Why are Nips such Germaboos?

>in 86 the good guys are notGermans wearing Hugo Boss uniforms
>in Spy x Family the setting is notGermany during the cold war
>every isekai and remotely fantastic anime is essentially notGermany during the middle ages

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Japan was a part of the axis powers. That should clear things up.

Wir sind besser als du

Once you get to high school they'll teach you about 20th century history.

Losers stick together.

Nazi Germany was aesthetic as fuck.
Their typography was beautiful too. Hard to read, though.8gh22

can't tell if you guys are pretending to be retarded or actually this stupid

it's just a dumb ugly turk in germany making this thread.

I'm pretty sure he's genuinely seething over this which makes it even funnier. I don't think he's joking lmao

because they are our eternal ally

>you were on the same side as some guys halfway across the world during a war 80 years ago this means that their culture should pervade your media forever
that is not a good answer

Germany lost its SOUL in 1918.

I meant the people that dumb all of it down to WW2

It's the correct one, your oversimplification doesn't help you.

When you were the two major figures in the losing side of an attempt at a radical new world order that's demonized forever there's some lingering camaraderie.

>let bygones be bygones just ignore ww2 bro

>in 86 the good guys are notGermans wearing Hugo Boss uniforms
Ive been meaning to watch this show, is this really the case?

It's cool and chuuni.

I'm not saying that WW2 should be ignored, I'm saying that there's much more history than just that

Them wacky germans were hugely influential though and even today they're a major influence in world politics. You can't possibly have missed that unless you're living under a massive rock.
So why wouldn't they also have influence on modern day entertainment as well?

Pic rel is the good guy's crest. They are called the Federal Republic of Ger- Giad.

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Don't pretend to be dense. "People think positively about their historical ally who hasn't done anything recently to piss everyone off" isn't a concept that's hard to grasp.

Well, the !German Empire did create the killer robots, so the !Germans decided that they'd rather become a republic instead of remaining a monarchy that builds killer robots.
Meanwhile, the !French Republic takes it as an opportunity to get rid of all its undesirable ethnic minority populace by using them as slave labor and then as cannon fodder (after the good noble !French died fighting the killer robots, leaving only the racist cowards in charge).
So, it's kinda yes, and kinda no.

The japanese simply understand who the protagonists of planet earth are.
Kopier, seide und dilatier.

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yes fighting together against the rest of the world leaves quite the impression on you

its not as much as just because they were allies in ww2, the reason they were allies in ww2 in the first place comes from earlier strong influences during meije restoration industrialization and such. they didnt just randomly team up to fight the world

didn't a German write their national anthem as well?

All the retards here will point out the elementary level observation of them being completely unapologetic Nazi allies. It's true, but incomplete.

They've been on a Prussian LARP since the Meiji. They modeled much of their post-Shogunate society on Prussia and they still can't get enough of it over 160 years later.


Do you now that feeling when you see a Chinese temple or read about Japanese culture? Like you were just isekai'd into a different reality because the culture is so extremely different to your own?
This is what nips feel when they see Schloss Neuschwanstein, when they see Lederhosen, when they see Fachwerkhäuser, when they see an Alphorn.

Oh and they like that we didn't surrender during ww2. Because of honor or whatever.


German culture mindbreaks Japanese men

So are they actually based or is it just an aesthetic?
Like are they only at war with the robots or other countries as well?

Germany was very inflential on Japan during its modernization drive. This survives as a general enthusiasm for german aesthetics.

Only at war with the killer robots, because the killer robots threaten all human life, of course.

Because two nukes wasn't enough.

>takeo ischi
holy based

It's Japan buttering up to the Germans so they forget about their lost colonies.

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mein bruder

summer is here early


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They have a far bigger crush with the USA, France, Italy and England maybe even Spain before they're fans of German stuff

We used to be cool.

Sprich Deutsch, Du Hurensohn!

ara the japanese the only ones obsessed with germans? just take a look at modern day zoomers, the japanese do it without noticing it just like the rest of the world

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They still believe that Great Britain is white. Let them live with their delusions in peace.


Because they are based.

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Why should it stop?

Oi m8! Do you have a loicense for that hate speechy crime?

Unironic soul, god I wish I knew nothing of the world and visited 19th century venice, rome, and dresden as a young boy

there are a lot of reasons for that.
historically there are were some common interests of course.
germany has some traditions that nips like and maybe could relate to more than with other western countries.
it's pretty funny if you ask nips today they still have a very traditional view of germans.

Jeder Klaps ein Japs

Both nations believe in Ordnung muss sein

_ did nothing wtong

dunno, why are you such a weaboo?

when you stop subjugating every country that stands against you glowie

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Isekai's cities looks more southren France/Italy to me

>>in Spy x Family the setting is notGermany during the cold war
Except that neither side appears to be communist.

Germans and the Japanese have two different sides of the same autism. There's no country in the whole world that operate on as much pure, concentrated autismo as these two. That's why they like each other.

They were together in WW2 and they are perceived to be strong.

The Chinese will probably be Russianboos the same way after this war. Although Russia is not strong, but the fake news will be enough to convince them.

Th only thing that bothers me is japs won't admit the Germans were the good guys of WW2 and they were the selfish pieces of shit that deserved to get nuked twice.

they're called wehraboos dumbass

no there isn't ww2 was the start of history

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>but the fake news will be enough to convince them.
Kek, something something orcs, asiatic horde, etc. Dumbass.

I wouldn't be so sure about that, Germany actually has a culture worth admiring while Russia really doesn't.

Russia has a great culture
The only problem is that its tainted with Soviet era shit