Urusei Yatsura

Today's topic: some random old computer game!

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post the "3am zakks" version

please stop posting
please get a girlfriend

Please get a life son


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Cool find can you tell me something about it

Never stop making dailies friend.

Lummy mommy gimme milky big round soft.

Top quality thread, as always.

here is another uy game

I love you sweet Ran

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wow, this looks like a fun point and click game, thanks user

If you find a torrent in english let me know I'm dying to play it

>implying that i'm not going to play it japanese
i have to improve my vocabulary in any case, this could be a good start

More power to you but I'm way to lazy to learn new languages

Imagine being so mentally ill you force yourself to create a thread on a Mongolian basket weaving fourm on a daily basis to discuss a fourty year old Chinese children's cartoon.

cmon user, don't you want to enjoy all these untranslated japanese games?
don't be a ngmi fag

Time for heavy drinking and UY

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Hey throny boy can you head over to wapchan? Got a favor to ask of you



I love you sweet Ran

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I love my wife so much

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I love how whe has an helmet for hair
She is very pretty and sexy

I love you so much Ran I just love you my sweet little Ran

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Ouyuki is the most elegant of the cast for sure

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I really love you more then anything my sweet Ran id die for you my angel

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You're not wrong and it would be nice to read all the untranslated manga aswell

Angry Ran is so adorable

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Im gonna continue my rewatch now

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that too

i don't love my ex wife ran-chan.

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lummy bunny i love you so much

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will the reboot not suck?

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look how precious she is! look

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lum is forever even if we are not

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I love you so much really Ran ill think about you when I die my sweet queen I love you so much

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Hey Ran I love you

Sakura > everyone else and that's a fact.

true and as long as i breath i will ever love her

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Drinking untill your head hurts and everything feels weird is the only way to do it

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thats the spirit

Right, hell yeah a bottle of vodka

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rum with cola here

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also nice, I just prefer something that kicks me in the face fast and clean

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>rum with cola
holy based

I want a new drug

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One that wont make me nervouse one that makes me like when im with you

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stay with alcohol and cigarretes

>doesnt get it

he saved billions of lives


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not really the drugs that i know that are calming are pretty shit

alcohol is fine, cheap enough I just hope it wont fuck up my mind

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Watch a different anime.

How about Urusei Yatsura (2022)?

how about you suck my cock


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And now to get all this vodka down some cola with whiskey

on the rocks?

On the rocks is watered down shit. Real men drink it straight.

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Dunno what that means sorry I love you Ran

whiskey cola is straight?

whiskey tastes like shit on its own I mix a little whiskey with cola because it makes it taste better

that means with ice cubes, when you order a drink, any drink, and say on the rocks it means you want it with ice

most cheap ones are terrible but there is some really tasty whiskey out there

I have 10 euro whiskey but I regret not getting 5 euro whiskey, I only use it to upgrade cola anyways, vodka is better for the drunk effect

I clearly didn't read the previous reply.

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if you would put a bottle of jameson in front of me i would drink it straight