Got any ideas for new forms or techniques?
Dragon Ball Super
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Who is that irrelevant jobber? GT filler or something?
A technique that lets the characters power up by eating their own feces.
Already done.
my bf
Super Bejita landed next to Trunks and Bulma. Krillin landed next to Piccolo, who kept a fearful distance from the Saiyan.
"Wait! Do not touch him!" Piccolo called, stopping Trunks dead in his tracks. "Bejita now holds the power of the Emerald within him. It's too much for any one creature to handle. I'm sorry... but he's just not the Bejita you once knew."
Super Bejita floated eerily for a moment, then placed one gloved hand under his armpit.
The fart sound hit with the decibels of a bomb blast.
It doesnt matter when strategies boil down to PUNCH, SCREAM, OR BEAM HARDER!
Not true in OG or Z.