Aharen-san wa Hakarenai

>Aharen-san wa Hakarenai
>Birdie Wing
>Build Divide
>Gaikotsu Kishi-sama
>Healer Girl
>Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi
>Love Live
>Machikado Mazoku
>Mahoutsukai Reimeiki
>Paripi Koumei
>RPG Fudousan
>Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road
>Spy x Family
>Yuusha, Yamemasu

Holy shit 17 fucking shows to watch.

Every new season retards cry about anime dying yet we have more and more stuff to watch every year.

Attached: [SubsPlease] RPG Fudousan - 01 (1080p) [2BFAE0A4].mkv_snapshot_11.38.664.jpg (1920x1080, 266.66K)

>Build Divide
Watch Go Rush instead.

This is actually the best season in years because the Tokyo Olympics ended and we can have naked/ blatantly sexualized lolis again like in your pic.

I've been following this topic very closely for the last few years, and there's a clear resurgence this season.

It's crazy.

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Nah BD is more interesting.

It's not even just about lolis. Fanservice we are getting those last two seasons is crazy.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekakechuu - 01 (1080p) [AAE4BA1E].mkv_snapshot_00.05.185.jpg (1920x1080, 266.4K)

Anime is healing.

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I wouldn't say best in years but revival is real.


I wasn't really thinking about why I wasn't picking up as much shows in the past few seasons. Then this season happens and I'm following a dozen. Great season.

>Birdie Wing
>Healer Girl
>Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi
>Machikado Mazoku
>RPG Fudousan
>Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road
These are the only ones worth watching/with potential.

The only one that catched my attention is Healer Girl. It's so good, can't wait next episode.

I'm glad that we've gone back to pre-covid levels of stacked seasons, but at the same time I'm suffering because there's a lot of anime to watch and I just felt like tackling my game backlog too but there's no time to do shit.

I missed all RPG threads, but I was positively surprised. Of course it's not normalfag compatible at all.

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this season is so abysmally shit that i can decide what to watch after a single ep or almost at a glance
saves me a lot of time but still
what has the world become...

Here come the retards.

>not liking Spy x Family
Shit taste.

If you kill yourself, the world will become a better place.

I suppose you'll always have stuff to watch if your standards border non-existence.

>has opinion differing from yours
>here's the retard!!!111

>If you kill yourself, the world will become a better place.
only after you, dear sir
and no, it won't

All cute girls, no notable sakuga. I'll wait until all tv series are at their episode 4.

>Spy x Family
shitposting show of the season, nothing lost except for gremlin lewds

Of course you had to be some /pol/shit or similar crossboarder.

>I got into anime 4 months ago

>All cute girls, no notable sakuga
fucking this
too much cheap cutesy sol for the kiddies

>Of course you had to be some /pol/shit or similar crossboarder.
of course i'm not, retard
what makes you think that?

>I got on Yea Forums 4 months ago

>This is actually the best season in years because the Tokyo Olympics ended and we can have naked/ blatantly sexualized lolis again like in your pic
Wow, a bath scene of a 16-year-old fake JK loli. So bold and brave. This is totally Kodomo no Jikan 2.0

Because you post like a retard.. And you probably are offended now, because the other boards welcome your posting style. You are an easy to spot piece of shit. You will never fit in.

If you're impressed by generic seasonal garbage, you're a newfag.

>fake loli
Are you LRD? I keep wondering why you don't just commit suicide.

>how to spot a retard
All anime is or was seasonal, you absolute retard. Unless you're referring to movies and obscure 80ies OVAs.
If you don't like anime, which is obviously the case, just go look for another hobby.

>All anime is or was seasonal
Why do you newfags think this is some sort of gotcha? Yes, almost all TV anime were once seasonal. When somebody says "generic seasonal garbage," they main typical formulaic shit that airs every season.
And I do watch anime. I just don't watch 15+ airing shows every season like a retard.

is talking shit on random strangers is how you're adhering to the high standards of this board?
i post only on Yea Forums but you're free to think what the fuck you want, retard

JK cannot be a true loli.
This isn't something LRD made up. This is literally fact.
Kaos, Yuno, etc. are just midgets, not actual children. If they are sexualizing an actual JS, then you can talk.


>le newfag
I've been watching anime for over a decade. I don't watch 15+ shows every season either. Every anime has aired on TV, except movies and OVAs - your statement about "seasonal anime" is objectively newfag bullshit who don't know the first thing about anime. I think you might have more fun on reddit, all posters there are unique snowflakes with refined tastes.

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>I can't enjoy loli fanservice because I'm an annoying MAP
Go be a retard somewhere else.

>no u
Pure newfag behavior.

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>I want true loli fanservice because I'm a based pedo

Go watch your live action reality TV shows.

I’m watching melancholy of suzumiya 2009
Am I missing something or is this just it?

Have you ever been on r/anime? All they talk about is seasonal trash with occasional mentions of "classics."

Nah, I will consume media I enjoy like anime, manga, visual novels, and video games.

>is this just it
90% hype, 5% substance, 5% sakuga

>autistic MAP screeching

I'm a CIS male pedophile. Why would I do that?

>he consumes media he claims to like but actually hates
Bit masochistic.

The first five episodes was just retarded
The next three I’m just lost
Thanks for the clarification

You don't dilate the vagina of the 3 year old in your basement? I thought you were a trupedo.

I never said I hate anime.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Mahoutsukai Reimeiki - 01 (720p) [48FFF783].mkv_snapshot_20.18.497.jpg (1280x720, 442.2K)

just fyi, multiple watching orders exist
the original is pretty random, many recommend watching the show in chronological order
google it

>generic seasonal garbage

Source of this cute animus?

>excuse me I'm not raping children
>I'm having CONSENSUAL (wink wink) lacerating love with them
You know why everyone hates pedos? Because of people like you. Your very behavior. Go kill yourself before you rape a child.

I've never had sex with a child, consensual or non-consensual. If you hate pedos so much, reconsider your status as a lolicon.

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Yes, I hate generic seasonal garbage, not anime in general.
>b-but all anime is seasonal
You know very well what I meant when I said "generic seasonal garbage."

I never said I'm a lolicon. If you don't like fanservice of child-like characters, but prefer 3D child porn, reconsider your status as a lolicon, disgusting MAP.

>only 17

>You know very well what I meant when I said "generic seasonal garbage."
Yes, I understand you're a retarded newfag.

Stop it

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>I never said I'm a lolicon
Makes sense you put midgets and children on an equal level.




LGBTQI2AP characters never really appealed to me, but I am enjoying this

Attached: [SubsPlease] RPG Fudousan - 01 (720p) [9BCF4B04].mkv_snapshot_11.42.016.jpg (1280x720, 322.25K)

ITT: stop enjoying things, please, I beg you

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I would FUCk every loli in this thread at the same time

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The only lolis posted ITT are

What about the blue slut


You forgot

That's a midget.

Actually, newfags to anime are much more likely to handpick a small amount of shows in a season (usually either only big name shounenshit, or recommendations from anime "critics") than to pick a big batch of shows up like the posts you quoted did.

>watching that much shit
Damn bro, just get better taste.

Maybe the absolute newest of newfags would do that, but one level down newfag lane is binging every single show available because they're ignorant but curious.


>Dragon Quest videogame fantasy
>light novel adaptation
>shit CG
>second season

I'm only watching Birdie Wing, Healer Girl, Paripi Koumei and Spy X Family.