 373.22K)

Attached: shaz [].png (235x346, 111.93K)

Attached: a shit [].jpg (992x1502, 629.63K)

Attached: angeldensetsu-goodhorror [].png (770x1200, 103.04K)

Attached: gk [] [] [].png (1036x1500, 804.26K)

Attached: tomboy days [].png (1024x1024, 313.25K)

Attached: punishedjun [].png (273x192, 14.73K)

Attached: otoyomegatari-cover5 [].png (1686x1200, 630.33K)

Attached: text3466 [].png (324x378, 82.03K)

Attached: tfw[].png (223x313, 21.5K)

Attached: bleach-lastch-08 [].png (907x1300, 164.47K)

Attached: cameron [].png (200x332, 33.3K)

Attached: 少し泣く。[].jpg (521x547, 40.13K)

Attached: siren [].jpg (1146x1001, 317.32K)

Attached: Gunslinger Girl ~ Tatta Hitotsu no Omoi [].jpg (1200x655, 900.77K)

Attached: [].gif (500x281, 1.55M)

Attached: Bloc Party ~ Banquet [].gif (540x304, 1.65M)

Attached: More than a woman [].gif (500x700, 197.2K)

Attached: My Wife [].png (580x660, 215.95K)

Attached: Neverending Story [].jpg (4950x3375, 3.37M)

Attached: Blackout [].gif (500x375, 2.18M)

Attached: night drive [].gif (792x492, 128.44K)

Attached: Out of Touch [].gif (480x480, 956.79K)

Attached: [].jpg (1600x1200, 197.39K)

what manga is that

Attached: Rei [].jpg (910x1079, 61.23K)

Attached: Fabulous Skelly Power[].webm (640x360, 2.48M)

Attached: kobura [].gif (320x180, 3.47M)

Attached: Feel the Passione [].gif (263x267, 55.63K)

Attached: true stories [].jpg (802x1200, 98.52K)

Attached: turning [].jpg (1200x872, 234.45K)

Attached: bocci! command? [].jpg (628x614, 28.56K)

Attached: KIll Me Baby Dance[].webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

Attached: Desu◎Storm[].gif (304x262, 771.33K)

Attached: Moan[].gif (350x350, 33.68K)

Attached: [].jpg (669x640, 76.43K)

This is the msot fucking funny shit i saw in like, five ears

Attached: [].webm (334x360, 1.22M)

I didn't know that when pressing "E" the song gets in "3D". Now I can enjoy song threads even more.

thanks user, appreciate the tip

Attached: Macross in September [].webm (640x480, 2.72M)

Attached: Bloodborne DLC Official Soundtrack - Laurence, the First Vicar [].png (412x445, 102.61K)

Attached: Raiders of the Bass Arc[].jpg (1200x1515, 397.22K)


Attached: redline day [].png (1741x629, 1.1M)

Attached: based[].jpg (747x639, 325.49K)

Attached: b'z [].png (699x631, 485.72K)

oh hey, is this autosage?

Attached: not gao [].png (1739x626, 1.1M)

wow, thanks a lot mods

Attached: yayuhhzz [].png (474x434, 163.66K)

wasn't even midnight yet

Attached: 閃光 [].gif (320x240, 1.41M)