I just watched this over the course of 2 weeks

I just watched this over the course of 2 weeks.
Now I feel like I have to watch it again to actually understand what was going on in the first half of the show.

Attached: ergo_proxy.jpg (1024x1363, 240.34K)

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I can't stop thinking about how I would've written the show with just a couple of small modifications that would've made it reflect both Kabalistic Judaism and J.F. Gariepy's Revolutionary Phenotype

The loli was cute, at least

>J.F. Gariepy
Nobody cares about that autist anymore lol

his book is good, you should read it if you're into science fiction.
The way in which Romdeau's WombSys was used to genetically engineer basically emotion-less humans who would unquestioningly follow the directions of The Collective is pretty close to what JF describes in The Revolutionary Phenotype.

>I care
nonim just fucking trolling. I don't even know who that is I just always wanted to say that.

She was pretty annoying, especially with that stupid instrument she plays all the time, but Re-l is hot

Attached: Re-l.Mayer.full.1829806.jpg (600x600, 87.84K)


>Back before Manglobe took the Moeshit Pill

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Funny how they went bankrupt in spite of all the moeshit, serves them right

>Kabalistic Judaism
the way in which the outside world is lifeless and barren for a thousand years or so is basically the Sabbath Millennium.

Inside the domes you have the World to Come with people who, as prophesied, perfectly follow the Torah (because they're genetically engineered to do so) as well as a few immigrants as servants (goyim)

Mankind leaves Earth to get away from Gay Vampire Ebola AIDS
Things don't go too well for those left behind

>Inside the domes you have the World to Come
Russian Jews have already made proposals on how those domes should look like

Attached: tree_of_life_ecocity-5.jpg (600x425, 227.68K)

you have to go back

>the way in which the outside world is lifeless and barren for a thousand years or so is basically the Sabbath Millennium.
not really

>Inside the domes you have the World to Come with people who, as prophesied, perfectly follow the Torah (because they're genetically engineered to do so)
Wouldn't make sense considering the back story for humanity in Judaism

>as well as a few immigrants as servants (goyim)
Wouldn't make sense too in the World to Come as the only goyim getting a share of the world to come are the ones who followed Torah perfectly too (their part at least)

someone went through the trouble of writing a whole dissertation on this show:

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>the only goyim getting a share of the world to come are the ones who followed Torah perfectly too
don't see the contradiction here, since according to the Talmud, Jews who fulfill the appropriate mitzvah will be given 2,800 goy servants:
these goyim would be those who fulfilled the Noahide laws

are there any other shows that make you think as much as Ergo Proxy?
The only one I know that comes even close is Lain.

Attached: lain12-1280x800.jpg (1280x800, 605.57K)

I liked the first half more than the second.

God I miss IBS...such a shitshow

I can see why, but apart from 1 or 2 boring episodes, I liked the second half more than the first. Sure, there's not much happening in terms of plot, but I really enjoyed how it explored the psyche of Vincent and Re-l, and how it took on increasingly metaphysical/religious overtones towards the end.

LOTGH, but in a political way. Death Note and Steins;Gate maybe but with a hundred asterisks

Ceiling fan on the floor i'm like why yeah

I remember sleeping on that show in my three attempts at watching it

obvious answer

Attached: akagi-title.jpg (1364x1200, 467.41K)

It's literal and figurative dogshit. Objective canine feces masquerading as philosophical anime.

Episode 1 is good, every other episode is piss and shit with no exception


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It sucked I loved it. Genuinely trash but so enjoyable finished it in 3 days

Attached: Rea-L Squatting.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Why do pseuds love Ergo Proxy? Shit is as deep as a puddle and spends more time namedropping concepts and philosophers and navelgazing rather than doing anything interesting with what themes it actually does have.

Do it.

Maybe if you've got a really bad case of it.


Care to name some *actually* deep anime then?

Buddy, acclaimed literature and movies do this namedropping shit more often than in anime

they're all been outed as giga losers now, there's really no going back.

>watch it again to actually understand
>all aboard the meme train
don't bother, it's not going to become magically better

Pino is reading a book!

Princess Tutu

It continously questions what is real and what is just a figment of Vincent's imagination, which is absolutely a part of what the maxim "Cogito, ergo sum" from which it takes its title is about.

It follows two Gnostic heroes who are not out for fame or anything but on a quest to find out the truth about themselves and the world they live in, with people/proxies attempting to deceive them at every turn.
It also addresses the fact that most people are effectively NPC's virtually incapable of critical thought, and how machines may be able to develop more of a consciousness than those people. Compare this for example to how it only takes like 5 minutes of looking up stuff on Wikipedia to find out that almost the entire mass media in the West is dominated by Jews, yet 99% of the Goyim either remain completely unaware of this fact throughout their lives or never really grasp how it is relevant to the picture of the world they are presented by the mass media. Then thech companies come up with those A.I.'s that just analyze some data without a pre-programmed bias, and suddenly end up being race realists and antisemites.


If I think I know what you're looking for, my recommendations would be these:
> Texhnolyze
> The Big O
> Kino no Tabi

I really disliked the quiz show episode. Instead of doing such a giant info dump, the backstory should've been explained more organically over the course of a few episodes.

I just came back to mention Boku No Pico.

Finally, someone with taste

Finally someone who needs to bend over.

I watch the first couple of episodes with a DVD I had laying around just yesterday. Aside from overbearing composite effects, this show still looks really good and fairly modern.
Any goods that people would recommend as the dvd only goes up to episode 4. I grabbed the CTR 1080p one but I want to know if there is a good DVD resolution one.

I agree, EP isn't nearly as clever as it thinks it is. For me it's worth celebrating because - even though it's not great - there isn't a whole lot in the medium that tries to do anything similar (I can name maybe 3). Some episodes are well executed and thoughtful, other episodes are wacky exposition quiz shows.

>I want to know if there is a good DVD resolution one
if you don't mind watching raws, there's a zip file with all the episodes floating around on Perfect Dark

What're we going to do on the bed, user?

Raison D'etre
Raison D'etre
Raison D'etre
Raison D'etre


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I didn't understand why ergo proxy created proxy one.

The quiz show episode was not boring or anything, but i didnt take what they were saying serious. So, the fact that humans left in a ship and abandoned earth remained unclear to me until the end.

Smash Bros.

They're like a cute little family except the wife is a frigid bitch

Do it.

>rather than doing anything interesting with what themes it actually does have.
EP is basically Gnosticism in a nutshell, with a critique of modern humanism thrown in. You just didn't pay attention to what it does.

There aren't any. Anime is a baby brained medium filled with pseudo philosophy and nothing of actual substance.