Ao Ashi - Be Blues

No thread for the best current spokon?

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Attached: [SubsPlease] Ao Ashi - 01 (1080p) [D52C01DB]6.webm (1920x1080, 420.24K)


Attached: RONALDO.jpg (1920x1080, 367.74K)

Attached: [SubsPlease] Ao Ashi - 01 (1080p) [D52C01DB].webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

That's not blue lock

Attached: [SubsPlease] Ao Ashi - 01 (1080p) [D52C01DB]1.webm (1280x720, 1.31M)

Attached: [SubsPlease] Ao Ashi - 01 (1080p) [D52C01DB]2.webm (1280x720, 2M)

Blue Lock is not even a real spokon. Just a hodgepodge of cliche to attract fujos.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Ao Ashi - 01 (1080p) [D52C01DB]3.webm (1920x1080, 1.52M)

Attached: [SubsPlease] Ao Ashi - 01 (1080p) [D52C01DB]4.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

The series is great you sissy

Attached: [SubsPlease] Ao Ashi - 01 (1080p) [D52C01DB]5.webm (1280x720, 1.77M)


Blue Lock exists you know
Beat me to it

>Just a hodgepodge of cliche to attract fujos.
Haven't watched either, but OP pic seems like to cater towards fujos as well.

>long running shonen manga
uhh... no thanks. ep 1 is quite good but I don't have enough dedication to follow this.

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Ao Ashi don't have any fujobait, and that's why it's sadly going to flop compared to Blue Lock. Male anime fans don't really care nowadays about spokons.

he means the other, better, fatter ronaldo

Blue lock is good because of the fact that It doesn't nakama power. Everyone hates each other's guts, and that's what makes it entertaining. Also, bastard munchen and berserk dortmund

Episode needed more of this cutie.

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Nothing wrote by Muneyuki Kaneshiro could be even be decent. The art is carrying the series as much as something can carry the absolute retard plots of Kaneshiro.

>The unreasonably mean character actually apologizes.

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Might as well pack it up OP Yea Forums is either braindead enough to like shit like Blue lock unironically or obsess over cute girls give it till episode 3/4 so you can shill Hana or something

There's no subtle (or overt in Blue Lock's case) homoeroticism in Ao Ashi unlike Blue lock where the focus is on the 99.9% male cast

You can read chapters 93 - 116 if you just want to read a good match

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I forgot it aired today

Do you mean Klopp's Liverpool the anime?

The character designs alone are fujobait, no straight male will watch this show

Is this similar to Diamond no Ace?
The manga is quit popular, but watching this week to week is pain in the ass.
I'll just drop it for now and marathon it after it ended.

You didn't even read your own screencap.
And the manga is published in Big Comic Spirits.

So, is she a sex worker or just a stripper or something?

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Tell me if this has something fresh that has never been done in Football manga.
Honestly while it looks good but honestly from a bit of glance just rehash of Football manga tropes that already been done well in series older series like Knight in the Area or Whistle.

It doesn't

Why do all modern sports anime have to cater to fujoshi?

Most men are trannies that want to be women and watch female MCs these days, fujos are the only people that still prefer men.

>user once again brings trannies up in a completely irrelevant thread.

>This and Love all Play.
I'm in heaven, Two normal sport shows without any bullshit just hard work and training aka the best kind.

Restaurant owner or something

MC gets his dreams shattered by his coach and is forced to play defense. Not sure if that's considered fresh though.

dont kid yourself, only women care about blue lock because of its blatant fujobaits

>forgetting ryman's club

Why did everyone just step aside?

how is this not subtle fujobait user

Only women pay for merch with male characters.

It's just another setback for MC to overcome with power of perseverance and determination.

Then why did the MC get so upset about the kid saying his mom has to work "at night"?

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because you see fujo in everything as long as it has 2 male characters interacting with each other

Yeah this is what I think. Would be cool if he would would work hard becoming the best defense player instead but I doubt it.

It's like diamond no ace, but about football?

Blue lock is great shonen. Now, you being attracted to men to the point of not being able to read the thing without flipping out it's another issues

It's hard to make good story from defensive players POV since they mostly stand by on their side of field.

When's the last time we had a good sports show? 2018?

>being attracted to men to the point of not being able to read the thing without flipping out it's another issues
Wouldn't it be the other way around? Just say he's insecure about his masculinity. That makes more sense than the nonsense you just suggested.

Uma Musume S2 aired last year.

Instead of making realistic soccer manga like the current trend, maybe Japan should go back to the golden age of Captain Tsubasa, with bullshit power moves and all.

Let me tell you a secret kid, all the football spokons are a honeypot for fujos. Is in the adn. The comiket was build in the back of fujos that draw BL of Captain Tsubasa. Like at one point in the 80's all the BL doujin were from Yamato, Gundam or Captain Tsubasa.

Megalo Box season 2. If you want some recommendations, though, you should make a thread on /wsr/. You don't need to thinly veil your question there.

In JP barely anyone is talking about this and in the west it doesn't have any chance against all the LN adaptations and romcoms this season.

Flop of the season along with Birdie Wing and that Mappa dance anime.


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I'm watching that too but I was mostly just focused on Spring anime only.

Just make him a pastiche of Beckenbauer/Koeman.

>Caring entirely about how many people watch something and not at all about the actual content.
Is this what it means to truly be an NPC? All that matters is the numbers to you? You're a joke.

BL is so great that i havent seen a single thread discussing the latest chapters or a dump

I feel burned out by sport shows by now. Maybe I will give it a chance, but I might just download the first episode and leave it untouched as with so many other sport series. They are all too similar for my taste especially nowadays.
Shitposters care. Chances are high they are isekai or romcom fags.

That's what mean bros. It's just sequels.
Where's the next Ping Pong or Run With The Wind? That was in 2018 and since than it's been nothing hoping for different sequels.

>Be Blues
You lied to me.

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It matters when the adaptation is of a super long manga. They are going to adapt only like a 10% of it and the chance of a sequel is very low.

Well, it's a bit hard to describe but the MC is completely forced to change how he plays from the ground up since he was so settled on being a forward and a superstar. The perspective shifts from being about scoring goals and more about how he as a defender can be an anchor to his team both defensively and offensively, and he starts to see the game in a whole different way.

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Big Windup sequel when? Ace of Diamond sequel when?
Why does Major 2 have to be so bad?

I think guys like Beckenbauer/Baresi/any classical genius defender works better as the opposite of the MC.
What I'm curious is why there are no Football manga with pure playmaker as the MC.
I want to see a good playmaker controlling the game and slicing the opponent defense with passes.
Tsubasa doesn't count since he mostly just dribble and scoring goals by himself.
The closest thing to good playmaker depiction I've seen was Araki from Area no Kishi,
and he's just supporting character.

Ahiru no Sora.

Why would he not get mad that some rando is implying his mother is a prostitute because she works late hours? She talks about ingredients a lot and her other son helps out so I'm just assuming she's a chef/restaurant owner of some sort (Pic unrelated of course)

The one covering up is a woman user

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>Ace of Diamond
Does it have enough material?

That was pretty bad and will never get a sequel. Read the mangaka hated the adaption.
I've never seen one with a main character playmaker. Giant Slayer showed playmakers off well with the Italian Japanese fella. He was their main attack link.
Where's the Kuroko of soccer?

>Where's the Kuroko of soccer?
Blue lock


Major 2nd unironically better than original Major.

DnA would have enough material for a normal 2 cour season, but so far the shortest they have gone is 4. Not quite enough material for that yet.