"she was just happened to be a telepath"

>"she was just happened to be a telepath"
Aaaaand you lost me. Another show with unnecessary supernatural elements forced into it. Not to mention her character design sticks out like a sore thumb.

Attached: spy-xfam.png (1920x1080, 731.89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She's cute.


Loid can instantly produce hyper-realistic disguises and Yor can throw daggers with the force of a tank cannon and kick cars off the road, I don't think telepathy and precognition are much of a stretch here.

dont care, Spy x Family is definitely AOTS, maybe even AOTY

>>He just happens to be a super spy
>Aaaaand you lost me.
>>She just happens to be a legendary assassin
>Aaaaand you lost me.

user pick better bait

It's a shonen, idiot. What did you expect

>Not to mention her character design sticks out like a sore thumb.
How else are you supposed to sell merchandise?

Its a comedy bro why are you getting invested in story elements

Her design really is obnoxiously loud, has kind of the Chopper effect post timeskip

but she's so cute tho

didn't she come out of a labratory, like the dog?

>expected to see interesting and intellectual show about spies
>it's moeshit for pedophiles
>Yea Forums loves it

what the fuck happened with nu-Yea Forums?

Attached: 1628284441975.png (395x551, 183.56K)

It’s just one of those gimmicks to catch everyone’s interest only to be dropped a few chapters in.

what the fuck are you talking about, I don't think there's a chapter with Anya where she doesn't use her telepathy

not that i care about the telepathy but those are still a far cry away from supernatural elements

Well psychic powers are real too, like remote viewing or astral projection and prescience

nigga wha

Attached: 1601994055739.jpg (986x1050, 149.86K)

>He doesn't know about the cold war psychic research projects

>thinks spying is an intrinsically inellectual topic

>it's moeshit for pedophiles
its just a comedy bro
don't project the pedophilia of certain Yea Forumsnons on to the show itself

Every single complaint in this thread is completely retarded

actually Kunoichi Tsubaki is the canny show


Except it was brought around by science.

Is this show a parody of the DDR times before the Mauerfall?

And the dog can see the future.

No, it just uses a heavily fictionalized version of East Germany as a setting.

Looking at this thread I can only image the bait we are getting once Chainsawman is out at the end of the year

It’s barely ever used outside of a handful of panels for repetitive jokes. You could take away her psychic and the story would be same.

If you think about it, why would a psychic ever willingly participate in a research project? If they validate the existence of psychics they become farm cattle, and can literally read the minds of their would-be psychic slave masters so they know that discovery is the worst fate possible.

>intellectual show
stop watching cartoons

>ITT: user fails to see the prerogative of the show that is the concept "you can't understand kids" being flipped by having a "kid that understands you"
I'm sorry you couldn't get past the brainlet filter.

>intellectual show
read a book loser

>now the Japanese start to fucking make their REAL WORLD SHOWS about Krauts and notGERMANY
Wow, first scifi, then isekai, now slice of life. What's next?

>Aaaaand you lost me.
Oh god how I wish we actually lost you.
But no, you'll be here next week to complain about it again.

>she was just happened
Fuck off, idiot ESL

this isn't even good bait
>Yea Forums
for fuck's sake guys

go watch burger movies instead amirite? XDD

>expected to see interesting and intellectual show about spies
You didn't actually expect that
>it's moeshit for pedophiles
It's a wholesome family action comedy

The declassified experiments mainly focused on remote viewing iirc, not mind reading.
The CIA's conclusion was apparently that it was legit.

for me, that made it cross the line to being good. you’d have to be an idiot to take that bait

that's assuming they were honest and told you the truth about something that could easily undermine and destroy them, rather than throwing you some bogus "declassified" info to make you chase after shadows and believe in lies, believing it true because of being an argument from authority.

>go watch burger movies instead amirite? XDD
no. a book

This shit happens with every series that gets an anime. It's hard at this point to deny that animefags aren't on the whole retarded.

>It’s barely ever used outside of a handful of panels for repetitive jokes. You could take away her psychic and the story would be same.
Why are you lying on the internet? It happens so many times, as it was very useful in the boat arc for leading loid to the bombs location, and pic related was from 2 chapters ago, do you get off acting retarded?

Attached: Anya does her thing.jpg (784x2747, 594.08K)

>Yea Forums
Lurk more tourist

Yeah, it's called a fucking camera.

If people are already THIS butthurt about a wholesome, innocent, and cute family anime like SxF getting some sort of popularity then I can't even imagine the amount of butthurt and damage CSM will cause to this board. It's just pathetic man.

You want to hear a new one? People got angry at Witch Hat because the author likes JonJay, prepare to see a million threads about it when the anime comes out next year.

quality bait

Wait, Witch Hat Altier has an anime in production? That's a new one, I haven't read the manga yet but glimpses of the manga pages from OPTs and elsewhere make me doubt the anime will be anywhere close to how great the manga looks.

Kill yourself, 2020 election tourist.

Yes, it was confirmed

CSM already has a dogshit fanbase and even worse threads, the anime will only make it worse

This whole board will be insufferable when that airs.

long since filtered, don't really care

Does nobody ever comment on her fucking horns? I noticed in her flashback they were hidden by hair, why did she start to put them out in public like a slut?

Imagine seeking smart things from a fucking family cartoon KEEEEKKKKKK

They're just small hats.