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Priscilla is the person I hold in lowest esteem in the series, who sickens me the most along with Regulus. When learning from someone, the mentee is shaped, they become partly like them, trying to each for that role model. Children do that, they imitate. The youngest brother will try to become like the oldest one. Like so was the old relationship between Ram and Rem until Ram lost her horn. The idiom like father, like son emphasizes this. One becomes the sum, an aggregate being of the persons they have learned from and imitated. When trying to become a part of a social group, the newcomer will try to be like them, social pressuring themselves to mimic their habits, lingo...
Rem is in that position right now regarding Priscilla. Rem is a blank and her role model is Priscilla. I don't want anything coming from Priscilla to dirty Rem. I don't want Rem to become any like Priscilla. Medium is a bit petulant and airheaded but she's a fine girl. I'd rather it be her a thousand times.
If Rem picks up habits from Priscilla, integrate then in her behavior, whenever Rem will present and mimic them, we'll be reminded "the person Rem is was defined, shaped by Priscilla". To picture how horrendous that is, when hating Priscilla, that's like your girlfriend always reminding you of her ex boyfriend. My ex boyfriend was like that, my ex boyfriend was the greatest, that was my ex boyfriend's favorite bar, my ex boyfriend loved that beer, oh, that weird way of speaking I have? I picked it up from my ex boyfriend. How did I learn to cook? My ex boyfriend taught me.
You cannot love a girl like that, it's a dealbreaker.
I couldn't stand it if Rem was shapes by Priscilla. A Rem trying to act like Priscilla would be dead to me.

Made for Priscilla's bath

>Like so was the old relationship between Ram and Rem
Rem was never trying to become like Ram. Even when she's trying to be her replacement she is doing things in ways Ram never did them under the guilt that Ram could do anything.

And people didnt believe me that people dont like Priscilla.
Yet when it comes to her influencing new Rem & all the posts about her morals and attitude are prime examples of people disliking Priscilla.
Maybe some people should take Priscilla's own advice & expand their horizons beyond what they normally see...

>he's already spamming
discordfag joins the thread
a new chapter makes him smash his head
he can't wait, he doesn't read
for a summary he can only plead

admin says, we can only hope
emiliafag is hanging in the rope
"Rem smiles at Subaru's happy tears"
they hold hands while Moblia counts stairs

the schizo joins the raid
"what a shit story, what a hack"
their shitposting is getting wack

Tappei writes another chapter
schizo's heart only shatters
spamming in narou, crying in twitter
Emilia's story is getting bitter

A new pasta is created before our eyes.

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instead of responding to that lets talk about which re zero would u seggs

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Hi, animeonly here. These threads got me into ReZero! I dont mind spoilers here. Anyways, over the past few days I noticed something odd here. No one posts Emilia. Not even her fans post Emilia. I understand Emilia is mostly used for trolling, but people who genuinely like Emilia gets lumped with the trolls & their posts gets deleted. Apparently its a taboo to post Emilia? The main girl is a taboo subject in her own series. Funnily enough its draws some parallels to Satella & the witch cult being a taboo to discuss about in the series, even though Satella herself is not a bad person. Even Evangelion doesnt have waifuwars so one-sided even tho the characters share some similarities in their roles. Pretty fascinating I'll say! I wonder if Emilia does something later on that makes everyone hate her, well I'll continue on to Arc 5 to find out. Thats all, just wanted to point that out. I'll go back to reading now. Bye!

I don't dislike Priscilla, she's good at being what she is, that is, a spoiled bimbo who's a bitch knowing to pull her strings. But that's the last things Rem needs to be.
Priscilla's talking about beauty. Nothing is beautiful in her attitude. I don't see beauty in arrogance made manifest, in being a spoiled brat or in kicking someone pathetic. There's no beauty in placing oneself above the world. Overinflated ego is ugly.

>And people didnt believe me that people dont like Priscilla.
Okay, people don't like Emilia. People don't like Rem. People don't like any character. No character is liked in this story because there are people that don't like them. You are retarded.

Please abandon ship and move onto the next thread, this one's a stillborn

Don't tell me the lolimancer has struck again.

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It's all so tiresome

Subaru has never met her and doesn't even know what think he'd be mad about that she's doing right now.

user Its okay to admit you dislike Priscilla.
You just explained why you dislike Priscilla: By saying her attitude is not beautiful, that shes arrogant, that shes a spoiled brat, that shes haughty, that she has a big ego. Thats practically half her entire character.

I remember my spoiled childhood of training and having to kill my 66 half-siblings to win the throne, then getting poisoned and shipped off after 65.

He hasn't met her and would probably sooner kill her considering what she's about to do
Then again you could have said the same about Rui and Meili

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I don't dislike her. I compared her to Regulus. I love Regulus! I do! Regulus chapters are grear. His monologues are gold... No, really, he's one of my favorites! But I wouldn't want characters I care for to interact in certain ways or form bonds with him.

Only a retard goes out of their way to derail the point being made.

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>and doesn't even know what think he'd be mad about that she's doing right now

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As long as Patrache doesn't get cucked, she's the only dragon for him.

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Please, she's always had everything going her ways nonetheless. It's presumed she'd win the selection without interference. She'd charm hitmen sent to kill her. Her husbands conveniently dies. The world was made to suit her as she says, it sometimes takes detours.

Kiss Petra
Kiss Beako(forehead)
Kiss Beako(cheeks)
Kiss Beako
Kiss Rem and Ram
Kiss Frederica
Kiss Kiss Priscilla
Kiss Felt
Kiss Petra again
Kiss Petra again or else
Kiss Emilia(forehead)
Kiss Elsa

Obvious bait is obvious.

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>expected to see interesting and intellectual posts about arc 7
>it's complaining about opinions they dont like and dismissing it as shitposts
>Yea Forums loves it
what the fuck happened with Re:Zero threads?

My posts are about my worries about Rem becoming like her. Priscilla's life details are irrelevant.

>what the fuck happened with Re:Zero threads?
The anime

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But that is the point being made. If anyone dislikes a character you can say they are disliked. Conversely if anyone likes a character you should be able to say they are liked. Some people clearly like Priscilla, by nature some people will dislike her. You have no evidence that more people dislike her than like her for your claim that she's disliked as a character and kicking back when people say you're full of shit. So if we use your logic, no character can be liked because every character has some unknown number of people that dislike them and that's apparently enough.

ooh a meme! me likey very very much

>what the fuck happened with Re:Zero threads?
season 2

That's not being spoiled. And her outlook is both severe and extreme, not some spoiled brat. She doesn't throw tantrums, she asserts her power because she has power and confidence. If you show resolve, she might back off, if you show weakness she has no use for you.

Maybe I should've waited a few hours before making a thread

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I'm pretty sure it's a copypasta.


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I never said more people dislike her than liked, but dont let that stop you from living on in your headcanon!


>I should've waited a few hours
No user, you did the right thing. This thread is a bit of a pool of autism now, but many discussions are born from these.

But you did. That's your whole point retard for why she's a 'disliked' character and why you kept pissing and moaning that people disagreed with you. Because she is not more disliked than she is liked and yet you argued against that. Your position is necessarily that more people dislike her than like her otherwise you would be able to accept the idea that she is more liked than not yet you can't. You just continue to state without evidence that she is more hated than not to justify and hide behind others for your own dislike of her. But you are in the minority, even people who find her unpleasant like her well enough as some kind of antagonistic force similar to how people like villains without admiring them.

It's Madelyn actually.

Nice blog, would downvote again.

Theresia ain't contemporary with Rem.

bland characters

Then why did you bring them up? She's a 'spoiled brat', spoiled is necessarily that as she was raised she was raised spoiled and also a claim about her attitude. She has an 'over'inflated ego, that necessarily says her opinion of herself is greater than her actual quality as a person. You levied a lot of complaints that all hinge on who she is as a person and how she grew up and her entire being. And you're just wrong and throwing out generic phrases because you have no actual grounded critiques.

>Rem convinces Madelyn to join their side
>Madelyn calls Rem nee-sama
Also Meili didn't really do much beyond following Elsa and Capella's orders.

>Theresia ain't contemporary with Rem.
Technically she is, but only very briefly. And even more technically she is, but Theresia was some kind of zombie at the time. They never crossed paths though.

If I said it, then you could easily find the post where I ever said that.

There's a line between confidence and arrogance. Rem needs more of the former and she's sensible enough to not go over the line. Have more faith in her.

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Go tell the EX2 manga artist that not me, I just love the art.

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I am 100% convinced people here are pretending to be clueless just to generate controversy. There is simply no fucking way someone browsing this place with ESL levels of reading comprehension could somehow read the WNs

Going on a date with Rem!

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If being an ESL was enough to stop people from reading things this site would be a much better place.

>Leave Satella to me.

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So your position is that some tiny minority of people dislike her and nothing else? Why did you spend hours arguing that she was vastly hated and pissing and moaning at everyone that told you were stupid because she's not more disliked than liked? Why did you keep carrying on that way instead of just stating your now-claimed actual position that somebody, somewhere doesn't like her and thus... what, exactly? I can say that about literally every character including the most popular ones, but when people brought up Emilia last thread you disagreed that it's somehow different. Well the only way it could be different is if what you were actually trying to push is that Priscilla is more hated than loved and you were hiding behind mysterious numbers of phantom people you can't even find to make your own personal opinion seem to have more weight. Pretty pathetic Emiliaturd, but not surprising because you always pull this shit.

>argues about shit i never said, thinks im emiliafag
Im sorry that you put up with so much shit that you think everyone is an emiliafag

I love Rem

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>How dare you state my actual position I spent hours arguing about last thread but I'm too contrarian and retard to back off my stupidity and cross threaded it
>How dare you accuse me of being what I actually am.
>I know, if I just say I'm not while obviously still being an Emiliatard that'll throw him off!

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Some user in last thread was worried if Yorna will be mad at the adult Subaru

>Instead: Yorna becoming new addition to the lolimancer collection within the hours after the fight with Olbart

Fine mr detective, if you can accurately pinpoint the post where I said "people dislike priscilla more than like her" then I'll admit you're correct

Shut up Subaru, concentrate on what to do with Slutella.

It's the necessary outcome of your entire argumentation, and you would have had no complaints against people saying that Priscilla is liked. Yet you did. Some people dislike Priscilla, so what? What is your actual point? Some people dislike every character, what does that say about anything? Why are you arguing so hard for such a frivolous statement with supposedly now no other meaning? And then again, why did you argue so hard that anyone likes her or her somehow being liked doesn't matter in the face of... what, exactly? Your previous argument seemed to be that involving Priscilla is a mistake because nobody likes her, necessarily that more people hate her being around than like her being around, but now you're saying that it's just a tiny irrelevant minority that don't like her and yet Tappei should listen to them over the majority for... what reason then?

in these trying times i always look back to whats important

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