
What did you think of it?

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Not finished yet, only read up to volume 2. It's good so far, but not as good as Blame.

Nihei's taken a dive since about a third of the way through Sidonia. Somewhere along the line he forgot what shading was and in his attempts to be more accessible, lost a lot of what made his work so good in the first place.

Nihei fell off sadly

old nihei good, new nihei bad

>wow! it's fucking nothing.jpg
Honestly I wish it was better than what we got. And probably it was axed considering how it felt like it was starting a new arc just to end a few chapters later abruptly.

they made the twink crossdress as a busty woman so it was based

How can an artist become so much worse over time? I can't believe the guy who drew Abara made complete dogshit like Sidonia and Aposimz.

saves ink and is cringe due to that

I'd even argue he was meandering in Biomega.
He needs to bring back Abarra/Digimortal, stick with the mature MC, and just flesh out the world and a plot. It seems he's better with a monster-of-the-week sort of plot with a main plotline towards the final arc sort of structure vs. one straight plot.

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it's more a style shift. He definitely got better from beginning of Blame to end of Blame with how the people looked and just refined it throughout the old Nihei works after.
He just needs to go back to that PAIRED maybe a more "mainstream" plot if he really wants the mainstream success.

sidonia good | aposimz bad

Nihei should just illustrate a story written by someone else so that he can solely focus on the art, which is what he is good at. I don't know why more artists don't do this.

I kind of liked it once it all clicked. Just a giant tragedy caused by the limitations put on Titania preventing her from explaining everything.

The aesthetic of it was sort of interesting too. Like a more meaty and weathered megastructure.

I take it you have never worked with creatives then?

Might as well stop now, the ending is fucking stupid and makes you feel like you wasted your time.

Im ok with the ending in theory but the final "ark" leading to it was underwhelming as fuck, and so was the """big""" reveal

yeah, they belong in chains.

Axed and rushed ending

Shinotase should've won

must sting to be a pretty good manga writer and fall so far that you get axed for being too boring


I heard Nihei is making a new manga, what is it?

He's fine with monster-of-the-week format and a main plotline in the background, that was how Blame! was for a while with Killy encountering different places, characters and enemies on the overall journey of getting someone with net genes. Sanakan/Cibo climax only really kicked in towards the last 3rd of the series.
He's just not very good at maintaining a singular plotline from beginning to end. Abara and/or Digimortal can give him that monster of the week format he's better at.

theres more blank page than there is drawing on it

I wouldn't say Nihei is a good writer. Even Blame! was meh in the writing department. His old art style, world, and designs carried most of the series.

>maybe a more "mainstream" plot if he really wants the mainstream success
I would dare to say it's the opposite. Nihei wanting to be mainstream has done more damage to his career than when he was doing his own thing.

losing his edges
he tries to "moefy" his work, less sharp and darker shading, characters look more tame and soft, inserting many waifu baits and archetype on top of that, so a lost of identity from his earlier work
I assume all of that is because his daughter saying your work is shit dad, AOT is tha best, so he wanted a boarder audience

it's because he's rich.

what you're attributing to an intentional decline is called being rich and not being hungry anymore.

that's all it is

>it's because he's rich.
Is he? I don't think of him as someone rich.

creating a work like blame! makes you rich.

The things that break into the mainstream and become huge hits are the crazy and weird ones. Do you think anybody would remeber Tolkien or Lovecraft today if they wrote standardized normie crap?

Nah, Blame! was niche as fuck. Nihei didn't become somewhat popular until Sidonia, and even that it was a quite humble success.
I honestly don't see Nihei being a richfag.

I think his art and story telling became much worse after his daugther told him he should make good and interesting manga like One piece instead of stuff like Blame!, that really broke his spirit and drive.

The giantess panels were kino and the vistas were interesting. Not as impactful as his other work, but certainly not bad, at least until it got axed.

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What a stupid brat

That quote is from 2013, which is around the time Sidonia started falling off. We have his daughter to blame for his downfall.


I enjoyed it for the most part. Cool setting, art was serviceable, though you're never quite sure whether the sparse details were a stylistic depiction of the ice and snow world, or whether Nihei was just lazy and cutting corners. Ending felt rushed, as if the manga got axed or Nihei suddenly lost interest and wrapped things up asap.

I actually liked the "use as little ink as humanly possible" artstyle but the story was meandering and ultimately went nowhere due to the axe.
The henshin armours were cool too.

>do an amazing world building in Blame
>does not iterate on it
sad desu

She's not wrong.

I dropped it like twenty chapters in because of how fucking boring and cliché it was.

Don't know what he did with his art, but it took a terrible direction. Nowadays, he just spams screentones all over his pages while using the minimum amount of lines for shading and inking, when that was what made people interested in his older works.

I miss old Nihei's art. He's just gotten lazy over the years.

Wasted potential but I absolutely love the whole turn into a skeleton then create your exosuit aspect.

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Sidonia was a different style of art but still great
Aposimz didn't work at all

is this from the blame and sidonia guy?
looks like his style

So he also does fucking stupid endings to copy SNK?


>creating a work like blame! makes you rich.

Blame sold so poorly that Nihei had to take out a loan while he was writing it

Get back in the kadokawa kino milking chambers, Satoru.
But seriously though, could you elaborate? Do mangaka hate adapting existing stories?

I couldn't get over how shit it looked so I stopped reading early, and every time I checked in to see if it was getting better (storywise) the answer was always no.
Sidonia actually looked good for a while. I don't know if he kept it up because I stopped reading and later saw the shitstorm over the ending.
The saddest thing is that he hasn't drawn in his old style for so long he probably can't anymore, and I expect he doesn't even want to. I doubt he'll ever make something as visually incredible as Abara or Blame again.

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DROPPED after 2 volumes
Unbearably boring and not memorable at all
A far cry from BLAME and BIOMEGA, in fact id even say sidonia is much better than this

I liked it sometimes

Wanting to be "successful" is largely a death sentence for your art. The best art comes from leaning into the aspect of your art that's unique to YOU, and developing it to the limits of what it can be. That's why Blame! and Abara are so evergreen; no one has or will recapture the weirdness inherent to them as an expression of Nihei's unique development as an artist/storyteller. However, artistic achievement isn't going to put rice on the table, so most people don't usually have the luxury to devote themselves to the quest. Look at any creative medium, and think about what percentage of the paid work that's done is creatively bankrupt shlock made by sell-outs who have to cater to a braindead and oblivious consumer base to make a living.

>t. Guy with an architecture degree who left the field rather than design shifty corporate office buildings for decades while his heart rotted and crumbled away

>am a creative guy working on a project that's slowly getting successful
>terrified of this happening to me
>it might have already happened and I can't see it
hate this

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Memory jogging on a threadly basis

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People don't really write stories where his art would get to shine anymore

you can have her and i will have my silicon wife

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