Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san

Pink = Slut

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oh no the kids will be distracted if ponytails are allowed in school, we must do something

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san - 01 (720p) [4CCE72C6].mkv_snapshot_14.09.645.png (1280x720, 990.44K)

What the fuck is her problem?

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Can't contain high sexual energy


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Her "so cooool" moments are all so forced and not actually cool at all.

I'm sorry for the autism.

>that false flagger is here
Fuck off, Urukafag.

Pink is best girl. Maingirlfags are winning again.

Pink will always win, foomfaggot.

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When is that not the case?

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san - 01 (1080p) [D03EB5AF].mkv_snapshot_02.53.440.jpg (1920x1080, 182.44K)

Same shitter.

Jokes on you, I love Fumino and Shikimori.


>THK is here and he's obsessed falseflagging and sperging at Fumino in off-topic shitpost fashion
RIP Shikimori-san threads.

Blame for triggering THK.

I thought this was supposed to be delayed til next season?

Das' raycis'

Mafuyu was mogging every other Bokuben girl since her first color page. Pink rules

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Ep 1 aired on schedule, but they're still considering what to do about the rest.

Why does Yea Forums hate this show?

I liked the first ep. The FeMC is super cute and I have a hard-on for pink haired girls. Will definitely stick around, delays notwithstanding.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san - 01 (1080p) [D03EB5AF].mkv_snapshot_06.27.489.jpg (1920x1080, 192.05K)

u just ruined the mood.

Hold tf up how common is it for players to play full games after each other instead of taking turns per turn?
I get that this arrangement allows for cinematic flow.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san - 01 (720p) [4CCE72C6].mkv_snapshot_17.48.863.png (1280x720, 933.22K)

stfu, u degenerate.
>I's even more cringe that u feel aroused when I call u this.

We don't. Stop implying shit.

shortly before this, you hear someone from the distance yelling IZAYAAA

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san - 01 (720p) [4CCE72C6].mkv_snapshot_20.28.936.png (1280x720, 1.12M)

i see anime girl in short skirt
i coom

Yea Forums is full of women. This a flip of shoujo tropes.

She's more of a man than the clumsy pussy of a MC.

I thought this was canceled
Was this censored?

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It's just shit.

She's cute. Cute voice. Not having visible brows is kind of weird.

well they fully animated dropping the bag in front of her during the spin kick
imagine a "uncensored" version where she tosses the bag aside

Attached: Shikimori-san kicks a falling sign.webm (1280x720, 1.9M)

>beta MC
>alpha FeMC

Don’t tell me the whole series is just about that ultra bottom tier guy being all "kakkoii" about his gf making cool faces and outshining him in every possible situation.

I mean its censored in the manga or whatever this is based on?


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>dad gets to nearly IMAGINE every night
Lucky bastard, mom was kinda hot too.

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She married her sensei?

>read up to chapter 80
>2 fucking years and only kiss on check

So the whole joke is just that he's basically a shoujo protag?

I keep on misreading the title as Shikimori's Just Not a Cutie..."

As always, it's too much to ask for both attractive MC and FeMC. I hate modern anime so much it's unreal.

Has there ever been any show that does the other way round? Like a super hot and handsome dad with a not-so-attractive and even fat mom?

I haven't read the whole thing yet but most of the opening chapters are like 5 pages long.
Not sure how much depth you're expecting.

Average anime fans can't self-insert into an attractive male.

>touted as next bisque doll
>"bruh, it's Nagatoro but better!"
>pink hair Komi
>dead on arrival

Fuck me for expecting anything good.

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Paripi Koumei has both attractive MC and FMC.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Paripi Koumei - 02 (1080p) [166C03F8].mkv_snapshot_01.27.118.jpg (1920x1080, 263.15K)

Brutally mogged, not even close.

Had to skim through the manga to find it.
It doesn't even show her kicking it (a pole).

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Is this a harem show, or why are the harem romcom fags shitting up the thread?

It's a romcom, a watered down version of Tonikaku Kawaii.

They get married?

>feminized male mc
>masculine female mc
they're not even hiding it anymore

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A straight romcom with paired couples and no harem.

No, but they're a couple from the start

The its not censored,thanks for the info

Why compare it to Tonikaku?
They get married there, there are many other series that start with characters as a couple

God I love ponytails