he's trying his best
He's trying his best
He is literally the best spy in the world there is no try about it.
>best spy in the world
>can't raise a child
You try raising this while having to stop evil plots on the daily. Let's see what happens
Isn't it easier to get into academy as a teacher in order to connect to the target through Damien rather than making up the whole family?
Background checks would probably be even more strict/thorough for teachers
>background checks in the 1920s europe
>1920's europe
Isn't the story stylized after the cold war?
it's like the late 70s/ early 80s, but in this alternate timeline east germany attacked west germany during the 50s/60s
>trying his best
>get uncovered on first day
Wow good job
and I bet the best mechanic in the world can't animate a tv show either.
I wonder whose fault was that
a new teacher isn't gonna get to attend the annual bigwig meeting thing. he'd have to work there for several years.
Oh man she's so adorable
>Anya finally collects the 8 stars
>Capt. Mustache finally shows up
>200 chapters ensue and is finally capture
I fucking hate knowing this is the fate of this manga.
Why is this heavily advertised TV show so low budget and CGI heavy?
so wat other super powers is there in this series
The dog is also telepathic
no he's not. he sees the future.
could've sworn he and anya have back and forths
Yor's brother might not as strong as her but he also has no problems going without sleep for days and being hit by truck-kun.
pretty sure he sees the future and anya just reads his mind.
Anya can use her powers to see what he's seeing, they're a combo
Anya is smart
>Loid got scrapped in the chin by one of Yor's kicks and was instantly K.Od
>Yuri received 2 direct haymakers from her drunk sister only to stand up a few seconds later
The man is a fucking tank, Ostanians are built different
Yea, I remember that part, but I also know that the dog responds to her. Maybe it's just he realizes she's a telepath and has 1 way conversations with her.
He's also able to survive eating Yor's cooking. Man's got indestructible insides as well.
>scrapped in the chin
wasn't he kicked hard enough to nearly hit the ceiling?
>Oh Yor my sweet sister, She's a joy
>She's an angel!
>So adorable
>God I love my big sis so much
This panel always cracks me up
yuri will die to save loid or something
*saving Anya
And then Anya will unlock her next power, a Professor X tier telepathy that can also freezes people and shit.
Yor is a freak of nature superwoman
Dog is clairvoyant
And there's pic related
me when entering the girl's bathroom
>Yor canonically has no smell
How could Axeman do this to me
why was I on the verge of tears the entire episode bros
you know will never have qt Anya daughteru trying so hard to please you and get your love for your protection.
Yeah me too
Broken people healing each other is a top tier trope
Yep. Just a indirect hit.
Kid can read minds what did you expect
Cute series.
its fine
we have the confirmation that she takes things up the ass
they're not broken, they're just incomplete without each other
Because you will never have a father like that
I don't want a spy father
One who sees me as no more than a tool to gain social status that he will dump the second he gets what he wants out of me?
he ain't like that, he just wants best...
Your hardwired biological instinct to procreate and raise a cute daughter woke up. Unfortunately it will only get worse as you get older yet remain alone.
oh wow telepathy girl so quirky and wacky hahahaha. I cant wait to see her act retarded more!
she's a little girl and doesn't understand the world. Of course she's retarded.
so tired of this mystical feminist garbage. no tarot cards are not real. you cant read my palms whore.
wait, are you implying telepathic little girls aren't real? I'm not sure I follow, they're obviously very real. I just saw one on TV
Smart? Peanut?
That's an 80yr old man. You don't know the tricks of the trade children don't look like kids on tv that's why they use 80yr old men and apply heavy make up to make them into young kids.
As long as he tries.
it's not, we'll just get a future where anya grows up loving mommy and daddy even after their disappearance
You know why
I love Abe
Your instincts realizing that your genes will never be passed on.
eh, the world isn't missing out on much.
>t. nearly blind and with a bone disease
Your body may be crippled but that doesn't mean your instincts don't want to breed.