>Ay, we finally made it to Tottoland. But brother, I thought we gave up bounty hunting?
>Yeah, but that Katakuri fellow’s bounty is too high to pass up. What do you say to one more?
One Piece
Is Yama a Tomboy?
so it was a carrot thread after all
>Lives in her fathers basement at 28 years old
>Won't even come out and act properly at a party even when her father wants to introduce her to everyone
>Is obsessed over a dead japanese man, acts like said nip and uses it as a sort of way of rebelling against her father
>can turn into a colorful wolf at will
>this wolf isn't just a normal wolf, but a sacred nip deity
>favorite food is salmon, a food introduced to Japan in the late 80's but synonymous with sushi restaurants in the US and abroad
Kaido is such a loser his daughter is the only weeb on the entire planet
Mihawk is stronger than Shanks.
Other character fandoms are lucky they will never be as autistic or reviled as Carrotfags.
Yamatofags are going to take the brunt of the damage when Wano ends. Carrotfags got off lucky that their BTFOening was a slow burn instead of a rapid fall from grace.
>a food introduced to Japan in the late 80's
Japan has had native salmon runs for millions of years
what happened to the other thread?
Finally watching this shit. It's pretty kino but I already know most of what happens. Did Oda regret killing Ace so early? I'm watching him about to get executed and there's no mention of this Sabo dude that is supposedly their secret third brother. Even when Ace poured out some sake for him and Luffy and said this is what makes us brothers, no Sabo
Carrot is so irrelevant she is off-topic.
Wait 'til what happens if Yamato doesn't join.
You can see three cups in that scene, one is barely out of frame.
Yamato janny seething.
so this thread gets crosslinked but the carrot thread gets deleted instead?
And nips have eels too, but the only reason that unagi is popular is because they import them from America. The same goes for salmon. It's always been there, but it only attained popularity because of American imports. People forget that America alone feeds 4/10ths of the world.
Amerikek delusions will never stop making me laugh
NTA but that's so clever of Oda/Toei, they could just retcon it as "one extra cup" if they didn't want to introduce Subo. but they took full advantage of sabo once introduced as well. Oda is such a Jew.
>fuck you ulti everyone knos your a fuckin pokemon scammer faget
>global exports
>nip imports
These are not the same thing.
>current nip imports
>historical nip imports
These are not the same thing.
dragon is stronger than prime garp
But not as strong as Johnny & Yosaku
Kaidou vs luffy started on chapter 922
We are now on chapter 1046.
The fight has taken place over the span of 125 chapters. I.e 12% of the lifespan of One Piece.
There's going to be at least a thousand more chapters so it'll be relatively smaller as time goes on
Are you retarded?
Not him but yes
Don't forget the 29 weeks that the Oden flashback was going on and the 65 chapters it took to climb some stairs and fight against nameless jobbers in the raid... It's amazing that Wano has been going on for five years at this point. Oda is a faggot.
post powerlevels
Seethe more shitter
Odadrone-kun... Eveything that is happening in Wano happened in Alabasta and took 1/5th as much time SO FAR.
So is luffy the Avatar now?
Current top 3 is Mihawk > Teach > Garp
objectively correct from B tier on
interchange yamat and smooth
Yamato will fight the 11th titanic captain Moria
She's not joining. Give it up.
You're almost as retarded as an Oda Drone.
Why would she change her mind?
Momo has a large kozuki penis
How would Luffy care about her?
Because she risked her life for him and fought an emperor of the sea alone so he doesn't go down stairs and kill all his other friends.
Why would Luffy care about Oden? He wouldn't, but Oda retconned away all of his prior characterization, so now he cares about Oden for literally no reason.
God, I would love a little arc with actually dangerously skilled bounty hunters but I fear we're past that timeframe.
Not my man Vista…
>wow thanks for that, anyway seeya
what is the pachy posting about?
Ok? is that supposed to show that he doesn't care about her? He even gave her an order like she was apart of his crew to take care of an important mission.
Tierlistcucks should kill themselves but this is admittedly one of the better lists out there
The tobitroppo are at least ordered correctly
>no fruit to disable
>haki chad
>bladed weapons
>previously shown stalling mihawk
Why didn't his crew let him go over and fuck up Blackbeard at Marineford while Blackbeard was talking shit?
>so now he cares about Oden for literally no reason.
Not really, he pluralizes Wano as samurai. And keeps Momo, Tama, and Kin in mind.
Reminder that he's stronger than Marco.
get a sense of humour