So this little shit is responsible for the whole isekai genre everyone hates. Why is he so based?
So this little shit is responsible for the whole isekai genre everyone hates. Why is he so based?
There haven't been that many full-reincarnation isekai stories, actually.
Most are of the standard
>gets shifted/summoned as a fully adult character into another world
type, with many of them being that the protagonist has superpowers like the favorite video game/mmo the protagonist played.
he's not retard
he's not based, he just easy for the neckbeards who watch the show to relate to.
Pedophiles aren't based
he isn't kill yourself hitogami
Is it true her son is into milfs?
also incest
the isekai genre was around well before it first got published.
>isekai genre everyone hates
Nice bullshit. People love isekai.
>People love isekai.
pajeets, gooks, niggers, and hispandex are not people and never will be
This is just such a weird story in general. It's a whole bunch of nothing, and it ends when he's around 30. Like, I get what they were going for, but it seems kind of pointless since his actions have little involvement in anything.
The sex stuff is also really weird. I understand pervert protagonists, but they tend to be kind of tongue-in-cheek. But he actually goes full-scale into depravity, and no-one seems to kick his ass for it seriously. (Other than that time he felt up Eris.)
I dunno how to say it. It's like his new life didn't have much adversity, all things considered. They were all external factors that he could overcome with his massive advantages, and even Eris leaving was simply a misunderstanding. He didn't have to deal with, I dunno, his childhood crush marrying someone else or something.
It's like, I just don't understand the appeal. It's a very unfocused story.
>It's a whole bunch of nothing
Not really? The story itself is really Rudeus trying to do something with his life instead of wasting it. That's really the series in a nutshell. It's about a man being given a second chance and making the best of it as much as he can.
pretty sure crackers and japs love isekai too
Yeah, but he's being given a second chance with the equivalent of ten million dollars in the bank. He's now handsome, magically gifted, no longer socially awkward, has the advantage of adult intelligence and I could go on but you get the idea.
That kind of undercuts the premise, I guess. You'd think that a second chance would come with very punishing restrictions (i.e. "You want to live again? Sure, but this time you get to be a child soldier in Africa. It's that or oblivion.")
this nigga serious?
It's a slice of life of a NEET who reincarnated in a fantasy world
musihtku tonguemyanus
That’s just suffering porn.
The point is that even with all the benefits Rudeus’s actions have clear consequences he gets basically shipped off from his home after groooming Sylphy, he gets a random birb adventurer milled because he wanted to use them which gets him Ruijerds scorn etc his past selves trauma gets in the way of his new life.
I think Kumo’s mangaka put it very nicely it btfo a lot of people like you
Watching the anime adaptation of Mushoku Tensei reaffirmed to me that it's both a Shо̄setsuka ni Narо̄ novel landmark as well as a work with a certain eccentricity about it. I'll try to write down just what's so outstanding about it.
Mushoku's eccentricity is in its "affirmation of vulgarity." Stories that have come out later tend to unconsciously tone down the sexual depictions, perhaps because they're used deliberately as "fanservice" to hook readers in. However, in Mushoku's case, sex is depicted frankly as a matter of course. Parents who already have a child will go at it every night in an attempt to conceive a second baby, and members of royalty will get themselves off with a maid in front of a child.
There's a very subtle distinction between "This is how I wish it could be" and "This is how it is." It isn't the convenient, happy sexy times you would get if you work backwards from a fantasy. Instead, it imagines the common sense of a place from human history and constructs a fictional culture when it comes to sex. Of course, it does include some personal kinks, but the fact that it depicts them unflinchingly is atypical.
At any rate, when it comes to the morals depicted in a fictional work, there is a tendency for them to reflect the values of the modern era, but when it comes to sex, they tend to pull their punches too often. When it comes down to it, if you're going to depict a culture on the level of the Middle Ages, then there's no way to escape from sex. Mushoku depicts it unassumingly. It even calmly portrays women masturbating. It's because it was serialized for free that it was able to overcome the taboo.
The hopeless protagonist doesn't have his negative traits affirmed. The negative parts aren't whitewashed to become something lofty. In his own hopeless way, he feels remorse for his actions and struggles to live life in a better way. As a result, he is "accepted." I think that this perspective of "accepting someone, warts and all" is lacking in today's media culture.
Rudeus grows. However, his essence as a middle-aged pervert does not change. Even so, he's allowed to live a life that "bears fruit." In this, there is a sense of forgiveness towards others. It is the antithesis of the kind of hate that inspires people to browbeat and ostracize someone because of their hopelessness. Although I'm sure that some people will feel a visceral disgust at a vulgar pervert, the theme of this work is that even someone like that can be forgiven.
I might have gushed too much, but I think it captures the spirit of the Buddhist quote: "Sinners are even more in need of salvation than good people."
being in my 30's, i emphatize more with the story and rudeus' shortcomings. that second chance brings a tear in my eye. this really encapsulates the good things about this series.
Same but I'm in my mid 20ies.
I firmly believe women and riajuu should be banned from watching MT.
>That’s just suffering porn.
when are we getting isekai like that, I want protagonist to really struggle for his survival in a new world
He's not really responsible. The jap lack of creativity is responsible. If you blame him for it, then you may as well stop all media in case some japs get the idea to spend a decade copying another theme or something that strike their fancy.
Just watch Saw or something.
Kurono Maou?
Isekai is much older but he is a major figure in its contemporary resurgence.
that's not .hack
or inuyasha
It's not about not accepting flaws or giving second chances. It just makes westerners absolutely seethe when someone they view as morally compromised (read: not an indoctrinated cuck) succeed. They don't care that Rude exerts a net good or bad on the world, in fact they want him to be a net bad to validate their narcissistic worldview.
>So this little shit is responsible for the whole isekai genre
Uh, no?
Ackshually Rudeus is based now since groomers are now moral paragons
Best son is into guys.
thats not Zero no Tsukaima
This doesn't say much given both the kumo and MT writers are retards and bad writers.
Fine. Modern Isekai, the tropey ones.
Still wrong, "modern" isekai started with touhou and disgaea fanfics before narou was even a thing.
because unlike the billionth anime protagonist (be it isekai or not) he isn't some castrated faggot and he marries, fucks and impregnates girls throughout the story.
Lurk moar, Sword art online single handedly brought the whole isekai shit to mainstream. I don't even know who this shota is.
Nope that's entirely due to Sword Art Online doing so insanely well that every anime/manga/light novel wants to be the next SAO
Honestly I think SAO has done the most damage to anime and manga in the most recent years
Is this show really meant to appeal to the fantasy of a 30 year old virgin?
Because I am a 30 year old virgin and this show only makes me angry
I'm 30 yo non virgin and this show pleases me
old school otaku spotted
holy fuck old digibro opinion spotted
>Its another retard who fell for a literal marketing tactic pushed by shills and youtubers.
Faggots like you are everything wrong with anime sputing this obvious fucking horseshit.
MT was written at the same time as konosuba and re zero for fucks sake it didnt invent anything
rabi rabu
>shills and ytbrs
as if those groups are somehow separated
nigga your just asking for berk
hating mushoku tensei because it's generic isekai would be like hating the Rolling stones or Beatles because they're generic rock
Things like inuyasha, and now and then, here and now are not Isekai. To be isekai you have to have several mostly shitty tropes. Like not wanting to return home, or videogame style systems. Like Zero no Tsukaima is the earliest show I can think of I would call an almost Isekai. The only thing stopping it, as the main char has a special power is he wants to go home. Isekai real isekai as a defined genre started with Mushoku Tensei. The main chair never wants to go back, their are videogame systems, and the main character is overpowered. Now you dont need all of these to be Isekai but you need most. Plus of couse going to a new world. I am sure you can find some random LN that never got a translation as being before Mushoku Tensei, but it was absolutely what popularized the genre and defined it for most authors and consumers.
You know the poeple who pay for isekai to be made are all japs or white right? Just like how rappers got rich of white kids in the suburbs. Poor black kids couldnt afford CD's
Nope, that'd be Shiroe, Ainz, Rou and Ernesti. Especially without Ernesti there would be no Rudeus being reincarnated as a child in a noble family after his Earth-self gets killed in some way during a traffic accident. Without Ainz there'd probably also be no "adventurer guild".
>Like not wanting to return home, or videogame style systems
Voila, No Game No Life, which got its first LN volume release half a year before the MT WN started. Infact NGNL was probably the first time a series was very explicit about "staying in the otherworld" while others that did it before it had been rather dismissive about the whole issue altogether. NGNL is not a narou series, but it clearly had some influence on isekai at least, more than can be said about the very forced attempt to accredit the whole boom to SAO and/or MT.
Ya totally, I dont watch anime about sports or games, so NGNL wouldnt ever occur to me, but ya its def a precursor. My main point was simply people who like to act like anytime someone moves to a new world its automatically isekai which is wrong. Isekai has a "feel" and we are talking art so that feel is actually what matters.
>OHNONONO Kiritosisters... losing to the Toaru series is one thing, but how could we lose to the Slime Isekai despite our figures being world-wide with Slime's just being for Japan?
>AIYEEEEE! Is this the power of TRUE isekai that we never had?! We KNEEL!
>2010/04 Log Horizon
>2012/04 Isekai Cheat Magician
>2012/04 Re:Zero
>2012/10 Rising of the Shield Hero
>2012/11 Mushoko Tensei
>2012/12 KonoSuba
What? Who started this meme? Mushoko Tensei is not the one "responsible"
It is responsible because it mogged all the others by a mile and are was #1 for almost a decade on narou before being dethroned by slime chad and it’s still #2
>GENTLEMEN defining what is and isn't isekai in their heads again
>My main point was simply people who like to act like anytime someone moves to a new world its automatically isekai which is wrong.
That's literally what "isekai" means. Stop appropriating words.