best girl or bestest girl?
Spy x Family
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I love Yor
Best dork
This show reminds me of a psychic Usagi Drop, why do they have to add some third wheel wife
show seems gay
Imagine being callously murdered by a hot girl
so are we already having a general for this or what?
Technically Yor is milf
That was rushed as hell but I guess that's what you get when you try to cram 72 pages into one episode. I hope the pace of the next episode will be better since it will only adapt 50+ pages.
She's really cute but what would I be in for and is there more source material?
>The villain is actually future Anya who went back in time to plunge the world into war and Twilight has to kill her
The assassin mommy is needed to give her a fighting chance
usually 72 pages in 1 episode is fine, but not when they are so dialogue heavy like in this case
not really
A bit too old and a bit too thick.
And I think most of Yea Forums agrees with me here.
I agree that you're a fag
Honestly it depends, SpyxFamily threads outside of the biweekly die without reaching the bump limit. But come anime debut and we reached bump limit 3x now.
Wait til the hype dies down
Next chapter has a total of 50 pages, are they gonna spend an entire episode on that as well?
Who are your top 5 characters?
Sorry Yor
It did feel like it was jumping all over the place since the scenes kept changing
However things slow down quite a bit after Ch.3
Probably. There is no way you can fit chapter three in there. Plus there was a prescreening where they showed the first two episodes and I assume those two episodes only focused on the Forger Family introduction.
>Team Nightfall
we can be friends
The OP didn't drop yet. So I'm guessing they will end Ep2 with the proposal
Yes, and?
Best girl, but unfortunately she doesn't have sex with her (fake) husband
Fiona best girl
Yor a shit
>Needing sex to verify love.
What are you, the last French Aristocracy?
The first chapter was like 40% exposition dump what'd you expect
Loid's pelvis is in danger
I knew this was a very popular series, but i never got around to reading the manga. I really enjoyed the first episode, more than i thought i would. Anya is so fucking adorable.
Fiona stop posting
holy shit why is she so cute?
You're in for a real treat.
OP is already out. Thoughts?
Oh how I wish I could enjoy SpyxFamily for the first time again.
Stick around, Anya adorbs get cranked to 11
Where were all of you losers when the manga was on-going? The anime comes out and all of a sudden all of you pretend to be SpyxFamily fans? You're just bandwagoning losers.
>(K)now name does the OP
>wasn't in the first ep
Very groovy, I like it
It's okay, could really use more trumpet though.
The ED blew me out the water. I was disappointed with the preview but absolutely loved the full version
Huh? Why do you act like no one here read the manga? Most of the chapter dump thread always hit the bump limit.
Wait. Why did (k)now name get credited in the music and all we got was this trash?
I've never heard of this series before, it looks interesting
I picked the manga up a month ago and you can't stop me from liking it faggot
>check manga status
Shut the fuck spy x family threads were never dead. It is as mainstream as kaguya.
No idea.
i actually going to wait for next week
>The bullet butt chapter is getting animated
Can't wait
>I was disappointed with the preview
>disappointed by the chorus which is the best part of the song
wtf user.
jazz sucks and the fujo sounding op sucks
still gonna keep watching this though
Yor's weakspot is her ass
why user? are you afraid of this girl showing up to your favorite story?
>Her rebound is fucking Franky
Nta but I felt the same way. I like the full song more than I thought I would.
I think they're doing the BGM and other music.
Based Franky though, best boy gets best girl.
Daybreakbros... is our boy going to die alone?
the chorus itself means nothing without the build up and support of the rest of it. ED is great, I admit I was wrong.
OP is still meh though
I bet he's already married to a cute smart girl has a cat and a very serious kid
Oh. I was hoping for multiple ED/OPs but this is still good. They've yet to disappoint me.