Reasons why HxH is the uncrowned king of Shonen Jump:

Reasons why HxH is the uncrowned king of Shonen Jump:

>1) Author is not biased towards his main characters.
>2) Seamlessly weaves in and out out of genres, going from tournaments to mob wars to MMORPGs to the epic rise and fall of an entire civilization to politics and a new era of exploration and colonialism
>3) Fights and conflicts are well written. Motion and stances are given extra attention. Psychology, tactics and information warfare are all a big factor.
>4) Togashi is willing to delve deeper into his themes, instead of just putting stuff at face value like how One Piece does it with slavery,cannibalism etc. Example the big bad with the incredibly high powerlevel was killed by a cheap NUKE, deconstructing the concept of powerlevels.
>5) Female characters can look extremely pretty with a different set of looks. No sameface syndrome unlike Oda.
>6) Explores far more types of stories and challenges, making his work both interesting to read and very unpredictable. Biology, history, language, adventure, exploration, culture, video games, ruins, medicine, philosophy, math, toys, nerd hobbies, wildlife preservation, etc etc.

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wow, seems pretty good, i wonder what the ending is like

>all consequences revoked by magical wish girl


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I’m impressed you managed to avoid seething about One Piece for three whole paragraphs good job user!

You're absolutely right.

Didn't read. Get that kiddie shit off my board.

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As someone who have almost 5000 hours in TF2 this picture hits hard.

True. Imagine being so mid that you hate Hunter x Hunter for no reason. Y'all hunter haters cringe af lmao

1231 days

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If only plothole x Asspull is as half as good as Naruto


yeah fr no cap on god fellow zoomer

You're trying too hard.

Unfathomably ironic coming from a Hunterfag

Genuine question to HxH fans, why do you Internet Defence Force a franchise that its own writer doesn’t give a shit less about anymore?

The only good parts on Naruto were copied from Hunter x Hunter.
chunin exam = hunter exam
Itachi - Sasuke relationship = Illumi - Killua relationship
Sharingan = kurta eyes
Akatsuki = Phantom troupe
Orochimaru = hisoka
Chakra = nen
Neck yourself

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>braindead opinion


Pretty good zoomer impersonation, though you used “mid” the wrong way

HxH is the Aldi version of Yu Yu Hakusho. But Killua is perfect.

>a fucking Narutard
nuff said

Did not read. This website is 18+ kiddo.


You're literally retarded if you think Naruto ripped that off of HxH when HxH ripped it off from DBZ in the first place. HxH is not original in anything, kys

Learn to read



Pisstards are literal subhumans

naruto copied hunterxhunter and is nowhere near as interesting. It's literally "Muh ninja war" the series.

Naruto > Plothole x Asspull

Did NOT read. Fume moar children.

They both suck
t. Steinschad

Red satan is Youpi.

Dont they imply like three chapters later he can probably heal. Like his dad is really going to let him stay that way (thats the last chapter i read, him climbing that tree)

Gon was pretty much entirely removed from the story after he meets Ging, Kurapika is the MC now

There really isnt much content after my point is there? Its pretty much over from how long it takes for more content to be made.

Why do you do it, Huntards? Whats the point of giving this much of a shit about HxH when Togashi probably doesn’t remember its unfinished?

Also, why not pick up where he left off with fancomics? If you love HxH that much, of course

then why it is so bad?

Me? I am a loser and love powerscale stories, i love those cultivation stories that is overly detailed leveling up of characters for endless chapters. I am always looking for a good one in comic or novel form.

In the yorknew arc, when Hisoka keeps his fortune a secret from the other spiders is one of the most smartly written scenes in any shounen. I mean this completely sincerely. It shows that Togashi really understands the ramifications of what it means to live in a world full of nen powers as well as the characters involved. It's a very clever lie that Hisoka thought of, but it also only worked because it was using Chrollo's deductive skills and logic against him. I don't think I've really seen anything like it in any other battle shounen, and it really stands out to me when I think about the series.

I love Killua

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You will never have another chapter.

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>Female characters can look extremely pretty with a different set of looks.
What female characters? Pretty sure there are not more than 3 or 4

I don’t get it.

Kizaru with future sight observation haki literally solo your hunter fodders, same with goku

Frown more pedo.

I hit 1k in 1 year and I'm not even close to good

>create a well thought out power system in nen
>immediately break that system with emperor time

It's still my favorite manga but no one will take me seriously.

and this is in a BATTLE SHONEN.
You could see something like this in Death Note or another genre but HXH is the only shonen that comes close to doing this. HXH transcends shonens IMO.

It jumped the shark with the insect shit, it's over

Wow, you just described Jojo

It's been the equivalent of 2 cours worth of content since Gon was last seen in the story.


So Naruto before it turned shit?

Man I read hxh and even speed read it. I felt there were some cool moments but gon never really battled that much I guess. Like there was no big battle scene, adult gon moment was great tho, the ant-ever arc ending was really good.
And do you know what the best part of all these is? I stopped reading the manga exactly after the panel gon meets his dad and that is all. The story is over (for me). No need to wait year over year for bad drawn 19 pages. It‘s done.

It means there's enough content for a season 7 but it'll probably never happen

1 cour = one 11-13 episode season.
2 cours = 24-26 episodes.

>Example the big bad with the incredibly high powerlevel was killed by a cheap NUKE, deconstructing the concept of powerlevels.
More like undermining the series.

>Example the big bad with the incredibly high powerlevel was killed by a cheap NUKE
Strange since One Piece just did the exact same thing, but you won't jack off about that won't you?

>Delve deeper into themes
>mentions powerlevels BTFO by nukes as a very deep theme
atleast bring up a good example instead of sperging about power level shit. Could've just said nukes bad or humans bad or how dangerous humans are and nukes are that their use completely disregards what we care for in power levels vs real life.

Hunter x Hunter isn’t a full on battle
shonen anyway. The fights are there but the plot will always take priority over pumping out battles.

I read shonen for fun adventure stories and characters with cool powers slugging each other. The best parts of HxH were the earlier arcs like Hunter Exam and York New that actually fit that mold, and are unsurprisingly the ones that were really influential.

When I want to read something more adult I read a seinen or josei series. Shonen Jump is a magazine for children's comics and family friendly comics, why are you reading it if you hate that kind of thing? The whole soft seinen meme feels like a cope for people who are afraid to check out anything that's not a shonen but feel embarrassed reading one as honest about its nature as One Piece or Demon Slayer.

not to mention that most good Shounen delve deeper into themes. Hunter Hunter does do it at face value because Togashi and the story literally explains it to the audience at face value. If you want something that isn't at face value, a much better example would be grave of the fireflies which is all about the war but never explicitly shown.
One Piece and Naruto have multiple examples of le war bad or humans bad throughout their whole series. Huntertards just don't read other fictions or lack the intellect to understand anything that isn't spoonfed to their face

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