Spy x Family

Are you ready for the timeskip?

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Grown-up lolis are an incredible trope.

Why is there so many SxF threads on Yea Forums now. Are they all made by anime-onlies?

Post Frost


I want a usagi drop ending,, please

denied, you'll love your shota instead

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I have a crazy theory that there is no war and it's all an elaborate plan for Twilight's friends to set him up with a family since he's stuck an autist he'd never get one otherwise.

She grows up? How long does this mission last anyway?

That's not even grown-up Anya, that's Yor cosplaying

maybe the leaders of both nations are trying to ease into peace with both nations by using the secret agencies and ultimately the Forgers


crazy going from 1 thread dying in less than 3 hours to 6 threads past bump limit in a day.
Wonder how long it keeps up.
My manga finally grew up and I'm happy

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there's too many anime the last couple of days, it took people some time to watch it

I like the fact the author got to reuse a design they liked.

it's from a different series by the same author about a pink haired esper who suffered through abuse and her taking her revenge on the world
Obligatory reminder SpyxFamily's author only wrote depressing shit before SpyxFamily

Why did the first episode make me cry?

Normally I understand why I tear up, but I definitely don't understand why I was crying here.

>SpyxFamily's author only wrote depressing shit before SpyxFamily
so he finally found a gf/wife?

>The ED is actually fucking great

not sure about that, but his editor literally told him to take meds, he then wrote a fluff one shot, then SpyxFamily.
The moment his meds stop working, everyone in the story probably dies

What's Twilight's name in japanese?

黄昏 (Tasogare)

>grown up
>your eyes color changed
Are japs retarded

You’ll understand one day

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That’s not Anya

We must protect her at all cost.

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The series has this sense of temporality. The fluffy moments are sweet, but always this sense of it's gonna end in tragedy. It really shines in that feeling of tension and relief when they stay together for another day

Which part made you cry?

If I remember it right, the older girl's from one of the author's oneshot, about witch trial or something. Strange that he uses the same design again for his current manga.

Same. It wasn't even any obviously emotional moments like Anya cuddling, it was basically randomly throughout the episode. Honestly baffled as to why

now this is 4d chess

>Are they all made by anime-onlies?
I want our comfy days back

>if SpyxFamily doesn't become a sensation, WIT might go bankrupt
do you really want that?

I can't stop masturbating to Anya bros, why did they made her so erotic?

This happened to me with the chapter where Loid and Bond save a small dog from a fire
It won't be animated this season though

who did the author model anya after?

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I think it was around when he tried sending her to the police station, might have started tearing up before then.

>Anya's design was based off a baby Medusa one-shot he did inspired by Aisheteruze Baby
now this is some god level taste

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why are her eyes red? Did she finally snap from hearing everyone's thoughts on lolis for years?

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So... how does Anya know his father is a spy?

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She read his mind.

When Anya was tinkering with the radio

speedwatchers should hang


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she knows even how many women he's fucked and how many men he's killed

0 and 0?

i want to fuck anya so much

user, Twilight is not a virgin

he's the james bond of this universe user

I... I think he could be
he wants to create a world where children won't cry like he had to
Do you think he'd risk creating a child before he does that?

so how did he know the number of moles in Karen's body?

Because, unlike most anime, this one accurately captured the sense of whimsy a child of 4 has, which made you think back to your own childhood, and the emotions tied to such things.
Not your teenage years, but your true childhood, before you had school, before you had anything other than fun.

What's the best sub group for this?

I know that feel, my gadget brethren. Look at that beaut,

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medical records

Into the trash it goes


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Her ass is massive

Yor ass is massive


I want more back fanarts of her

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Not really. Mangaka recycle designs with some tweaks from their one shots very often.