What's Yea Forums's opinion of NHK?
It might be the single most emotional work of fiction I ever sat through.
Welcome to the NHK
Overrated shit.
thread theme
Underrated gem.
It's for shit tasters
It's fun to watch Yea Forums blatantly misunderstand big messages from the anime
you have to really really dense to not understand the message of the anime
I read the manga completely blind and I thought it was enjoyable before it became ridiculous forced drama
>MC becomes a wagie for while but it happens offscreen when it's one of the most important developments
Anyone who likes it should read Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground; it's only 100 pages or so.
God I want to fucking die.
It saved me from being an eternal loser.
manga is the worst adaptation
just get a job bro, that's the determining factor to judge if you're well adjusted within society. if you don't your mental condition will deteriorate and your sanity will collapse from the guilt and stress, just like sato
i make a high middle class salary, doesn't mean i still don't relate to Sato's feelings of isolation, and lack meaning.
just like the show, when he does get a job, it doesn't suddenly make his mental condition better. he still isolates himself, he still has every feeling of self doubt and anxiety as he ever did. the author of the story was a hikikomori himself when writing NHK, as a possible way get him out of it. he didn't for nearly a decade after.
i think what NHK's message through and through is we need people in our lives, no matter what, that's what gives your life true meaning.
I read and watched all versions of Welcome to the NHK multiple times and still became a Satou, fug :D
The sound effect of this song through Yamazaki's door gives a vibe like no other soundtrack has. Pure decadence.
Kill yourself retard.
It's genuine. It's written by a real hikki and it shows.
What is it? in your opinion
Read ln and manga, also watched anime, and I agree.
Also, anime has some shit-tier production values it makes up for it with characters, story, and, especially, the overall atmosphere. Still, not very 'friendly' toward younger 'digital age' audiences.
All of that is based taste tho
Sato's lifestyle isn't glorified, it isn't shown to have any sort of positive effect on him as a person.
You have to become uncomfortable and take risks to make it in this world, you have to put yourself out there and have genuine human connection.
While the story happens through a set of contrivances, it still has very strong and clear message.
And that message isn't that your life will suddenly become perfect when you adjust to society, but you can live knowing that other people care about you, and will do anything to keep you alive and happy.
Despite being anti-escapism in the end the girls are idealized and mc ends up with one of them even if not sexually. Imagine if the show ended with him just being alone but going to work, or dating horribly unpleasant 3dpd. Hence the anti-escapism message is weakened greatly.
It's good but I feel like the conclusion the characters come to at the end is rather weak.
The alien thing isn't a think to real hikki though.
Is the author still a hik?
Fair enough.
He joined a cult and is doing more NHK stuff to make money for them.
he didn't get the girl, and even if he did, as is clearly shown (especially in the LN), he wouldn't be any better off. It's a sad story by a sad man with a 'bad end'.
Go kill yourself fucking retard
Maybe because there is no good (strong) conclusion to the story that is being told/presented. It's an ongoing struggle...
Maybe it's weak but it's real.
Him becoming a wagie and getting happy just because of it would be worse and him and Misaki ending up together would be even worse than that.
pretty unhelpful with no titles. All I've seen of those are Bride's Story, Golden Kamui, and Vinland Saga, all of which rule.
Some people can be really shitty. We need GOOD people in our lives, and to be good all the same. You don't do that by latching onto others. You find that meaning within yourself.
this. nothing is artifical about the ending, it's a deconstruction of escapism at it's most raw
paltry. as is all anime.
Don't call me that.
Novel is better
it's great and gets better every watch
As melodramatic is may sound, it's probably the work that made me feel understood the most. It's tremendously comforting, to see someone else put your struggle to words in such a specific manner.
Source for this?
What's the one to the right of punpun?
Amazing OST
(post your favorites)
absolutely ethereal track
I remember reading that he said, he basically went back too NEETing off his book royalties
Homunculus, but it's real schizo tier
stop posting this. your chart isn't going to stick
Impossible to top this.
Homo uncles
pretty mid honestly, I remember watching it when it just came out and then just kinda moving on.
then again, I generally don't think your message adds or subtracts from the story, so maybe it's great for people who really care about shit like that.
Search NHK cult in the archives.
The least avant-garde mauritanian
Heh, I understood this
is the manga better than the anime? might read
That's monster.